Chapter 217 - Men In Black

After leaving the hospital, Mimi found herself wandering listlessly, pretending to admire the sights while munching on two sets of fries, a burger, and a milkshake. She needed to think after everything that happened.

Last night, she discovered her feelings for Tobias. What's more, her father was possibly trying to kill him.

The reason? She had no idea.

All she knew was that Henry Hirogori wasn't someone to suddenly attack without a reason. While Tobias was his major competition in the business industry, he wouldn't use that as an excuse to eliminate someone. From her perspective at least.

How pleasant, she needed to play hero and detective.

That afternoon, sitting on a park bench facing a playground, she sipped her chocolate milkshake. Quietly, she watched children play with their parents, giggling happily with pure innocence.

She never had moments like that. The moment she was old enough to walk, she was put into the business world like a machine. And yet, when it was shown she didn't have the skills, she was cast aside and stored into her bedroom like an unwanted toy.

All she ever did was look outside from her window and stare at the children laughing and playing. At five years old, she mocked the children who played so freely.

During that time, she always wondered if there was a moment—a chance where her father could love her.

That man was incapable of loving. If he didn't care for his self-image, he would have left her on the streets than in her room, starving and pathetic.

Closing her eyes to block the view of the children, Mimi leaned her head back. Her mind at this point was utterly exhausted. When her thoughts shifted to a certain man, her lips couldn't help but curve into a smile.

His hands had always been gentle when he touched her hair, her hands, and her lips. When he held her, his grip had been firm but never bruising. It was full of love and affection.

Remembering a certain hot and hard image, Mimi sipped her cold milkshake, eyes still closed.

Perhaps what she felt wasn't love but l.u.s.t...

That thought quickly changed when she recalled everything else she enjoyed about the man. Around others, the look in his eyes was cold, almost emotionless. However, when he looked at her, his entire being softened.

Nope, she was in love with the big fool. Mimi was immersed deep within her own mind and unconsciously smiled, bending her closed eyes.

Dark shadows blocking out the sun's light broke Mimi's bubbly thoughts. She put her hand to her forehead and opened her eyes slowly. She found two men in black standing over her. Mimi blinked before her eyes quickly narrowed coldly.

Having just gotten off from work, she was currently dressed in her usual dark, gothic clothing.

"May I help you?" Her beautiful and graceful face had her usual gentle smile on, but the smile did not reach her eyes.

"Are you Andras's sister?" One of the men asked.

A dangerous glint instantly emerged within Mimi's previously jeering and teasing gaze.

She had a cold expression on her face. After a while, she calmly voiced a response, "Who's asking?"

The men ignored her question and proceeded to speak, "We'd like you to come with us."

"And if I don't?" Mimi raised an eyebrow.

They both looked at each other.

Using the distraction, Mimi tossed her milkshake at them. Then she used all the speed in her and was up on her feet, jumping over the park bench. She heard the men curse behind her followed by the sound of their running footsteps.

Mimi sprinted toward the park's entrance when she noticed two other men in black suits similar to the ones behind her standing there waiting. Mimi did a quick scan of the area and dashed the biking trail.

Hearing the heavy breathing and foot falls of her pursuers at her back, she swore and whipped out her phone. She was really starting to hate her short legs. She either needed to workout more or grow a pair of long legs.

"Hey Toby, I have a big problem right now!" Mimi shouted into the phone while leaping down a set of concrete stairs.

"Mimi? What's going on?" She heard Tobias's voice. It sounded dark. Concerned. Scary. S.e.xy!

She quickly threw those thoughts away when she heard one of the men shout something to his partner. Looking up, Mimi saw a pair of men driving in a black car, following alongside her at even pace.

Aaaah! Are you kidding?!

"Shit!" Mimi ran faster.

"Mimi? Where are you?" Tobias's voice grew darker. It sounded as if he was rushing down a hallway. He probably was in a meeting just now before her call.

"One moment." Mimi huffed and looked around before taking a turn toward a crowded area. Hopefully, they would lose sight of her for a bit.

"Whew. That was close. I seem to be a little popular today." She giggled while dodging a couple walking.

"Mimi…" Tobias gritted out.

"Haha, goodness, Tobias. You're always so uptight." She laughed.

"Where the f.u.c.k are you?" He growled.

Mimi's eyes widened a bit. That had been the first she heard him swore so intensely. It was hot. However, she didn't dare delay answering his question.

"I'm currently near the cherry blossom viewing at Sai Park." Mimi scanned her surroundings and noticed the men in the car were still following her. "Although I might need to change my location soon."

"Damnit," Tobias growled curses. "How many are there? Can you find a safe place to hide?"

"All I see is four so far. As for hiding, that might be difficult. I think my maidenhood will be in danger if I'm caught."

"Did they hurt you?" His voice sounded different. Almost pained.

A smile broke out over her face. "I'll be okay. But please send someone quick, I'm getting a little tired."



"I'm coming. But please be safe."

Before she could answer, from the corner of her vision she could see the men who were previously driving come to a stop and leave the car. They were now running toward her.

Mimi sighed heavily. "I'll try. Now hurry."

With that, Mimi hung up on the phone and darted toward the busy street of cars.

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