Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 908: Be responsible to me

Wu Tian didn't think of this little girl, she seemed to be quite powerful.

There are so many bodyguards, Wu Tian does not have such a pomp.

"What do you want to do?"

The five-and-three-thin bodyguard looked at Wu Tian fiercely. His sturdy bear-like body gave people a great sense of pressure.

But Wu Tian didn't have seen the world before, and he was still not afraid at all in front of him.

"What are you doing? You have to make a point! Just forget what he did to me just now?"

Wu Tian said nonchalantly, as if he had been wronged.

It may be that Wu Tian is really difficult to deal with. Jessica frowned and took out some of the cash from the bag with a look of disgust.

"Don't you just want money! Here you are! Get away from me quickly."

Jessica's attitude was very bad, she was probably already convinced that Wu Tian just wanted to touch porcelain.

Wanting to threaten herself because of the incident just now is not a problem for Jessica at all.

For this little money, she didn't even dare to blink her eyes.

A lot of banknotes were spilled on the ground very contemptuously, but Wu Tian didn't move his eyes.

He still stared at this Jessica tightly, watching her get a little hairy all over.

"Who told you that I was asking for money? I just want you to tell me clearly, what was it like kissing me just now!"

Wu Tian's attitude began to become a little cold, he said, he didn't want to listen.

Now that he has to use this method, in a sense, he deserves it.

"I think you are looking for death!"

Before Jessica had time to say anything, the bodyguard was already a little uncomfortable. He grabbed Wu Tian in one hand, then lifted it up into the air and slammed it to the ground.

But Wu Tian was not a fool either. He twisted his body in the air, and instead hooked the neck of the brawny black bodyguard with his leg.

The reverse twist turned him to the ground.

Ping-pong, smashed many things in the bar.

Many people gathered around for a while, and the bar service staff was even more ashamed at this time.

At this time, Jessica also seemed to realize that she seemed to provoke someone who shouldn't, because Wu Tian did not show any fear at all, but was extremely calm and calm.

This thing felt like a normal meal to him, which made Jessica wonder if she was right.

"Who are you?"

Jessica's face became colder, frowning and staring at the man in front of her.

"Who do you care about me? I asked you the answer I asked for.

"Don't be affectionate, okay! I kissed you just for that fool to let him die!"

Jessica didn't care so much at this time, and directly stated her thoughts at the time.

Wu Tian still had a nonsense with her here, and the crowd next to her had already started to chat about it.

Wu Tian didn't know this woman, but someone did.

"Isn't this the daughter of the very powerful CEO of the Eagle Country Consortium..."


"Oh, you don't know! It's the consortium that recently invested in Mercat. It's said to be our overseas Chinese."

Wu Tian's ears were very good. When I heard it, I understood why the debit card looked like a Chinese, but the name was a Western name.

It turns out that they are living abroad, so it is normal to have such a situation.

It's just that Wu Tian's mind was put on other things. He hadn't really thought that this woman turned out to be the daughter of the boss of the big consortium.

Wu Tian himself has rarely been exposed to this aspect before, but he has heard of it recently.

Legend has it that this consortium is very strong, with its funding level and ability, and it is unique in the world and is very influential all over the world.

"Then what does this person do? Isn't it just looking for death to trouble this woman?"

"Who knows... Maybe it's because someone is rich..."

Wu Tianping has always been relatively low-key, and no one thinks about why he is here, so no one thinks about it.

"Let's go out and talk about something..."

Wu Tian watched more and more people around him, and many people pointed at them.

Jessica was also helpless, and working in the bar was indeed not a good option.

Her father also told her a lot, asking her debit card not to cause trouble outside.

"Okay! Let go of him!"

Jessica nodded to her bodyguards, and they turned and left the bar.

Wu Tian followed, but within two steps, he was stopped by the bar manager.

"You can't go! Our table and these wine glasses were broken just now!"

The bar manager looked fierce, as if he was afraid that Wu Tian would run away.

Wu Tianbai glanced at the manager and didn't want to talk to him.

How much is such a broken bar worth?

"Let's talk about how much you want!"

The bar manager grinned like something, and looked at Wu Tian with a despised look.

"Look at you as if you have no money. These things cost five thousand yuan if you say nothing!"

Wu Tian uttered a cry and looked back at the banknotes scattered on the ground. There were dozens of banknotes scattered on the ground.

But he didn't pick it up, or even glanced at it.

"Isn't it five thousand yuan!"

Wu Tian took out a bank card from his pocket and gestured in front of the bar manager.

This bank card is black and gold, and the whole body is pitch black, but it has a golden edge on it.

This is the supreme member black card of the s city bank. This thing does not mean that you can get it with money. Many people don't even know that there is such a black gold card.

The bar manager stared blankly at the black card. Those who could take out this bank card would have an asset of hundreds of millions.

"Tell your boss, I bought this bar!"

Wu Tian said coldly, threw the bank card into his hand, turned around and left.

Those people who ate melons behind were also confused at this time. They thought Wu Tian was a poor boy, and he met Jessica there, wanting to spend some money.

But no one wants to get such a card, obviously he is a top rich man.

When they walked out of the bar, Jessica and the others were waiting at the door, and they did not leave either. They were relatively trustworthy.

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