Zhang Laohei turned off the live broadcast, and went back to the room silently.

No one around him dared to go up and say anything, knowing that Zhang Lao was in anger at this time, and whoever said something was going to touch his brow.

When Wu Tian went downstairs, the battle was already over.

The security team captured almost all the people in black alive. At this time, they were being held in the hall, waiting for further disposal.

"So many people?" Wu Tian was a little startled.

"It's just some stinky fish and shrimps. What do you plan to do with these people?" Su Cancan looked down on these people at all, and even her eyes didn't want to stay on these people in black.

"What to do... We can't stay with so many people. We will leave a few to the police station, and let the rest go."

If so many people were kept, Wu Tian would still have to be responsible for their food and drink, safety, etc. This is also an unnecessary expense.

And these people are also obedient to other people's orders, they are just thugs, there is no need to investigate them in depth.

"Mr. Wu, our first to fourth floors have been severely damaged, and the loss is huge. If we let them go..."

At this time, Long Yun had already sent someone to start the loss statistics. The devastation was not just a joke.

"Since this is the case, don't let them go. Let a few people go and let them go back and tell the old Zhang that these people must take money to redeem them. Otherwise, we will send them to the island and let them build buildings. go with."

Wu Tian immediately found a suitable place for these people.

There are still many places on Huadao that need manpower. These people are strong laborers, so it is better to make good use of them.

Having arranged these, Wu Tian stretched out, turned his head and prepared to go back to sleep.

By the time it was dawn, the several floors downstairs had already begun to undergo large-scale repairs, and the damage was almost cleared out, and Long Yun made a huge list.

It's just that Zhang Lao never showed up, and he didn't hand over any news. No one could guess what he meant.

When Wu Tian heard about this situation, he directly called Wu Zaiyao over and told her.

Soon, in the afternoon and evening, there were some gossips on the Internet, all about the negative news about this chapter.

Especially with regard to how he manipulated the market, how malicious mergers and acquisitions, and even this smashing of the Wu Group company, because there are a large number of photos as evidence, it can be said that there is a buzz on the Internet for a while.

"Mr. Wu, isn't it good for us to drag on like this? We want us to formally notify this Zhang Lao so that he can come and solve these things quickly?"

Long Yun was very anxious now, because after all, the company was smashed by someone, and if he ignored it, it would be more or less justifiable.

Wu Tian thought for a while, but instead waved his hand. He didn't think so.

"No, no, this is a good opportunity. Our relocation speed should also be accelerated. If we all moved to Huadao, then this will not happen at all. They can't even go to Huadao."

This is also true. There is only one pontoon bridge at the entrance of Huadao, and the length is a full kilometer. As long as the pontoon bridge is broken, even if the other party has great abilities, they can only sigh.

"I know, I will make arrangements. If nothing happens, the relocation can be completed in two or three days." Long Yun knew Wu Tian's strategic intentions, and then realized that her thoughts were a bit too one-sided. .

Zhang Lao is in a state of desperation. The stock market has always been the most sensitive place. As soon as the bad news came out, Pulitzer's stock price suddenly fell.

With these messy things, and his daughter still has nowhere to go, Zhang Lao feels that he is almost a gunpowder keg, there is only one person left, and what is going to be lit.

The emotions in the conference room are very depressed. Many people keep their heads low. Look at me, and I see if you don’t speak.

"Mr. Zhang, I have already contacted those publishing houses. They agreed to withdraw those articles, but there is no way for those articles that have been sold. Those articles on the Internet are all platforms under Wu Tian... We don’t have this. Method..."

The speaker bends over and chills in front of Zhang Lao, for fear that if a word is wrong, Zhang Lao will be angry, and there will be no good fruit of his own.

Zhang Lao didn't have any expressions at this time, he had already anticipated the worst plan anyway, these were nothing.

"I see, go down." Zhang Lao waved his hand and called some people from the company.

It is not necessarily a good thing to continue these existing investments now, so Zhang Lao was very shrewd and immediately withdrew a batch of investments that seemed to have unclear prospects.

Although the board of directors has a lot of opinions, Zhang Lao's prestige has not been hit, so no one has said anything.

"The other party is here for us. Since this is the case, let's avoid their sharp edges for the time being. When they run out of three axes, we will have another carbine."

Zhang Lao is an old fritters in the shopping mall, so he is naturally at ease about these things.

At this time, the managers of the companies below can only nod their heads in agreement.

"Then shall we withdraw part of the funds and return to Eagle Country?"

Many people think that Zhang Lao has dispelled this plan to enter China.

"No, no, if the funds are drawn out, don’t leave. We will continue to wait. Zhixing Technology will also leave it alone for the time being. Let them stop for a while and make preparations. When the matter is over, let them give We have a big surprise."

Zhang Lao's judgment can be said to be very courageous. Such a large consortium can still do things that can bend and stretch. It is very unusual. They have always been able to make public.

After dismissing these people in the meeting, Zhang Lao still felt that something was too close. His daughter was still in Wu Tian's hands and had to find a way to remove this constrained place.

Thinking about it, Zhang Lao dialed a call with his mobile phone.

"Mr. Shi? Are you interested in doing me a favor?"

The ticking sound lingered around her ears, and Jessica finally woke up from her lethargy. She always felt as if she had had a very long dream.

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