Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 916: Employee's complaint

Sun Hongsheng's idea is good, but it is not known how feasible it is.

Just as these eleven evil stars went out, Wu Tian planned to prepare well.

The Huadao project, which has been prepared for a long time, is finally about to be completed recently, and the Wu Group companies feel very excited.

This news is still the good news that Liu Yueyao called in person to report, and it is also a rare piece of good news that Wu Tian has recently received.

"Great, I will quickly arrange the relocation of the company here!"

Wu Tian yelled excitedly on the phone, causing Liu Yueyao on the other end of the phone to laugh.

"You are really anxious. We have so many companies. If you want to move over all at once, wouldn't the building be empty?"

Liu Yueyao is solely responsible for the Huadao project this time. It can be said that the effect is very good. Although she is a woman, she has planned the entire project very well.

"Those who can give Huaxing Television, Seafood TV or something, they are still renting office buildings outside."

Regarding these, Wu Tian had already thought about the following arrangements.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Tian quickly transferred his decision to the entire company through Long Yun.

He originally thought that the whole company would be as excited as him, but when Wu Tian went out to eat, he heard many people complaining in the cafeteria.

"Our company is going to relocate this time, but my house has just been rented... Then my money was spent in vain..."

An employee said with a sad face that many people in the company rented houses near the company like him.

This cost is not a small amount. The Wu Group Building is located in the middle of S City, in a prime location, and the rent is of course very expensive.

This person's complaint was immediately recognized by other people, and they began to complain together.

"Isn't it? I just checked, that near the flower island, there is nothing at all, there is no place where birds do not shit, there is not even a village within a few kilometers..."

"No way, is it really that miserable?"

"Tell you, don't believe me. There are photos of Huadao on the company website. I tell you, if we pass by then, we won't even have a place to live!"

With that said, many people are beginning to feel worried, and when you say a word to me, there is a voice unwilling to move.

Wu Tian kept all this in his ears, and the employees did not expect that their boss would sit next to them, listening to them with their ears sideways.

"Long Yun...Are they all true?" Wu Tian looked at Long Yun with a serious face. He really seldom paid attention to these aspects before.

Wu Tian has always been responsible for these logistical tasks, so he basically doesn't know the treatment of employees.

Long Yun stretched out her hand and pushed her eyes, and cleared her throat: "All the benefits of our company are in accordance with national standards, and there is nothing less. Please rest assured, Mr. Wu."

When they said this, the employees on the table at the back discovered that Wu Tian was near them. They were all frightened. One by one, they were afraid that what they had just said would make Wu Tian angry and fired themselves.

Wu Tian didn't change his serious expression just because of Long Yun's words. What's the difference between his company and other companies just like this.

When Wu Tian himself was still working, he felt that most of the companies in the world would only exploit, and he was not willing to sell a little profit to improve the lives of employees.

Looking at it this way now, it seems that I have the same style, the same person I hate.

Thinking of this, Wu Tian looked at the food in front of him, and suddenly lost his appetite.

"Come with me, let's go out and talk something."

Long Yun followed up and walked behind Wu Tian, ​​but she couldn't figure out what Wu Tian was planning now.

She drove Wu Tian directly to Nanhe Building.

Hearing the news of Wu Tianlai, Nangongying ran out to greet him immediately.

"What brought you here." Nangong Ying's face was full of spring, as if something good had happened, everyone was happy to see.

"Of course it's Dongfeng, I'm here to find Baili Zhenlin, is he there?" Wu Tian said to Nangongying straightforwardly. He didn't intend to mess with him at all, and entered the subject directly at the beginning.

"I'm here, I'll take you there." Nangongying looked at Wu Tian as if something was going on, and looked a little anxious, so she asked curiously: "What's wrong with you, Huadao is completed. You don’t seem to be happy anymore."

In the sky outside, a cloud floated to block the sun tightly. Although it was sunny, the sky began to darken.

This is just like Wu Tian's current mood. After listening to Nangong Ying's words, Wu Tian smiled helplessly.

"I'm patronizing myself, completely ignoring other people's thoughts."

Wu Tian's ambiguous statement made Nangongying very confused, but he didn't bother to think about these things, and took them to Baili Zhenlin's office and left by himself.

Seeing that Wu Tian was here, Baili Zhenlin hurriedly let him onto the sofa, and then personally served tea and water, and served both of them.

"Why is Mr. Wu here today? Isn't the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Flower Island project tomorrow?"

There is a faint fragrance in the air, which is Baili Zhenlin's favorite tea fragrance. Just smelling this smell can calm one's heart.

Wu Tian was originally leaning on the sofa, but in order to speak, he straightened his body and leaned towards Baili Zhenlin, his expression dignified.

"That's the case. Didn't you have a few real estate projects? Give me one."

Hearing what Wu Tian said, Baili Zhenlin's mouth grew wide. Some could not believe what he heard in his ears. The teapot still pouring water in his hand had already filled the cup with water.

Water splashed on the coffee table, and Baili Zhenlin only recovered at this time. He quickly put down the teapot in his hand and looked at Wu Tian with surprise.

"Mr. Wu, what do you want this for? Isn't the Wu Group not engaged in real estate?"

Baili Zhenlin decided to enter the market by himself when he saw that the Wu Group Company would not engage in real estate. Without Wu Tian, ​​a strong competitor, with his strength, naturally there would be no rivals in S City.

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