Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 955: The handle of the solitary

Ever since he caught Diyin and Digu, Su Cancan has been trying to get some useful information out of their mouths.

But the two were as stubborn as stones, smelly and hard, no matter what kind of criminal law Su Cancan used, he just said nothing.

This has been going on for several days, and Su Cancan is full of thoughts about how to pry the mouths of these two people open.

Thinking about it, she suddenly had an idea in her heart while eating.

Taking advantage of this time, Sun Hongsheng was still at their Wu Group Company, Su Cancan quickly found him and quietly pulled Sun Hongsheng aside.

"You are so mysterious, how bad is it for others to see? I am the people's police!"

Although Sun Hongsheng said so in his mouth, his body was honest and very cooperative with Su Cancan.

"Okay, you are so much nonsense, I have something to say to you!"

Su Cancan gave him a white look. This guy is really affectionate, but he is asking him now, so he can't just talk about him.

Sun Hongsheng smiled, looked at no one next to him, lowered his voice and said, "Miss Su, I know you may be a little bit interesting to me, but, grandson, I don't have a house or a car now, so I really can't tell..."

"Do you still have a true form? If you are talking like this, I will leave!"

Su Cancan really wanted to give this person a slap. What was on his mind, as if there was no business day by day.

"Okay, no jokes, just tell me what you are looking for, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!"

Sun Hongsheng patted his chest, showing a manly spirit.

Su Cancan lowered his voice, and said in a low voice with a volume that only the two of them could hear: "That's it, I want you to investigate the true identity of the two of them."

"I know you seem to be arrested, but this matter did not go through our public security system. Strictly speaking, it is illegal..."

Sun Hongsheng's eyes widened. He is not a fool either. He always stays in the Wu Group Company every day. Naturally, he also knows that there are some hidden rules in it.

It is obvious that these two people were arrested. Although they were said to be unforgivable, they were not arrested with the approval of the police station. Strictly speaking, the Wu Group Company has no reason to detain these two people.

But the truth is, if the two people are really let go, the police station might be the first one to be unwilling. Both of them are terrorists who pose a great threat to society. If such people really go out and do it. No one dares to bear the consequences of something.

"I don't care, what you just said, don't tell me you have forgotten! Who was here just now patted the chest and said, as long as you can do it, you will definitely help me!"

Su Cancan seemed to have anticipated this situation a long time ago, so he didn't hurry up and looked at Sun Hongsheng with indifferent eyes.

"I really convinced you too..." Sun Hongsheng knew that he couldn't speak to the frosty beauty in front of her, so he simply succumbed to her.

Of course Su Cancan was very happy to hear him say that. She quickly took out two small bottles from her clothes, with a little hair inside.

"This is the body tissue of the two of them. Go and check your DNA."

Sun Hongsheng took it and nodded. This incident was simply familiar to them.

"Don't worry, I can give you the result tomorrow."

I have to say that Sun Hongsheng really got things done quickly, and even that evening, he had already come out with an analysis report.

Su Cancan looked at him with a happy face, knowing that there must be some results in it.

"The identities of both of them have been found out, what do you plan to do next?"

Sun Hongsheng looked at Su Cancan nervously, he could feel the murderous aura exuding from the woman in front of him, and she could definitely kill the killer at the critical moment.

"You don't have to worry about this. Thank you for helping me this time."

Su Cancan nodded slightly coldly, and turned around with something to leave.

Sun Hongsheng stretched out his hands to stop her, but opened his mouth, but said nothing.

He thought about it and thought it was better not to participate in this matter himself. Although it is against the conscience of his people's police, the things involved in it are really beyond his ability to deal with.

The Eleven Fiends are not something that ordinary people can deal with. The evil they have caused is actually not enough to judge them with ordinary legal means.

I am afraid that sometimes violence is used to control violence and evil is used to control evil.

Su Cancan took the report above and looked at the real identity information of the two men, and couldn't help laughing.

In front of her, there is a huge glass curtain wall, and opposite is the two people, the first and the digu.

"Let's talk, what else are you hiding from me!"

Su Cancan looked at these two stubborn guys coldly, and didn't say anything no matter how they interrogated them before.

But now that Su Cancan has their handle, this time she wants to see what these two people are like.

"Does it make any sense for you to ask such a question? The two of us would not say anything!"

Di Gu slowly closed his eyes, like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, and if you want to kill it, you have to cut it.

Su Cancan sneered. She has suffered from this situation in the past few days, and she has long been used to it.

"Well, I would like to ask this person named Li Chengzhu, which one of you is? I see the information above shows that Li Chengzhu seems to have two younger sisters here, who are now in college."

As soon as this sentence came out, Di Gu's eyes suddenly opened, and a burst of light burst out from it, and it seemed that Su Cancan was right.

"You! I warn you not to hit them!"

Faced with the threat of Digu, Su Cancan only found it funny, did they completely understand their current situation?

"I even took out this thing, that is to tell you clearly, if you cooperate with me, I will naturally not take action against your family."

Su Cancan said indifferently, how could she not threaten these two people, isn't she just to see the secrets hidden behind them?

"Now, you guys think carefully about whether to say or not to say."

Digu and his younger brother looked at each other, their eyes are very complicated. After several confrontations, Digu closed his eyes in pain and sighed.

"Well, we said it!"

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