Chapter 270 - Reconcile

Rushing into the kitchen, Tobias saw a very turbulent scene before him. Standing next to a blazing, flaming pan, Mimi waved an oven mitt against the flames, hoping to blow it out. Only...her actions enraged the flames even further.

"Step back!" Tobias reached for the fire extinguisher beneath the sink before pushing Mimi behind him.

Pressing the lever, the fire burned out quickly.

"What were you thinking?!" Tobias turned around to scold her, however, stopped when he saw Mimi's teary expression. "What's wrong? Are you all right?" Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/mimi_11284734506314305/reconcile_51051495893815171 for visiting.

"Tobias...My hand hurts!" Mimi whined and held up her right hand. The palm of it had been burned.

Based on her previous 'attempt' to extinguish the fire, he could guess she grabbed the pan while it was still hot. With a heavy sigh, Tobias pulled her wrist and trailed her into the living room to apply ointment.

Sitting on the couch, Mimi sniffled and watched Tobias rub the gel onto her palm, his fingertips gently stroking her skin to prevent hurting her. She lightly closed her lips, her bright violet eyes peeping at Tobias. Mixed in those beautiful eyes were feelings that could not be hidden. However, Tobias never met her gaze and continued treating her hand.

Seeing this, Mimi felt a sting in her heart.

Strangely, it reminded her of when Tobias treated after returning from the nightclub. Every time, no matter the circ.u.mstances, he always treated her kindly. Tobias, who just finished applying the ointment, stood up when he suddenly felt a tug on his shirt.

The moment he looked down, he felt as if something was crushing his heart and breaking it into pieces. There was no expression on her beautiful face, and her calm eyes held little emotion. Her whole body was quiet as if she was about to melt into the surrounding air, silent and painful. But upon a closer look, Tobias could see the hand clutching to his shirt was trembling.


"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry Tobias, I..." Mimi raised her hand and touched her face. Then she lowered her hand in frustration. She whispered hoarsely, "I-I know I've made a lot of mistakes that hurt you...but please...please don't leave me."

With those words, Mimi's once-dry fingertips turned damp with tears. Unable to stop the flow of her tears, she covered her face.

"Please...Please don't..."

Don't throw me away.

Her lips hung slightly open, but she could not produce a single sound. Her throat was blocked with thousands of words, but she did not know how to say it. She couldn't. Though, Tobias knew what she wanted to say.

"Mimi, listen to me..." Tobias knelt in front of her.

Uncovering her face, Mimi looked up with a grief-stricken expression.

"I know you're angry, but I will never do anything dangerous again! I know I've promised before, but I swear it to you! Please just—" Just as she was speaking, Mimi suddenly fell into Tobias's arms.

In an instant, her whole body froze as if someone pressed the pause button. He put his chin against her head, rubbed her hair, and stayed there for a long time.

When it finally dawned on Mimi what was happening, the hands that had been settled on her sides, tightly wrapped around Tobias's back. She closed her eyes and buried her head in his throat, dragging a deep, steadying breath into her burning lungs and down to her pounding heart.

Tobias held her to his sturdy chest with his strong arms and gently patted her back.

After a long time, she finally heard a low, husky voice in her ear: "You're right. I am mad at you. Very mad at you. But, no matter how angry or hurt I am, I swear I will never, ever leave you, Mimi."

Pulling back slightly and lifting her tear-stained face, Mimi's worried heart began to beat again.

"You won't? You promise?" Her eyes frantically searched his expression.

Sighing softly, Tobias wiped her tears. "Mimi, I promise. I will never leave you."

Tobias's warm palm on her face had turned into a scorching heat. Her heart thumped and thumped as she burned in it. Mimi's nerves, which had tightened into a knot, gradually started relaxing and newly emotional tears fell from her eyes.

Before, such words would give her a sense of fear, distrust, and even anger. Such words used to be so painful. But now, hearing them come from Tobias's lips, Mimi felt nothing but warm, loving emotions.

I don't think I could live without this man.

"It's okay..." Tobias's soft voice cooed her, calming down her trembling body. He gently kissed her forehead, eyes, and lips. His hands, which were slowly sweeping up and down her back, gave her silent comfort.

Their heartbeats drummed against each other. Then, he repeatedly whispered in her ear that it was okay.

"Tobias, I love you. So much. So very much!" Mimi snuggled her face into his chest.

Chuckling, Tobias softly stroked the top of her head. "I love you too. Although I'm still angry with you."

"I deserve that," Mimi said helplessly.

Tobias grunted a sound of agreement. Laughing softly, Mimi stared up into the handsome man's face lovingly. She leaned in, so her foreheads rest against his. They closed their eyes. Both their breaths fanning against one another.

"Thank you," Mimi said in barely more than a whisper.

"For what?" Tobias replied, his voice low and husky.

"For being you." Her voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension between them.

With a smile on his face, Tobias gently leaned in and kissed her warm lips, while his hand rested on her waist. His hand settled below her ear, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled.

It was a soft kiss. One filled with reconciliation. They pulled apart and opened their eyes. They stared at each other, deep into each other's eyes. No words were spoken, but a story worthy of them was communicated.

Again, Tobias leaned in and softly kissed up and down Mimi's neck. She let out little whimpers of anticipation. Tobias worked his way back to her tender, smooth lips. His tongue stroked hers lazily within her mouth, sucking and licking her lips as he leaned closer. As they kissed, Mimi rolled him over and lied on top of his strong, muscular body.

She ran her lips up to his neck and landed a loving and intense kiss on his lips. Tobias m.o.a.ned. Mimi sat on top of him; knee's on either side of his thighs.

"Mimi..." Tobias whispered slowly against her lips, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. Mimi smiled, her heart fluttering at his voice as she clasped her hands on either side of his face.

"Tobias..." Mimi softly kissed his lips, sucking on his lower lip before pulling back to stare deeply into his eyes. "Let's meet up with your parents."

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