Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 910: Sneak into the hotel

Enough playing outside, Wu Tian followed them back to the company.

When he returned to his room, Wu Tian realized that several girls were not sleeping at this time.

Liu Yueyao and Shen Xue were waiting in their room, and they didn't know if there was something going on.

"It's this time, why don't you sleep yet."

Wu Tian looked at his watch. It was already two or three o'clock in the morning.

"This is not to wait for you to come back. You are so busy during this period, and we can't talk to you."

Liu Yueyao and the others did not get angry or look bad because Wu Tian came back so late.

Wu Tian hurriedly sat with a few girls. There were some small snacks such as peanuts and melon seeds in front of them. It was obvious that a few people were eating and talking here.

"You are really interested, but I'm fine lately, don't worry."

Liu Yueyao and the others did not participate in this operation, and were still responsible for their previous work.

But they have heard more or less about Wu Tian's situation.

"If it doesn't work, S City is too dangerous and we will return to Luzhou."

Liu Yueyao has always held this attitude, anyway, they are not afraid of not having firewood.

"Those are not good. Some enemies are better. In this way, I can know more clearly who is my enemy and whom I should defeat."

Only with a goal can Wu Tian feel that he has a greater endeavour.

"Of course it is better if you have such an idea. By the way, our hotel is often booked by some foreigners recently. I don't know if something big is going to happen."

At this time, Shen Xue suddenly remembered this matter, and she could tell it like a joke.

After Wu Tian listened, he felt that it was not a coincidence.

"Isn't it, some people from the Eagle Country consortium?"

Shen Xue didn't expect that she hadn't revealed anything yet, but Wu Tian was more than half right.

"Yes, how did you know?"

Shen Xue does feel that there have been a lot of foreigners recently. When listening to them, the content inside judged that they should be executives of some well-known financial groups.

These people have always been extravagant and extravagant. Every time they come to their hotel, they have to cover an entire floor and order the most expensive dishes and wines.

"Recently, I also heard some news like this. It seems that the Pulitzer Consortium of Eagle Country has entered S City."

Wu Tian scratched his head. He has always been fighting against people from China. This time he directly faced the consortium of the Eagle Nation and he felt a burst of pressure.

The amount of funds of the other party can be said to be dozens of times that of the Wu Group.

Wu Tian looked down on other small companies, but the other party could also look down on Wu Tian.

With such a gap, if conflicts really break out between the two sides, the possibility of Wu Tian's victory is not very high.

"What are they doing? Do they want to be the same as Double Star?"

Liu Yueyao was a little surprised. Double Star also wanted to make waves in S City. In the end, these companies and groups headed by Wu Tian were all looking for teeth.

Now there is another Pulitzer consortium, who knows if they will also follow in the footsteps of Double Star.

"I don't know this, but anyway, I can't let my guard down now."

Fortunately, Wu Tian has already bought back all the company's secondary market stocks, so even if the other party has money, there is no way to forcibly buy him.

At least he was a little relieved on this matter.

"By the way, their people go to our restaurant to eat almost every day. Should we think of a way to find out their taste?"

Shen Xue suggested that she really didn't want to waste such a good opportunity.

"Can this be done?"

After Wu Tian listened to it, he was immediately happy, his fingers twitched back and forth on the desktop, his brain was running fast, imagining how to use this thing.

"Of course it is possible. I have the final say on the arrangements in the hotel. Foreigners like them don't really care much about us. They don't even remember who the waiter who served him is."

What Shen Xue said is also true, just like they look at any foreigner who looks the same. Foreigners look at Huaxia people, and they feel that way. They feel that they look the same.

"Okay! Since that's the case, or I'll go there myself!"

Wu Tian thought about it and decided that it was more appropriate to launch it himself.

Shen Xue and their hotel attendants can stay in the boxes where they eat because they are always ready to serve guests.

So this is a good opportunity to listen to what they are saying.

"Well, I will make arrangements for you tomorrow."

Shen Xue also quickly nodded and agreed, Liu Yueyao was listening, and she also raised her hand to come and participate.

"Don't go. The project on Huadao has not been completed. This is your most urgent task now."

Wu Tian simply refused Liu Yueyao's request, which made Liu Yueyao look unhappy after listening to it, and pouting Wu Tian's sulking anger there.

"Well, I'm afraid that this mission will be dangerous. Now you'd better not show up by my side. There are enemies staring at me at any time."

This matter is really not Wu Tian joking, especially after experiencing Liu Yueyao's injury last time, Wu Tian has made up his mind and said that it is impossible to let them suffer such harm.

Therefore, Wu Tian didn't want Liu Yueyao and the others to take risks.

"Well then, I will wait for your good news!"

Liu Yueyao was not the kind of arrogant and unreasonable person. After knowing Wu Tian's mind, she no longer blamed him.

Seeing that it was late, several people hurriedly went to rest and sleep.

After waking up on the second day, Wu Tian went to the hotel with Shen Xue.

People from these consortiums come to eat here almost every day, and every time they come, they pack all the seats on the top floor.

In their words, it is for the ultimate enjoyment.

Every night they spend less than one million yuan, and I have to say that these people are really too rich and extravagant to this point.

"They will come around noon, and you can do what you should do at that time."

Shen Xue gave Wu Tian a set of waiter's clothes. In order to make these people feel at ease, they also specially created a Western style.

Wu Tian actually doesn't like this tuxedo and suit pants, but there is no way.

Shen Xue snickered while buttoning him, because such Wu Tian looked a little funny, like a street performer clown.

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