Chapter 134 Perverted Fantasies

"Mimi, be gentle," Tobias said in a thick voice.

"Umm…like this?" Mimi caressed her fingers softly against the exterior.

"You're too rough."

Mimi frowned and puckered her rosy lips. "So what if I am? What if I like it rough?"

"But it won't fit if you're too aggressive." Tobias sighed.

"Can you two please stop talking like that? My innocent mind can't take it anymore!" Alec sitting a few feet away from the two cried pitifully.

In Mimi's small apartment, the three hovered over her wide coffee table and were currently making homemade dumplings from scratch. Yes, making dumplings.

After requesting for Tobias to prepare her Chinese dumpling soup, Mimi invited Tobias to come to her house to make it. Alec, who had just so happen to be there, tagged along.

Yet, ten minutes into the dumpling lesson and he was already regretting his decision.

These two could make reading a book sound perverted!

Mimi glanced over at her brother and snorted, "Don't drag your perverted fantasies into our innocent lesson."

Alec nearly coughed up blood. Said the actual pervert herself!

Muttering quietly to himself, Alec continues to place the stuffing inside the raw dough – a gloomy cloud hovering over his head.

By now Tobias had completed fifty dumplings, Alec fifteen and Mimi…zero. It seemed no matter what she did, the dough would always break.

Tobias sighed as he watched the girl break her twentieth piece, "You're putting too much stuffing, try putting a little less."

Slowly, Mimi shifted her head to look at him with a deadpan face. The corner of his lips twitched as he regarded the girl's 'are you mentally ill' expression.

"Less? Why would I want to put less? The stuffing is the best part! Can't we just make one giant dumpling?" Mimi batted her lashes pitifully.

Once again, Tobias sighed. He really couldn't fathom with this girl's gluttonous mind.

"Mimi do it like this, see?" Alec carefully demonstrated for the girl. "If you put too much filling it'll break. If you're having trouble, I can show you again."

Behind Alec's words was a taunting and triumphant expression. For as long as he could remember, Mimi always had the advantage in everything she did.

But recently, Alec discovered when around Tobias, the girl's flaws started to show.

One being her horrible and offensive cooking skills!

Finally seeing his sister at a disadvantage brought out his inner Mimi. Alec wouldn't let such a moment go to waste!

Already guessing her brother's thoughts based on his familiar teasing expression, Mimi's face darkened and a wicked smile arched up on her lips. By now, she had long noticed Alec's clear enjoyment for her acts of struggle. He seemed to enjoy it a little too much.

"My, my Alec, you're so good at it! You know with skills like that; I should consider having you cook my meals for me in replacement of Tobias." Mimi smirked.

Alec's face turned pale while Tobias's furrowed in displeasure.

In unison, both men in different tones said, "No."

Mimi blinked her eyes rapidly and stifled a laugh. "Okay then."

Due to Mimi's slow pace, Tobias and Alec started completing the unfinished work. Standing up from the floor, Mimi stretches her body and goes to the kitchen to wash her hands - and of course, get herself a snack. As Mimi left to go to the kitchen, her phone on the table rang.

With a dumpling in his hand, Tobias glanced at the device and in response to seeing the caller ID, his expression darkened.

Big fox?

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