Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 865: Farce at the airport

Shen Xue smiled lightly, Wu Tian had such thoughts, no matter what she said, she was very moved.

"Go, go, business matters. Now that we have funds in our hands, we will feel safe. Otherwise, what use is it for you to stay here?"

After hearing Shen Xue's words, Wu Tian immediately gave an initiation, and it became clear in an instant.

"That's right, then I am going to go over now, this time I have to win a big order for anything!"

Wu Tian gritted his teeth, even for these girls, he would have to work hard.

This Blanche is actually not that easy to deal with. Although she said that she often sticks to Wu Tian or something, it is very difficult to take advantage of her.

But it is true that this guy is rich.

Wu Tian quickly flew to the island country by plane.

Blanche seems to have rented an island in the whole place and is taking a vacation here.

In the past, Double Star shorted their Chaerguo and almost completely destroyed their country’s economy. Fortunately, Chaerguo has now begun to regain its vitality, even due to the hurried retreat of Double Star, which made a lot of money. Made a lot of money.

This is also an important reason why Blanche is enjoying his leisurely journey.

As soon as he arrived at the airport, Wu Tian saw that there was already a neat line of people in black tuxedos waiting for someone on the tarmac.

He was very curious and glanced more.

At this time, behind Wu Tian, ​​a young white man with a look of spirit laughed with satisfaction.

"Haha, I didn't expect it to be so well prepared for me. I didn't even tell my uncle that I would come here. They even prepared such a specification to welcome me haha."

At first glance, this young guy was an eagle countryman, and the very familiar temperament exuding all over his body made people know at a glance.

Wu Tian didn't think much about it, just continued to follow the crowd forward.

I saw that young man strode towards the group of attendants and stood in front of them proudly and said: "Are you my uncle sent it? It just so happened that I was a little tired from the plane, so I was a bit tired. A glass of wine bar."

With that said, he was about to sit on a large leather sofa placed there.

But I didn't expect that the attendant next to him immediately stood in front of him, and then said respectfully but vigilantly: "Sorry sir, we are not sent by someone you said.

The young man was shocked. He was yelling just now. The business is very big, and many people at the airport have seen it.

Now that he actually admitted the wrong person, this is too embarrassing. Just for the sake of face, this young man is still a little unwilling to give up.

"My uncle is called Johnny Johnson, you must know it!"

The attendant shook his head slightly and said something very unacceptable for him: "I'm sorry, we haven't heard of it. Besides, can you please leave a little bit? Our distinguished guest is coming soon."

The young man was immediately irritated by the attendant's words. He picked up the wine bottle on the table and said that he was about to smash it towards the ground.

"Why, do you think I can't pay this money? I'm going to enjoy it here today. If you are not convinced, you can register your company and I will buy it now!"

His family is a very large company, so naturally he has the confidence to say such things.

"I'll repeat it again, and please retreat back." As the attendant said, a few people walked up to Wu Tian respectfully on the other side.

Very understanding bowed to Wu Tianxian, "Mr. Wu, you have been waiting for a long time, please here."

Wu Tian was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that these people were all here to pick him up...

He thought he was picking up the young man from the Eagle Country just now.

Things become even more embarrassing when it gets here.

That young man was left alone in that place and no one cares, even if he said his uncle's name.

Those attendants who were busy before and after, waited on Wu Tian carefully, treating him as if they were treating God.

The young man looked at Wu Tian, ​​strode over, and stopped in front of them.

"Who are you?" He looked at Wu Tian with an unhappy expression, as if Wu Tian had done something wrong.

Wu Tian had already seen what this man was all about just now.

Just before Wu Tian could speak, several attendants walked over, grabbed the guy one by one, and threw it into a nearby trash can.

"Hey hey hey! I want to call the police! You are harassment! The clothes on my body are very expensive and you have to pay me!"

Don't look at this guy's name very happily, but none of the people present cares about what he said. Wu Tian simply forgot about this person, and followed these attendants to the several lengthened cars parked at the airport.

"Mr. Wu, Miss has already prepared a banquet on the island, waiting for you to pass. By the way, Miss also specially asked us to prepare a swimsuit for you."

The attendant at the head said neither humble nor humble, his attitude was very polite, which made Wu Tian feel very comfortable and comfortable.

"Swimsuit? I'm not here to go to the beach..." Wu Tian suddenly looked puzzled. Now his injury may not be healed, so getting into the water will be troublesome at this time.

"This...we don't know how the lady arranged it, but this is the lady's order..."

The attendants showed a sense of difficulty, and they just obeyed orders.

In order not to make it difficult for them, Wu Tian could only choose to agree.

"Okay, okay, you can do whatever you want, and take me to see Blanche."

When I see this righteous master, I can talk about everything.

Their convoy drove for a while, then changed to a steamer, and then they came to a small island not far from the shore.

A huge villa was built on this island, which looks exceptionally luxurious, and the scenery on the island is also very beautiful, which looks pleasant.

"Mr. Wu, please wait here first. I'll go and notify the lady now." After the waiter took Wu Tian to the VIP room, he said hello and retired from the room.

Wu Tian took a close look at this room. The decoration inside can be said to be very distinctive, full of exotic flavors everywhere.

There is a huge veil curtain hanging in the room, and a breeze blows over the veil, which makes people feel like they are in a dream.

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