Chapter 128 Inappropriate Actions

A few days passed and Mimi received a message - it was the hacked information of the Hirogori's recent contracts and partnerships she requested.

Scrolling through the report, she pinpointed what she was looking for and a smile curved on her lips.

It looked like the partnership her father so desperately wanted Tobias to agree to was worthy of being praised. Mimi herself was impressed with the terms.

Who would have thought the vicious man was willing to sacrifice so much to discover the source to Tobias's company growth.

Had Tobias agreed, his company would have received a 10% increase in profit, while her father would have lost around millions.

Tobias could have benefited so much from this partnership, yet he still declined even after her father made even better adjustments.

Mimi's expression softened as she giggled in her seat.

She would have to reward the man the next time she saw him.

Maybe she could surprise him with treating him out and have him only pay for half of the bill!

Mimi inwardly nodded her head at her thoughts.

Meanwhile, in the tech department of Glory Trade Corporation, the employees sitting near the girl did their best to ignore the wickedly, snickering girl.

From the moment she evilly sneered and had a sudden fit of giggles, they all felt chills run down their backs while they worked.

Ah, whenever she was near it always felt as if an evil spirit was haunting all of them!

Legs propped up on a desk and her back leaning against her chair, Mimi scrolled through her phone with a mischievous smile, her body dressed in her usual black leather attire.

The sound of heels clicking caused Mimi's ears to perk up but her attention remained on the small device in her hand.

Sensing a figure standing in front of her, Mimi could perceive their cold and biting stare.

Hiding a grin, Mimi continued to scroll on her phone as if the person in front of her was invisible.

"Ms. Mimi, may I ask what you're doing?" Senior Su's tone was sharp.

Without glancing away from her phone Mimi replied, "Watching pig compilations."

In response to her words, Senior Su's brows twitched irritably. Taking a deep breath, she looks down at the gothic girl with a controlled expression.

"Do you think that's appropriate in this situation? You have work to do, don't you? Shouldn't you be focusing on that?"

"I completed all of my work for the week," Mimi responded curtly.

Through clenched teeth, Senior Su says, "Even so, you're actions are still inappropriate for a workplace. Can't you see those around you are still working?"

Finally, Mimi glanced up from her phone, her eyes hollow.

Looking around her at the employees with their heads in their computers, Mimi shifted her eyes back toward Senior Su's figure.

"I don't hear anyone complaining about me being here. If they had such a problem, they should tell me. After all, they're adults. If something bothers them they should speak up, especially when it involves their work." Mimi spoke blandly. "Seeing how they didn't, it's clear they're not bothered."

Senior Su frowned. Those listening to their conversation felt as if Mimi had mentally slapped them in the faces.

She was right. If they were bothered they could have told her what they thought in order to focus on their work, yet they didn't dare go up and speak to the cold looking girl.

However, some felt as if her words were easier said than done. It wasn't their faults she was so unapproachable!

Whenever they did strike up a conversation with her, they'd return to their desks in shame or embarrassment!

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