Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 933: Meteorite mine

The matter was resolved satisfactorily, it can be said that Wu Tian feels refreshed.

Wu Tian has always felt not so comfortable for such a long time, and now he finally exhales.

As long as this Zhang Lao can fulfill their promise, then the threat of Zhixing Technology will naturally not exist.

After all, they don't actually have any of their own technology, they use all other people's, and without external support, they are just an empty shell.

On this day, Wu Tian hummed a small tune and ran around on the flower island. If there is something wrong with this place, it is too closed. No matter how big the island is, there will be less outside after all. That feeling of freedom.

Wu Tian didn't know where he got a lounge chair. At this time, he was sunbathing on the roof of the building, chatting and laughing with Shen Xue, Liu Yueyao and others.

At this time, Yu Naixin hurriedly came over, watching Wu Tian so leisurely, and sighed.

"Mr. Wu, why are you still in this place? The meeting is about to begin! Didn't Secretary Long tell you?"

It was only then that Wu Tian realized that he had forgotten that important meeting... so he quickly got up from the chair and frantically looked for his clothes.

"Well, wait for me, I'll come right away."

Although he is the boss of the company, Wu Tian has always disliked being late. Not only does he dislike others being late, but he also doesn't want to be late.

Seeing that there were only ten minutes left, Wu Tian didn't have time to do anything else. With the help of a few girls, he quickly put on long clothes and trousers. The meeting should be more modest.

This time can be said to be a very important meeting of the Wu Group Corporation recently, and all branches and departments, large and small, have almost arrived.

Many people underneath are excited, and it seems that the time passed by this time is pretty good, otherwise, they won't be so happy.

"You are all very happy one by one." Wu Tian sat on the podium, but this time he didn't intend to speak mainly. The key question was for Yu Naixin to speak.

"Mr. Wu, our recent sales of Kaleidoscope have started to rise again. If the world of Legends progresses faster, our sales are estimated to continue to rise."

Wu Zaibin's smile was almost reaching the back of his ears, his benefit was good, and his bones became much harder.

"If we want to develop here, you also need our good server. Now the server has been used to the maximum, and the existing host is no longer enough for us to continue development."

Wu Zaibin's request immediately received Song Junyao's protest and used this opportunity to express their demands.

The game department can be said to have shined recently, and it is very famous throughout the company.

"That's right, now the server's performance has been maximized, and we can't continue to optimize the game." Zhao Yaqian is actually very dissatisfied with this status quo. She has already spoken to Wu Tian many times before.

Seeing that there was really no way to escape, Wu Tian had to smile awkwardly, "Well, let's set up a project for this matter, and I will definitely support your research on what you want. Research Institute Just open a project over there."

Yu Naixin watched as Wu Tian had said something, this matter was settled.

As soon as I saw the project, many people started to have ideas and put forward new proposals. Wu Tian was immediately frightened by this posture, and he quickly pushed the matter to Yu Naixin’s body and stayed for himself. It didn't take long before the oil slipped away under the feet.

It just so happened that Qinglong and Long Yun, who hadn't seen them for a long time, appeared at this time. They didn't find Wu Tian. They were talking as if they were going somewhere in a hurry.

Wu Tian discovered this and followed it curiously, wanting to see what the two of them were plotting.

"How are you doing that thing now? Do you need to send more people? Can bamboo sticks be there to preside over the work now?"

Long Yun seemed to care very much about this matter and asked a lot of questions.

"Don't worry about this, I have already arranged it. You don't have to worry about bamboo poles. This guy can live alone in the abandoned factory for half a year... In that deep mountain and old forest, it's not a difficult thing."

Qinglong smiled slightly, and took out a map-like file from his clothes. The clothes on his body were a bit dirty, and it looked like it was dusty. It should have been tossing.

"What are you talking about?"

Wu Tian's voice suddenly appeared behind the two of them, shocking Long Yun and Qinglong.

"Mr. Wu, why are you here? Didn't you go to a meeting?" Long Yun looked surprised, and he was not nervous.

Wu Tian spoke up to the conference room and slowly said: "I let Yu Naixin replace me. They are all coming to me for projects. I really can't stand it anymore. By the way, the two of you just said What, sneaky look."

Hearing Wu Tian's words, Qinglong and Long Yun laughed at each other, and then took Wu Tian into a small room, making sure that there was no one nearby, and then slowly said what they were doing.

"Did I not tell you before, did we find a meteorite mine before? The material of that thing is the material of the metal ring of Daochang Chen. So I always remember this thing, this time it happened by chance. , Sent Qinglong to investigate."

While talking, Long Yun took out the blueprints they found out and showed them to Wu Tian.

The meteorite was in a huge cave, and it is estimated that it was dropped directly from above.

"If you don't tell me, I would have forgotten it. During this period of time, I have been busy with other things. Can we mine this thing?" Wu Tianyi suddenly became excited when he heard this. This thing he has been waiting for a long time. .

If it can develop any new material, their company can definitely become the world's number one with this metal.

Long Yun nodded affirmatively. For this reason, the bamboo poles were all called out from the research institute to conduct surveys together.

"We are ready to mine the ore, but we have to think of a way to hide from others."

Long Yun's mind is very careful, knowing that if this kind of thing is spread, it will definitely attract people's attention.

There may be countless people coveting their mine.

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