Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 876: Investigation is over

After coming out of the game, although Wu Tian didn't have any physical movement, he did not expect that his head was very tired.

It seems that it is still not completely divorced from reality and put all the energy in the game.

First of all, a person's body can't be carried. After lying down for several hours, Wu Tian already feels uncomfortable.

The training for several hours just now made Wu Tian really feel what despair is.

He, Su Cancan, and hundreds of security team members tried various methods, but they were unable to completely defeat the eleven enemies.

Long Yun stayed with him in the ward, watching Wu Tian retreat from the game with a frustrated expression, wondering what happened to him.

"Mr. Wu, do you need any help?" Long Yun looked at Wu Tian and quickly got up and walked over.

Wu Tian shook his head gently, and he waved his hand gently, trying hard to sit up by himself.

It's just that his body is still very weak, and all his movements look very stiff. Long Yun went over and quickly helped her up.

"Oh, what time is it now, I can't stay in this place all the time, I have to hurry up to discuss some business."

Wu Tian is even struggling to talk now, and he is still thinking about what business he is going to talk about. This makes Long Yun look surprised.

"Mr. Wu, you should rest first, we don't have any new business now..."

The profitable business has already started operation under Long Yun's arrangement. As for the others, it seems that a profitable model has not yet been developed.

"No, no, no, I have found a new way to make money on this kaleidoscope."

Although Wu Tian is weak, he still has a look of excitement. For him, this incident is no less than finding a solution to his company's current predicament.

Although Long Yun didn't know what Wu Tian was referring to, she knew that if Wu Tian didn't take a break, his body might not be able to support it.

"Mr. Wu, you should rest first, and wait until your health is good, then come to do this thing, if you have any needs, I will solve it for you first."

Almost compulsively, Long Yun pressed Wu Tian back again.

At exactly this time, Wu Tian's own endurance reached its limit. He was groggy, leaning his head against the pillow, and fell asleep instantly.

Long Yun watched him fall asleep and covered him with a quilt. She sat on the chair beside her and began to process the documents in her hands.

Her work has not fallen behind at all, and in order to alleviate the current company's financial pressure, Long Yun has tried various ways to reduce expenditures in some places.

But this approach only treats the symptoms, not the root cause, and cannot solve the problem at all.

When the day turned around, the prosecutors of those procuratorates almost completed their inspections.

It did not exceed the seven-day time limit required by Wu Tian.

"This incident is basically a misjudgment. It seems that there is a problem with this report!" The female prosecutor said to Long Yun with some embarrassment, this kind of thing is actually very offensive.

It's not the first time they have done this. Very few people like Wu Tian are very cooperative.

Wu Tian looked at the female prosecutor and laughed himself.

"This is nothing. We are a company. The purpose is to make money. If we violate the law and discipline, wouldn't we cut off our own money. If you are not at ease, you can do this. I allow your procuratorate to set up a station in our company. The sent office can check us at any time."

Although it was said that it was checked, Wu Tian not only did not regard this as a threat, but as an opportunity instead.

A good performance in front of the inspection agency can build a good trust for both parties.

When the female prosecutor heard these words, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Is what you said is true? We have always wanted to implement such a thing in some big companies, but have been opposed. If you want, we definitely hope that we can do this."

Long Yun was very surprised that the other party didn't just disagree out of embarrassment, but went downhill, as if to agree to such a thing.

She quickly squeezed him quietly behind Wu Tian.

"Ahem..." Wu Tian was pinched and stabbed a bit. He immediately knew that Long Yun was expressing opposition, but in the presence of these prosecutors, he definitely couldn't overthrow what he said just now.

"Of course, if you are willing, we can give you a room as your office. But one thing, all people here must abide by some of our company's regulations. We will not be resting. Time is in line with your work."

Wu Tian gave them the green light to show his favor, but this does not mean that he will be led by the nose.

The female prosecutor nodded, "This is natural, and I won't bother you, Mr. Wu. I will fix this as soon as possible."

After that, a few of them left the Wu Group Company in a hurry. From beginning to end, no one in the company treated them as prosecutors specially.

There is neither a guilty conscience like a normal enterprise, a guilty conscience, to guard against them like a thief, and no one goes to please these prosecutors every day.

To be honest, Yin Rumeng has really never encountered a second such enterprise for so many years. This Wu Group company is indeed extraordinary.

"Sister Yin, are you really planning to open an office here?"

A prosecutor who followed Yin Rumeng asked quietly.

Is there really no precedent for this kind of thing, it's just that there is almost no willingness to take the initiative to do this kind of thing.

Because once you become an expatriate prosecutor, you will basically stay away from their prosecutors' office, and you may not be able to enjoy many benefits and policies.

The most important thing is that there may even be no way to move up.

"I think it's pretty good here too..." Yin Rumeng really thought so. If she had been in the past, she would definitely not dare to believe that she would do this, but the contact with the Wu Group during this period was Let her start to yearn for this place.

"Sister Yin, you can be a popular candidate for the next director..." The implication of this is naturally self-evident, but Yin Rumeng did not think so.

"I think these are not so important anymore."

Walking out of the door of the Wu Group Building, Yin Rumeng only felt that all the pressure and constraints on his body had been thrown away at this time.

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