Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 863: Imperative

Long Yun had already thought about this issue for a long time, and every time she needed to find someone, she was struggling.

Because she had to find a way to penetrate the local government-supervised camera system before she could retrieve the information inside.

This process is actually very complicated, and sometimes you may not be able to get what you want to use.

If they can have their own system of this kind, this problem can be solved easily, and they may not worry about someone else making such an attack for a long time.

Seeing Wu Tian came back, Long Yun quickly walked up.

"Mr. Wu... I have a proposal, I hope you can see it."

Wu Tian looked surprised. Usually, the people below submit proposals to him for money to do something.

Long Yun would block these things most of the time. It was not easy for Wu Tian to get one or two proposals occasionally, and it was easy to be firmly opposed by Long Yun.

This time she turned out to take the initiative to submit a proposal, which really surprised Wu Tian.

"What's the matter, you are so suddenly..." Wu Tian, ​​who was originally angry, was so stunned by Long Yun.

"Our current methods are too inefficient, so I hope to upgrade our company's monitoring system as soon as possible. I need a satellite!"

Long Yun said with a serious face, this opening almost shocked Wu Tian.

In the past, Long Yun wished she could whisper about the budget in Wu Tian’s ear every day. The company had no money. When she got here, she didn’t blink her eyes and directly asked for a satellite. ...

You know, let alone how much it costs to launch a rocket, the development of this satellite is also a very important issue.

Even if the Wu Group Company has this technology reserve, it will take some time.

"Is it all that serious? A satellite is necessary?" Wu Tian asked cautiously, he was afraid that he would hear a figure that would choke him.

"Of course, this time if we had such strength before, maybe we could monitor our construction site earlier and know in advance if anyone will attack us."

Long Yun's saying this is not nonsense, but it is based on a certain basis. In short, their situation is not much better than before, so if you think that it is safe to go on like this, it is a big mistake.

"When it comes to your safety, I don't have any opinions." Wu Tian looked at Long Yun's eyes, knowing that she was definitely not joking, and he simply nodded and agreed to this matter.

Hearing what Wu Tian would say, Long Yun was not surprised, nor did she expect it to be so smooth. I thought Wu Tian would have some other sayings.

"Then I will go ahead and arrange this task. I will arrange this task in the highest priority position. By the way, there is also the investigation. We probably locked two suspects, but we are looking for the entire s city. No news from them. It may take some time before results come out."

Long Yun said that at this time, she was actually a little unconvinced in her heart. Her abilities would definitely not stop here, it was just that the current methods did not take advantage.

"Okay, I see, you are busy with this matter first." Although Wu Tian is very concerned about the progress of this, he also knows what is really important now.

It's money!

The company's funds are not enough now, and he must quickly find a way. If the funds are sufficient, these things are not a problem.

Can't find anyone? If Wu Tian had money to launch ten eight satellites, as long as he showed up, he would definitely be able to catch clues.

But now they don't even have one, so this is the problem.

Wu Tian thought over and over for a while. At this stage, most of the business is indeed making money for the company. These hopes to get a huge improvement are somewhat unrealistic at present.

The brainwave game, which has been high hopes, is now in the developing stage. It will only be possible to harvest a lot of funds when all channels are working together to explode.

The only thing that can have some hope is the military factory.

Although this factory has only recently been acquired, their expenditure has become the largest in the entire group in a very short time.

Of course, Wu Tian first prepared the place where the knife was laid, which was here.

Since Long Yun was busy, Wu Tian had to let Shen Xue accompany him to the factory this time.

The location of the military factory is still some distance away from the city. Wu Tian can't drive himself now, so he can only ask Shen Xue.

The current military factory is much better than the lifeless feeling before. In any case, it looks more prosperous.

Wu Tian is quite satisfied, but the profit here is so low.

When Factory Manager Wang knew that Wu Tian was here, he was arranging the following production meeting. Upon hearing this news, he immediately suspended the meeting and planned to invite Wu Tian to his office.

Wu Tian looked at him with a slight smile, and refused the request.

"It's okay, I'll just listen to your meeting." This is a method Wu Tian often uses. Listening to the following meeting scenes is actually an important method to understand the work situation below.

There are many things that can be exposed in this meeting.

"This, then we will continue." Director Wang also knew that Wu Tian didn't have such a big air, so naturally he didn't force it anymore. Continue to preside over the production meeting.

"Director, do we still pretend to do parts processing?" A supervisor below seemed to be a little unsatisfied with the status quo.

Director Wang nodded and said helplessly: "Now the army's orders have been cut a lot, and these orders for processed products are hard to find by our people."

"But the director of the factory, all of us are holding back their energy. If this goes on, our factory's reputation will not be completely destroyed."

How could Director Wang didn't know about this kind of thing, but he really couldn't help it. Everyone had to count on him to receive his salary and eat.

"Wait later, we will get better in the future..." Director Wang could only choose to appease the situation at this time.

Wu Tian listened to it for a long time, and it was a bit of a figure out what was going on.

A bold idea began to slowly surface in his mind.

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