Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 946: Suppress the remnant enemy

That alone didn't count, a round of grenade and bullets, like rain, fought desperately towards the place where the two people landed.

If you can be remote, you will never go to close combat. This is a rule that Luo Huaicheng has always adhered to. Only in this way can the casualties of their special soldiers be avoided to the utmost extent.

Wu Tian stood in the distance watching the battle here with great interest. Although it caused some damage to his Huadao, this small amount of money was nothing to Wu Tian.

The key is to be able to defeat these eleven evil stars.

Watching the battle here, Wu Tian suddenly noticed that the sirens on his body began to ring.

This shows that there should be other Eleven Fiends around him.

Wu Tian hurriedly ran in this direction. If nothing happens, these two people must be Heavenly Spirit and Heavenly Sin.

Aside from Tianling, Wu Tian is the two people who know Tiangui. The relationship is even good.

Therefore, Wu Tian's attitude towards Heaven's Sin has always been rather ambiguous. He felt that this person should have never done anything bad, and he didn't want to kill Heaven's Sin.

Tian Ling and Tian Sin were originally looking for Wu Tian's traces, but after the explosion just now, they immediately realized that they had no chance again.

So he simply abandoned Tianwei and Tianjue and prepared to find a place to break through.

It's just that I didn't expect to hit and hit by mistake, and I happened to run near Wu Tian.

The two of them panicked and were blocked by Wu Tian in a narrow alley.

When Tian Ling saw that it was Wu Tian, ​​he immediately planned to take action, but was stopped by Tian Sin beside him.

"what are you doing?"

Tian Ling looked strange, she didn't know why Tian Sin didn't let herself take action.

"Don't kill him!"

There are not many things about Tiangui, but every word he utters is very decisive.

"Long time no see."

Wu Tian greeted Tian Sin with a smile on his face. To be honest, meeting in this place really felt a bit embarrassing. How do you think the two parties will become friends in the future?

"What are you going to do?"

Tianxin is not nonsense. When he came, he knew that between himself and Wu Tian, ​​there might not necessarily be a good start and a good end.

"I don't plan to do anything. If you two didn't kill my employees, then I can let you go."

Wu Tian was also surprisingly open-minded, and he was able to offer such a condition, which made Tian Ling next to him look surprised.

"You...what is your heart?"

She felt that this was impossible. Tian Ling didn't mess with Wu Tian once or twice, but the other party didn't care about these things at all.

And Tiangui and Wu Tian knew each other. Judging from the tone of speech, it seemed that the relationship was pretty good.

This almost refreshed Tianling's cognition, and she discovered how she never knew these things.

"Good! I promise you."

Tiangui thought for a while, and agreed without hesitation. Having such an opportunity is simply a gift from heaven for the two of them.

Fortunately, Wu Tian is a more tolerant person. If he is replaced by another person, I am afraid that Tianxin and Tianling will just leave it alone.

Wu Tian nodded, since that's the case, he didn't stop him, and directly let go of the road behind him.

It's just that he wasn't without any careful thinking. When Tianxin and Tianling passed by him, Wu Tian calmly threw a tracker on Tianling's body.

If these two people go out, they will definitely return to their headquarters of Eleven Fiends.

At that time, Wu Tian could follow the clues of this tracker and go directly to surround their hometown.

On the other side, Luo Huaicheng's battle here ended quickly.

Don't look at the two people, Tianwei and Tianjue, who seem to be very awkward, but in front of Luo Huaicheng's powerful weapons, there is no resistance.

After being beaten from the sky, the two of them fell to the ground all the time. Luo Huaicheng and the others poured grenades and bullets for a long time. By the time they drove past, the bodies of the two were already ripped like a sieve.

When he heard this result, Wu Tian was a little bit dumbfounded.

They have worked so hard for such a long period of time, only to be targeted by a circle of people holding various weapons in their hands.

Luo Huaicheng also knew that these people were what they wanted to get rid of and soon afterwards.

So after solving these two people, he didn't immediately close the team, but found Wu Tian to discuss the next action with him.

"If you want me to say it, since we've been stunned, we should keep doing it all!"

Luo Huaicheng didn't know where he heard that there were two people escaping, so he advocated to chase them quickly.

Wu Tian is really embarrassed now. On the one hand, he doesn't want Tianxin to die. On the other hand, he also wants to catch the black hand behind all this, especially Zhang Zerui.

Wu Tian has always suspected that he has a very close relationship with Eleven Fiends, but he has never caught any handle.

"Well, let's let him escape for a while, and then go to surround."

Wu Tian told Luo Huaicheng that he had installed the tracker, and the two of them laughed loudly. If so, don't worry about it.

They ran to the central control room and looked at the escape route of Tianxin and Tianling. After leaving Huadao, they really did, and ran near Zhang Zerui's Pulitzer consortium.

Of course, this didn't prove anything, but it made Wu Tian and his conjecture come closer and closer.

"It's still unclear how many people are left, so we must be careful..."

Seeing that the other party started to stop, Wu Tian also immediately prepared them to act, and could not give the other party a chance to breathe.

The special forces immediately began to dispatch, taking advantage of the darkness, and quietly began to surround an apartment.

Since it was not in Huadao this time, Luo Huaicheng didn't dare to use any weapons that were so careless.

There are some ordinary residents nearby, and if you provoke them, it will be a big trouble.

With an order, the special soldiers in front slammed the door open with a violent sound, but unexpectedly, when the door was opened, an explosion occurred from the door.

Instead, these special soldiers were blown up.

Neither Luo Huaicheng nor Wu Tian expected such a thing to happen... for a while, they were emotionally a little unbearable.

"What's going on, what's going on!"

Luo Huaicheng hurried to the front line, and several soldiers next to him pulled back his injured companion.

"Captain, there seems to be some explosives in it..."

One of the wounded soldiers said that this problem occurred just when they were just about to go in.

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