Millionaire Suddenly Appears

Chapter 992: Profiteer

However, all merchants are somewhat treacherous. This is not a bad thing. If a merchant does not make money without trespassing, then his business activities will naturally not be able to continue.

Wu Tian was not surprised by what the boss surnamed Wu said. On the contrary, these are all he expected.

The other party will definitely bargain with him because of this matter, which is probably a price for digging people.

But now, Wu Tian would rather spend more money, and hope to control Niu Tengyun in his own hands.

"Make a price."

Wu Tian said lightly, he didn't bother to talk nonsense, it was nothing more than money. But he is the least sensitive to money.

"Okay! Mr. Wu is really quick to talk! This chief cow is a mainstay here. It can be said that all the medicines in my company cannot be separated from its development. Let me give him to you, yes, but this The price..."

The boss surnamed Wu smiled slightly, and made such a traitorous profiteer.

The other party was like a lion that had already opened its mouth, and wanted to swallow Wu Tian at any time.

"What's the point of saying this? You quote a price. If I think it is appropriate, we will close the deal. If it is not appropriate, then forget it."

Wu Tian still didn't give this person a good face, and said slowly, and then played with the phone, showing that he didn't care very much.

But what he did, in the eyes of the boss surnamed Wu, was like taking off his pants and farting, meaningless.

"Mr. Wu, in fact, what I want to say is that Niu Tengyun is a priceless treasure. But I am just his boss. He wants to leave or stay. I can't decide for him. You have to ask him yourself."

Originally, Wu Tian thought he would name a particularly high price to slaughter himself severely, but he didn't expect that he would say to let Wu Tian take the initiative to contact Niu Tengyun.

This was something he hadn't expected. Wu Tian stood up immediately and asked again in disbelief: "What you said is true?"

"Of course it is true, otherwise I would always think that I would really sell my employees?"

The boss surnamed Wu is still so smiling, but at this time, in Wu Tian's eyes, he looks so cute.

"Great, I'll go see him now!"

Wu Tian couldn't hide the excitement in his heart at this time. If he really wanted to see the capable man in this legend, Wu Tian could be said to be looking forward to it.

The boss surnamed Wu smiled silently, just watching Wu Tian's back view from inside his room.

Long Yun glanced, she frowned slightly, the more you think this boss surnamed Wu would not be so kind.

In these years, no one is not profitable and cannot afford to be early, and such a good thing cannot be done by this person.

Wu Tian couldn't manage that much anymore. He rushed to the R&D building behind, found Niu Tengyun, and told him about his ideas.

As a result, Niu Tengyun frowned tightly and was not so anxious to speak, but his expression was somewhat restrained.

"Dr. Niu, just say what you think. I will try my best to satisfy you. Whether it is equipment or personnel, R&D funds, I will definitely follow your requirements!"

Wu Tian said with confidence that his contact with these researchers during this period has already figured out some of their routines.

For these people, what kind of material rewards do you give him, in fact, is not so attractive. The key is his scientific research conditions, and that is a key factor that can really fascinate these people engaged in scientific research.

Therefore, Wu Tian is very confident in the conditions he has given. Niu Tengyun will never get these in this company, so he has an extremely powerful appeal.

"This...thank you for your kindness...but I can't leave this company."

Niu Tengyun said apologetically, but Wu Tian was completely stunned.

"No..." Wu Tian looked at Niu Tengyun in disbelief, and then hurriedly said: "You may not have heard clearly or I will say it again."

"No need..."

Niu Tengyun's tone was very firm, as if he could not change his mind.

At this time, Wu's boss also came to Wu Tian and the others. Watching Wu Tian and Niutou's negotiation, they fell into a deadlock, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"There is one thing that I didn’t tell you. Niu Tengyun and I are very good friends! He is a person who knows his gratitude and repays his gratitude. I saved his life back then, so Lao Niu will not go with you. of."

The Wu boss said triumphantly, but Niu Tengyun also lowered his head and nodded lightly as he recognized what his boss said.

Wu Tian swallowed hard, he didn't expect things to become so troublesome.

But he had to get this Niu Tengyun into his own hands. Wu Tian knew that direct dialogue with Liu Fengjun would not have any effect. The key factor was still in this Wu boss.

So he went back to the office of Wu's boss, and the two decided to have a good talk.

Only this time, the active party became Wu's boss, and Wu Tian was the one who begged to do something.

"Mr. Wu, you can see that you have finished asking, but I have nothing to do."

Wu's boss is still pretending to be grandsons at this time. How could this matter have something to do with them, no wonder he was so confident in letting Wu Tian take the initiative to contact him at the beginning, probably because he knew that Niu Tengyun couldn't agree to his leave.

In other words, it is impossible for Niu Tengyun to leave the company without the approval of Wu's boss.

Who knows what kind of things are behind them, maybe Niu Tengyun has something to grasp in the hands of the Wu boss.

Although Wu Tian looked at this person very upset, but at this time, he could only suppress all his emotions first, and the overall situation was important.

"You can say a condition."

Wu Tian took a deep breath, and then the most important thing was to see what kind of harsh requirements the other party would put forward.

"It's very simple. I heard that the Wu Group Company always has some messy things, and I, as a person, like things that ordinary people can't see. If you can show your sincerity, I think this One thing can still be discussed."

The Wu boss said with a smile, money is not important to him at this time, so he wants something unique in the world.

As for what this thing is, then Wu Tian will consider this difficult problem.

"You mean, want something rare, rare in the world?"

"Yes! People live a lifetime and always hope to get something that others can't get."

Wu Tian gritted his teeth, and finally nodded in agreement.

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