Chapter 24 Cover Blown
"Who are you?" Landon asked with narrowed eyes.
Looking at Landon's suspicion, Mimi chuckles.
She had to admit the young man in front of her was decent enough to be considered attractive.
However, with his personality, he was nothing but scum in Mimi's book.
Nothing compared to the godlike Tobias Itou who Mimi admired quite much.
Who didn't enjoy eyeing attractive things?
Sure the man appealed to many women, but he had no intentions of playing around or acknowledging any of them.
Mimi found some respect in the man, as someone who mostly seen shameless attractive men use their wealth to lure women.
"I'm just an ordinary bystander," Mimi curves her lips up. "But whenever I see a young maiden in need of help, I can't help but assist them."
Landon wanted to scoff at the kid's words, he was clearly trying to look good in front of everyone.
However, unsure of his status he held back his annoyance and selected his words carefully.
"Thank you for your concern, but I was just disciplining her for her actions. There's nothing for you to worry about." Landon places on a reassuring smile.
The corner of Mimi's eyes twitch.
Hoho seems like someone was smart with words. Good very good!
People on the side couldn't help but watch the two young men.
Majority of the women watching had their eyes on the gorgeous young man also known as Mimi. Watching him stick up for the young girl moved the hearts of many.
How much they envied to have a prince charming to save them!
As for the men they watched Landon who they knew was the heir to his father's company and admired him disciplining the young lady.
Not to mention many were jealous of Andras, who possessed more skill and experience than them who had been in the business for years not to mention who was much older.
They hoped to witness the young boy make a slip up at the party ruining his image boosting their egos.
Alec observed the scene unfold before him from the side, he couldn't help but feel surprised by Mimi intervening when she typically would ignore such drama. Guess she was starting to warm up.
Tobias standing next to Alec silently watched the young boy with unreadable eyes.
"Is that so?" Mimi's voice trailed off as she glanced at Emilia.
Emilia, who had heard Landon's words clutched tightly on the jacket. She couldn't bear this humiliation! Just when she thought someone came to help he'd end up leaving for Landon's false words.
However, what Emilia didn't expect was for the young boy who she hadn't seen the face of to grip her hand and pull her towards his side.
The movements were oddly nostalgic.
"From what I can remember about general knowledge," Mimi smirks. "Insulting someone's taste in clothing isn't a way of disciplining."
Landon's body stiffens at Mimi's words.
He hadn't realized he had heard that part of their conversation!
Yet, what annoyed him the most was how he had shamelessly touched Emilia.
"Don't you think it's quite brazen of you to touch a young maiden so openly without her consent?" Landon arrogantly raises his head up acting as if he had won the battle.
Landon knew that majority of the people who were watching would side with him.
Just as Landon thought, a few people started to look at Mimi as a young man who only helped the young girl to get into her pants.
Regarding how he held on to her so closely they could only think that.
However, Mimi smiled even more and broke out into fits of laughter. Landon felt a pungent taste in his mouth as he watches the young man laugh at him.
"Is it so wrong to touch a young lady?" Mimi chuckles. "If we're speaking about being shameless, mind telling me how you forced her into this corner to insult her?"
Landon once again felt the words get caught in his throat. He, to be honest, had nothing to say back, after all, it was the truth.
"If you can so easily roughly grab her, then I can hold her hand," Mimi said.
People hearing the young boys words could only nod their head in agreement. For those who witness the scene unfold themselves knew he was telling the truth.
Recognizing how the tables had turned and everyone was looking at Landon with disgust, Alec sighed with relief.
"Now if you don't mind, I think I'll leave and place this young lady in a woman's care to freshen up." Mimi lightly bobs her head before turning around with Emilia wrapped in her arms protectively.
In truth, Mimi didn't wish to stay there long and argue with him.
But because he had placed her in an unavoidable situation where she must speak to the scumbag, Mimi endured.
If she were to stay another minute, she might have died of boredom.
However, Landon wasn't going to allow her to get away so easily. Especially not when his reputation was on the line.
"Hold it!"
Just before Mimi could leave, Landon grabbed her by the shoulder roughly to turn her around.
Feeling his hand roughly grip her, Mimi's eyes turned a shade darker.
Ready to jab the scumbag in the rib Mimi's vision was blocked by a towering figure.
Using his body to shield Mimi and Emilia, while grabbing harshly onto Landon's hand, Tobias coldly glares at the young man.
"That's enough." The cold mans dark voice rattles throughout the room.
Landon's complexion slowly turned paler by the second.
He was strong!
The hand gripping his arm held so much strength he was nervous it break with the slightest pressure.
Little did he know Tobias was exerting the slightest amount of force on his hand.
Gulping, Landon nods his head quickly. Tobias's eyes turn a shade darker as he stares at the hand gripped around Mimi's shoulder, indicating for him to let go.
Landon immediately releases Mimi as if she was on fire, he just wanted to get out of their as fast as he could!
Mimi blinks her eyes rapidly, staring up at the tall fit attractive man, she found his actions odd and surprising.
Is it possible he had some sort of secret hatred towards Landon?
Then again, even dressed as a man Tobias was regarding her as a damsel in distress.
That idea of allowing someone to help her bugged Mimi slightly.
"M-Mr. Itou, I deeply apologize!" Landon stuttered trying to calm himself.
The red-haired woman next to him looked at Tobias with awe.
Who knew there was someone so handsome in this world!
She couldn't help but admire the man's strong hard body and cold attractive face.
Not only was he successful in the business industry and wealthy, but he was also incredibly young.
Despite the woman's lustful stares towards him, Tobias hadn't noticed her and mainly focused on Landon and Mimi.
"If you don't wish for this situation to affect your future, I suggest you leave," Tobias warned.
Landon's whole body trembled in fear at his detached warning.
Who knew the situation would get so out of control!
Bowing his head, he grabs the red-haired woman and quickly exits the scene.
Once out of sight, Tobias looks at the watchful crowd where everyone immediately avoids eye contact and continues to themselves.
Sighing, Tobias finally turns towards Mimi and Emilia who were both staring at him. Mimi, in particular, had an odd expression on her face.
Both continue to stare at one another silently but were quickly interrupted by Alec who rushed over.
"Are you okay?" Alec asked worriedly, observing every part of Mimi's body. "I didn't think he'd actually grab you. What a jerk!"
Alec bombarded her with questions asking how she felt, including the suggestion of going to a psychiatrist!
With her bottom lip twitching, Mimi annoyedly rubs the spaces between her eyebrows.
"I'm fine. Thanks to Mr. Itou of course," Mimi sighed. "Alec, do you think you could go escort Ms. Yimo to the staff to help her calm down."
"Ah...sure. Where are you going?" Alec asked curiously.
"Bathroom," Mimi said shortly before turning away from them.
Alec slow processed Mimi's words and his eyes widened. Was she going to go into the men's bathroom?!
As Mimi exists the men's bathroom with a satisfied smile after a few peeks and teases, she catches sight of Tobias Itou standing across the entrance of the restroom with his arms crossed.
His face looked down towards the ground as if he was in deep thought.
"Mr. Itou?" Mimi felt vaguely surprised by his sudden appearance.
Hearing the young boys voice, Tobias looks up towards the boy who expressed a confused expression.
Without a second thought, Tobias handsomely struts towards Mimi. Grabbing hold of her hand, Tobias escorts them towards the glass buildings elevator. Mimi was beyond shocked and confused.
Placing them in the elevator, Tobias presses a button to the top floor then silently retreats, quietly leaning against the elevator walls.
Mimi curiously looks up at the man.
Why did he bring her alone in an elevator?
Thinking back to the rumors she'd heard about him possibly being a homosexual, Mimi stares up at him...before slowly retreating a few steps away from him into a corner.
Tobias, whose eyes looked to his side saw Mimi's actions clearly. He releases a dark husky chuckle making Mimi raise her brows up at the man.
Did he just laugh at her?
As the elevator door slowly opened, Tobias without a word stepped out.
Guessing he probably wanted her to follow him, Mimi steps out walking behind him, at a far away distance of course.
At the top floor of the luxurious building, the view of the city could be seen.
With it being late, building lights were lit beautifully and the sight of the streets and sky were in view.
Mimi couldn't help but admire the structure of the building. Everything appeared so futuristic and simplistic.
The glass walls and tiled wood floors created a modern clean vibe.
However, Mimi sought more of the style of small and comfortable than rich and clean.
As Mimi calmly walked around admiring the room, she realized how much bigger the place was compared to her whole apartment.
The room was like an expensive hotel suite with a dining room, bedroom, kitchen, and bar!
Damn, wealthy men had it good.
"Mr. Itou, do you mind telling why you brought me here?" Mimi said with a hint of amusement.
Tobias, who looked out at the city view stood in silence before turning his mysterious eyes towards Mimi.
Across the room, the two stared at one another in silence once more, before Tobias slowly walked towards Mimi.
Arching a brow curiously at the young man, she watches as he stops midway.
"You...How old are you?" Tobias dark husky voice broke the silence.
"Turned fifteen couple months ago," Mimi straightforwardly answered with a smile and shrug.
Tobias remains silent in response, his eyes slowly observing Mimi's whole body. Because she gave her red suit jacket to Emilia, all that was worn were black suit pants and a long pale collared shirt.
Even under his watchful dark gaze, Mimi didn't seem to mind.
If anything she was amused.
Was he actually a homosexual? Maybe he had an interest in younger boys? She pitied all those women who fancied the man.
As Mimi pictured the attractive man surrounded by a bunch of men, she missed as Tobias quickly walked towards her direction.
Stiffening at his close distance Mimi looks up at the young man. She could practically feel the man's breath!
Both stared into each other's eyes silently, Tobias began to observe the young boy before him more closely. No matter, Tobias identified that his feeling towards the boy was right...
"You're a girl aren't you?"
Looking at Landon's suspicion, Mimi chuckles.
She had to admit the young man in front of her was decent enough to be considered attractive.
However, with his personality, he was nothing but scum in Mimi's book.
Nothing compared to the godlike Tobias Itou who Mimi admired quite much.
Who didn't enjoy eyeing attractive things?
Sure the man appealed to many women, but he had no intentions of playing around or acknowledging any of them.
Mimi found some respect in the man, as someone who mostly seen shameless attractive men use their wealth to lure women.
"I'm just an ordinary bystander," Mimi curves her lips up. "But whenever I see a young maiden in need of help, I can't help but assist them."
Landon wanted to scoff at the kid's words, he was clearly trying to look good in front of everyone.
However, unsure of his status he held back his annoyance and selected his words carefully.
"Thank you for your concern, but I was just disciplining her for her actions. There's nothing for you to worry about." Landon places on a reassuring smile.
The corner of Mimi's eyes twitch.
Hoho seems like someone was smart with words. Good very good!
People on the side couldn't help but watch the two young men.
Majority of the women watching had their eyes on the gorgeous young man also known as Mimi. Watching him stick up for the young girl moved the hearts of many.
How much they envied to have a prince charming to save them!
As for the men they watched Landon who they knew was the heir to his father's company and admired him disciplining the young lady.
Not to mention many were jealous of Andras, who possessed more skill and experience than them who had been in the business for years not to mention who was much older.
They hoped to witness the young boy make a slip up at the party ruining his image boosting their egos.
Alec observed the scene unfold before him from the side, he couldn't help but feel surprised by Mimi intervening when she typically would ignore such drama. Guess she was starting to warm up.
Tobias standing next to Alec silently watched the young boy with unreadable eyes.
"Is that so?" Mimi's voice trailed off as she glanced at Emilia.
Emilia, who had heard Landon's words clutched tightly on the jacket. She couldn't bear this humiliation! Just when she thought someone came to help he'd end up leaving for Landon's false words.
However, what Emilia didn't expect was for the young boy who she hadn't seen the face of to grip her hand and pull her towards his side.
The movements were oddly nostalgic.
"From what I can remember about general knowledge," Mimi smirks. "Insulting someone's taste in clothing isn't a way of disciplining."
Landon's body stiffens at Mimi's words.
He hadn't realized he had heard that part of their conversation!
Yet, what annoyed him the most was how he had shamelessly touched Emilia.
"Don't you think it's quite brazen of you to touch a young maiden so openly without her consent?" Landon arrogantly raises his head up acting as if he had won the battle.
Landon knew that majority of the people who were watching would side with him.
Just as Landon thought, a few people started to look at Mimi as a young man who only helped the young girl to get into her pants.
Regarding how he held on to her so closely they could only think that.
However, Mimi smiled even more and broke out into fits of laughter. Landon felt a pungent taste in his mouth as he watches the young man laugh at him.
"Is it so wrong to touch a young lady?" Mimi chuckles. "If we're speaking about being shameless, mind telling me how you forced her into this corner to insult her?"
Landon once again felt the words get caught in his throat. He, to be honest, had nothing to say back, after all, it was the truth.
"If you can so easily roughly grab her, then I can hold her hand," Mimi said.
People hearing the young boys words could only nod their head in agreement. For those who witness the scene unfold themselves knew he was telling the truth.
Recognizing how the tables had turned and everyone was looking at Landon with disgust, Alec sighed with relief.
"Now if you don't mind, I think I'll leave and place this young lady in a woman's care to freshen up." Mimi lightly bobs her head before turning around with Emilia wrapped in her arms protectively.
In truth, Mimi didn't wish to stay there long and argue with him.
But because he had placed her in an unavoidable situation where she must speak to the scumbag, Mimi endured.
If she were to stay another minute, she might have died of boredom.
However, Landon wasn't going to allow her to get away so easily. Especially not when his reputation was on the line.
"Hold it!"
Just before Mimi could leave, Landon grabbed her by the shoulder roughly to turn her around.
Feeling his hand roughly grip her, Mimi's eyes turned a shade darker.
Ready to jab the scumbag in the rib Mimi's vision was blocked by a towering figure.
Using his body to shield Mimi and Emilia, while grabbing harshly onto Landon's hand, Tobias coldly glares at the young man.
"That's enough." The cold mans dark voice rattles throughout the room.
Landon's complexion slowly turned paler by the second.
He was strong!
The hand gripping his arm held so much strength he was nervous it break with the slightest pressure.
Little did he know Tobias was exerting the slightest amount of force on his hand.
Gulping, Landon nods his head quickly. Tobias's eyes turn a shade darker as he stares at the hand gripped around Mimi's shoulder, indicating for him to let go.
Landon immediately releases Mimi as if she was on fire, he just wanted to get out of their as fast as he could!
Mimi blinks her eyes rapidly, staring up at the tall fit attractive man, she found his actions odd and surprising.
Is it possible he had some sort of secret hatred towards Landon?
Then again, even dressed as a man Tobias was regarding her as a damsel in distress.
That idea of allowing someone to help her bugged Mimi slightly.
"M-Mr. Itou, I deeply apologize!" Landon stuttered trying to calm himself.
The red-haired woman next to him looked at Tobias with awe.
Who knew there was someone so handsome in this world!
She couldn't help but admire the man's strong hard body and cold attractive face.
Not only was he successful in the business industry and wealthy, but he was also incredibly young.
Despite the woman's lustful stares towards him, Tobias hadn't noticed her and mainly focused on Landon and Mimi.
"If you don't wish for this situation to affect your future, I suggest you leave," Tobias warned.
Landon's whole body trembled in fear at his detached warning.
Who knew the situation would get so out of control!
Bowing his head, he grabs the red-haired woman and quickly exits the scene.
Once out of sight, Tobias looks at the watchful crowd where everyone immediately avoids eye contact and continues to themselves.
Sighing, Tobias finally turns towards Mimi and Emilia who were both staring at him. Mimi, in particular, had an odd expression on her face.
Both continue to stare at one another silently but were quickly interrupted by Alec who rushed over.
"Are you okay?" Alec asked worriedly, observing every part of Mimi's body. "I didn't think he'd actually grab you. What a jerk!"
Alec bombarded her with questions asking how she felt, including the suggestion of going to a psychiatrist!
With her bottom lip twitching, Mimi annoyedly rubs the spaces between her eyebrows.
"I'm fine. Thanks to Mr. Itou of course," Mimi sighed. "Alec, do you think you could go escort Ms. Yimo to the staff to help her calm down."
"Ah...sure. Where are you going?" Alec asked curiously.
"Bathroom," Mimi said shortly before turning away from them.
Alec slow processed Mimi's words and his eyes widened. Was she going to go into the men's bathroom?!
As Mimi exists the men's bathroom with a satisfied smile after a few peeks and teases, she catches sight of Tobias Itou standing across the entrance of the restroom with his arms crossed.
His face looked down towards the ground as if he was in deep thought.
"Mr. Itou?" Mimi felt vaguely surprised by his sudden appearance.
Hearing the young boys voice, Tobias looks up towards the boy who expressed a confused expression.
Without a second thought, Tobias handsomely struts towards Mimi. Grabbing hold of her hand, Tobias escorts them towards the glass buildings elevator. Mimi was beyond shocked and confused.
Placing them in the elevator, Tobias presses a button to the top floor then silently retreats, quietly leaning against the elevator walls.
Mimi curiously looks up at the man.
Why did he bring her alone in an elevator?
Thinking back to the rumors she'd heard about him possibly being a homosexual, Mimi stares up at him...before slowly retreating a few steps away from him into a corner.
Tobias, whose eyes looked to his side saw Mimi's actions clearly. He releases a dark husky chuckle making Mimi raise her brows up at the man.
Did he just laugh at her?
As the elevator door slowly opened, Tobias without a word stepped out.
Guessing he probably wanted her to follow him, Mimi steps out walking behind him, at a far away distance of course.
At the top floor of the luxurious building, the view of the city could be seen.
With it being late, building lights were lit beautifully and the sight of the streets and sky were in view.
Mimi couldn't help but admire the structure of the building. Everything appeared so futuristic and simplistic.
The glass walls and tiled wood floors created a modern clean vibe.
However, Mimi sought more of the style of small and comfortable than rich and clean.
As Mimi calmly walked around admiring the room, she realized how much bigger the place was compared to her whole apartment.
The room was like an expensive hotel suite with a dining room, bedroom, kitchen, and bar!
Damn, wealthy men had it good.
"Mr. Itou, do you mind telling why you brought me here?" Mimi said with a hint of amusement.
Tobias, who looked out at the city view stood in silence before turning his mysterious eyes towards Mimi.
Across the room, the two stared at one another in silence once more, before Tobias slowly walked towards Mimi.
Arching a brow curiously at the young man, she watches as he stops midway.
"You...How old are you?" Tobias dark husky voice broke the silence.
"Turned fifteen couple months ago," Mimi straightforwardly answered with a smile and shrug.
Tobias remains silent in response, his eyes slowly observing Mimi's whole body. Because she gave her red suit jacket to Emilia, all that was worn were black suit pants and a long pale collared shirt.
Even under his watchful dark gaze, Mimi didn't seem to mind.
If anything she was amused.
Was he actually a homosexual? Maybe he had an interest in younger boys? She pitied all those women who fancied the man.
As Mimi pictured the attractive man surrounded by a bunch of men, she missed as Tobias quickly walked towards her direction.
Stiffening at his close distance Mimi looks up at the young man. She could practically feel the man's breath!
Both stared into each other's eyes silently, Tobias began to observe the young boy before him more closely. No matter, Tobias identified that his feeling towards the boy was right...
"You're a girl aren't you?"
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