Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 894: Talk about terms

This time it reversed the public's view of Wu's Group. The successful launch of the rocket twice in a row is enough to prove the strength of Wu's Group in this regard.

Many people even wanted to come over and talk to Wu Tian about cooperation.

Of course, there are some big bosses, and some even found Guan Ruonan, wanting to contact Wu Tian through her relationship.

It's just that Wu Tian's mood is very bad, he doesn't want to talk to anyone now.

"Mr. Wu, the front desk said that there are a few more people who want to come and visit you... this time..."

Long Yun looked at Wu Tian, ​​the other party was a little listless, with a tired face, it was obvious that she had not rested well this night.

"No! Now we are all like this, how can we pick up their business."

Wu Tianxin felt uncomfortable in his heart. These were all money and customers, but he pushed them away cruelly one by one.

"I see, let me find a reason first, saying that your body is a little inappropriate."

Long Yun knew what Wu Tian was worried about, and knew that this matter was not so easy to solve.

Where talents can be obtained so easily, it is difficult to recruit decent aerospace talents in China.

Because most of them are directly involved in national R&D institutions, they naturally look down on private companies like Wu Tian.

And those who can get it are definitely those who are not technically competent, or who don't understand anything at all.

For this, Wu Tian can only spend a lot of money to train, but in the short term, he can't think about launching again.

But Wu Tian had already collected Cui Yongji's money, and now the money has become a hot yam in his hand.

It made Wu Tian's heart very uneasy.

"Wait for Long Yun!"

Seeing Long Yun turned around and was about to leave, Wu Tian quickly stopped her.

"Mr. Wu?"

"Let's go out for a while!"

Long Yun nodded and agreed. This time, she was not as cautious as before and asked Wu Tian not to go anywhere in the company.

The two people hurriedly prepared. Since many people had gathered at the main entrance and wanted to see Wu Tian, ​​they bypassed the main entrance.

Long Yun took him directly to the underground garage and then quietly got into a humble car.

Their car ran directly in the direction of the military region. Last time Wu Tian took a kaleidoscope to sell, but this time he didn't hold anything in his hand.

Since he had already been to the military area once, when he came back last time, Director Fan also applied for a pass for Wu Tian.

The prosecutors just checked their car and let it go easily.

This time Wu Tian found Director Fan with a light car.

"What is it that Mr. Wu is looking for me today? Is it possible that you have any new equipment?"

Wu Tian nodded, but shook his head again.

"There are new equipment. I don't know if you look good but not good, and this time I am here, there are some things I want to cooperate with you."

When Wu Tian was negotiating, he couldn't see the worries on his previous face. I have to say that he did a good job at this point, and his expression management was almost impeccable.

Director Fan hesitated a little, but he agreed happily.

"These are okay, let's talk about it later. Do you need me to call Captain Luo? It just happens that they just came back from the task, and they should be fine now."

While speaking, Director Fan quietly winked his eyes at Wu Tian and muttered to him in a low voice.

"I heard that their effect was very good this time, and Captain Luo privately praised the kaleidoscope that you recommended before."

Hearing this, Wu Tian's mood improved slightly, at least the business was going well.

"Hey, this is not thanks to your recommendation from Director Fan!"

The atmosphere of the two exchanges was very harmonious and lasted until Captain Luo arrived.

When he came in, he seemed very excited. Although he had just completed the task, he still couldn't see any fatigue.

"I was looking for you, so you came."

Captain Luo saw Wu Tian from a distance, and shouted with this loud voice.

"Don't shout that you can hear your voice from eight hundred miles away!"

Director Fan hurriedly greeted Captain Luo to come over, ready to talk about the kaleidoscope.

"As long as you are satisfied with what you use, I can rest assured. I am quite proud in my heart. I never thought that we could also make a little contribution to the cause of national defense."

Wu Tian's happiness this time really came from the heart.

"Yes, it's not bad, but your price can't be too high for us! Our budget here is also very tight!"

Captain Luo's praise goes to praise, but when it comes to discussing business, especially when it comes to price, it is absolutely impossible to give up.

"Relax! I absolutely guarantee your satisfaction."

Wu Tian said confidently that he already had a plan to deal with it.

"That's it. At this stage, we plan to purchase such a batch of equipment for Captain Luo's special brigade first. When the effect is good, we will slowly promote it in the entire military area. But this time I am afraid there will be a year or two. "

Director Fan explained to the side that even if they did have money in their hands, they couldn't be fat in one bite.

Moreover, how to use this new type of training method to achieve the best results, for their military, also needs to find out to understand.

"It doesn't matter, how many sets do you need now."

Captain Luo rolled his eyes, then stretched out a finger.

"One hundred? One thousand?"

Wu Tian guessed there, he didn't know how many people were in Captain Luo's special brigade.

However, if it is a special force, it feels that there are generally not many people.

"Ten thousand units!"

Captain Luo slowly said such a number that surprised Wu Tian.

What is the concept of 10,000 units? If one is equipped for one person, then this number is enough to equip several regiments.

"Is that much? Good!"

There was not much change in Wu Tian's face, and he agreed very happily.

Although their current production is already a bit tight, because outside sales are too hot, but even if they squeeze normal sales, they must give priority to the army.

Countless foundries are now rushing to work day and night. Even so, they will be sold out as soon as they are on the shelves.

"Then Mr. Wu, our price..."

Director Fan finally started to talk about the price. In terms of the quantity they wanted, it shouldn't be a problem to lower the price of the third floor.

Wu Tian slapped his mouth, touched his chin, and said something that neither of them could imagine.

"I will provide you with these equipment for free. However, I hope you can do me a favor."

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