Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 874: Security team training

What Wu Tian said said does not mean that this is what he meant. After agreeing to the request of the procuratorial organ, Wu Tian immediately changed the subject.

"But... this matter can take up to one week. Whether you are investigating or doing better, our company must complete the order if it takes more than one week."

Here, Wu Tian's tone is very tough.

He didn't give the other party any room for negotiation, and this sentence was like a confession.

The female prosecutor was also stunned, she didn't expect Wu Tian to make such a request.

"This... one week is almost fine, but we can't guarantee these..."

Some steps do take time, and at this time female prosecutors cannot be 100% sure.

"If you can't guarantee that, beyond this time, I will file a three-fold compensation to your prosecutors for the losses we have suffered."

Although Wu Tian spoke weakly, his words were full of power.

The female prosecutor became nervous in an instant. Don't look at her composure at first, but when Wu Tian said that she wanted to file for compensation, she also felt tremendous pressure.

The amount involved in this order is generally not a small amount, and Wu Tian also asked for three times the compensation, which is certainly a sky-high price.

The key is that Wu Tian's request is actually reasonable and legal.

After all, you can’t just let the company bear the loss just because you want to investigate something. If something is wrong is found, it’s okay, but if it is innocent, the inspection agency must be responsible for this matter.

"We will try our best to exceed time... We probably understand what you mean, and we will arrange personnel to be stationed in the investigation soon!"

The female prosecutor almost ran away and hurried away with someone, her face was very bad.

Long Yun looked at them from the side, and the corners of her mouth suddenly began to rise slightly.

It seems that Wu Tian's methods are powerful, and a few words made these people nervous.

"Mr. Wu, here we are..."

Wu Tian shook his head gently, and he could probably guess what Long Yun wanted to say.

"We must cooperate well with them. We have not done anything wrong, don't be afraid of them. But one thing, if these people come over to make trouble for us on purpose, don't hold back..."

After saying this for a long time, Wu Tian already felt very tired.

Not to mention talking, just panting, Wu Tian needs to consume most of his energy, so his voice began to become lower and lower, and in the back, almost only his mouth was moving, but no sound came out.

"Got it! Mr. Wu, take a good rest!"

Long Yun nodded and agreed, so she quickly arranged these things.

Wu Tian rested in the ward for several days, but nothing happened outside these days.

The investigation by the prosecutors is proceeding steadily, and it is estimated that the results may be available in less than a week.

Su Cancan has been investigating the traces of those enemies and their backgrounds. It's just that the other party seems to have disappeared, and there is no trace of them in S City.

In order to resolve boredom, Wu Tian specially prepared a kaleidoscope for people. This thing does not require physical strength, as long as it is worn on the head, it can be used. It can be said that it perfectly fits Wu Tian's current physical state.

Since the two recruits came to run this legendary world of the game, Wu Tian felt that he had come in much more this time than the last time.

As soon as he entered the game, Wu Tian saw that the performance of the entire game had risen to a higher level.

Even more exaggerated is the number of people. Now the game is like canned sardines, with players constantly pouring in.

Wu Tian came to nothing, just to see that in his friend list, Zhao Yaqian and Song Junyao were also online, so he hurriedly looked for it.

Although the game operation department was established, Wu Tian has been there once or twice. In fact, he is at a loss as to how Zhao Yaqian and Song Junyao work.

Just now there is nothing wrong, Wu Tian hurriedly passed.

The two of them set up a castle in the game and spend most of their time here.

Of course, this place is not to be lazy to play the game, but to be able to test the game.

Entering this castle requires identification. Because of Wu Tian's identity, the guard at the castle gate did not hinder him at all, so he was put in directly.

As soon as he entered the castle, Wu Tian heard a sound of talking from a place not far away.

After walking around for a while, Wu Tian saw a few people gesticulating and talking. In front of them was an open space, and a group of people were standing there chatting and talking.

Wu Tian didn't know what they were doing, so he leaned forward to listen. He didn't want to be discovered by others as soon as he leaned in.

"Isn't this Mr. Wu?" The person who found Wu Tian was still Song Junyao. She was looking at Wu Tian with joy, thinking that he was here to inspect their work.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Wu Tian hurriedly said hello. Although it was in the game, they could still clearly tell who the group of people were.

Looking at the five-big and three-thick appearances, and the woman in the front of the crowd with ponytails, but with a cold face, this combination is the only one in their company, the security team.

Hearing Wu Tian's voice, everyone turned their gazes, Song Junyao quickly walked over and invited Wu Tian over.

"This is a new project that we are developing, a virtual training ground! Different from the situation in the outside world, in the game we can simulate the scene we want, and then conduct some training for the security team members. In this case, just They can be fully prepared when they are outside."

Listening to what Song Junyao said, Wu Tian found it very novel.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a way to use it!

Indeed, sometimes it is difficult to completely simulate a real crisis situation in the real world, but in the game, there are no restrictions on this.

It can even make the battle of the security team extremely real, so that it can improve their combat experience and temper the cooperation between the team members.

"Why are you here? Aren't you resting?" Su Cancan looked at Wu Tian coldly, and didn't have a particularly good expression on him because he was injured.

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