Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 888: Liu Yueyao wakes up

Wu Tian had no choice but to tell what he had done. He looked worried and afraid, and it made people feel unbearable to scold him.

After Long Zaian repeatedly calmed Liu Yueyao, she finally calmed her down.

Only then did he relax a little. Although Wu Tian is the chairman of the company, it is really inappropriate to do such a thing, and it is totally different from what an adult should do.

Long Zai'an stared at Wu Tian very seriously. Although his attitude was still mild, it was also based on his face as Wu Tian.

"Be careful in the future, how can you do this kind of thing casually? What if something happens?"

If it were someone else, Long Zaian probably wouldn't use such a tone and words.

Wu Tian nodded timidly, glanced at Liu Yueyao secretly, looking at this Nizi staring at him with wide eyes.

"Ah... this... ah..."

Wu Tian opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't even speak out, so he pointed at Liu Yueyao.

Long Zaian thought he was arguing, but frowned his eyebrows, preparing to give Wu Tian a new round of critical education.

"Do you hear what I said just now?"

"No...she...she...woke up..."

Wu Tian stammered, it was a bit too shocking, he was so excited that he never thought that he could actually see Liu Yueyao waking up.

He didn't know how many times he had imagined such things in his mind, but he had never received Liu Yueyao's response.

As a result, the method provided by the maid really worked! Wu Tian was immediately grateful! I wish I could bow down and bow my head to the maid, yelling for savior.

Listening to Wu Tian’s voice, Long Zai’an turned his head to look suspiciously. He was shocked. He couldn’t believe he picked up the small medicine bottle he had snatched from Wu Tian’s hand and looked at it again. Look at Liu Yueyao.

For this period of time, he has always had no way to deal with Liu Yueyao's coma state, but now, people have woken up in front of him in this way. I have to say that it is really a bit ironic...

It turned out not to be a medical method...but to use this kind of external could the gas in this small medicine bottle have such a powerful force?

"Wu Tian, ​​this thing... can you let me study it?" Long Zaian had already pinched the small medicine bottle in his hand, saying that he didn't want to let go.

Wu Tian looked at the maid, she still had to nod this matter, but the maid is not a stingy person, this thing is really nothing to her, so she nodded and agreed.

Liu Yueyao was already trying to get out of bed at this time. She had been lying on the bed for such a long time, and her body had begun to not adapt to normal people's exercise.

But when she woke up, she looked at Wu Tian right in front of her, she was still very moved, and she cried for a long time in her arms.

The news that Liu Yueyao woke up quickly spread throughout the company. For a while, Shen Xue and the others rushed over, and everyone left tears of joy.

Among them, Wu Tian is most grateful to Blanche's maid. Without her, Liu Yueyao doesn't know when she will wake up.

Afterwards, Liu Yueyao recalled that at the moment before she woke up, she felt that her originally chaotic brain suddenly seemed to be pulled apart, and the intense stimulation forced her brain to wake up.

In short, the gas in this small medicine bottle quickly became a kind of magic medicine in everyone's mouth.

It can be said that words such as what can cure all diseases and what refreshing and refreshing are spread like wildfire.

Of course, Wu Tian was finally relieved at this time.

The worries that have been in my heart some time ago have finally been relieved. Now he can enjoy the happiness of being in the company.

As soon as he went out during this period of time, there would often be dangers, especially now that someone outside seems to be targeting Wu Tian.

Long Yun simply forbids Wu Tian to leave the company again. In the Wu Group Building, Wu Tian can basically accomplish everything. Even if he doesn't go out, it will basically not affect his life.

The only effect may be too boring.

Wu Tian quickly transferred all parts of the company, and even knew a lot of people.

However, his appearance of doing nothing in the company every day, every time he let Long Yun or Su Cancan see it, he would inevitably be scolded.

At this time, all of a sudden, Zhixing Company announced that they were about to launch a commercial rocket launch mission.

It can be said that all the staff of Wu Group Company were in an uproar.

Originally, when Zhixing Company said that it would engage in aerospace business, they all felt that it was impossible for the other party to come up with a real plan within a period of time.

After all, this kind of thing requires technology accumulation.

However, it has been one or two months since the establishment of the other party, and commercial rockets have already begun? ! We must know that Wu Tian and their rocket are not ready for the second launch.

It is because this time a real surveillance satellite is going to be launched, so preparations and research have been carried out all the time, and the funds invested are countless.

Wu Tian looked ugly and watched the video of the other company's rocket launch on TV. Not only was there an applause on the Internet, but even in real life, many people started to follow the newly established company.

The Wu Group Company has become the background board of the other party very miserably.

Looking at the expressions of the people sitting below, Wu Tian felt that even if he didn't say anything, they should know what he wanted to express.

"Hong Sang-tae, we are now fully surpassed by others... do you have anything to say?"

As the person in charge of the aerospace department, being named by Wu Tian like this makes Hong Xiangtai feel uncomfortable.

When this incident came out, he already felt that this incident would be very exciting for them.

"Mr. Wu, our rocket can be launched this week! Satellite and rocket testing is now underway!" It is more practical to say that nothing else is of much use.

Wu Tian nodded. He was still satisfied with this speed, but it was still a bit slow compared to the competition.

But the problem is how this Zhixing company can only do this, saying that they are completely self-developed, Wu Tian does not believe a word.

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