I saw that the more the two of them talked, the more excited they became, and the more they talked, the more outrageous they became.

Long En quickly waved his hand and stopped the two.

"Stop, stop, stop. "

The two of them saw Long En speak, and although they were still a little unsatisfied, they still stopped.

"Alright, you go down first. "

Long En waved at the two of them.

Long En must not believe the words of the two of them.

It is said that those monsters are controlled, and there are bosses behind the scenes, and Long En is still suspicious of these.

But to say that monsters have thinking is simply.

Although the graphics of the game are indeed very realistic, no matter how real it is, this is also a game.

No matter how high the monster intelligence is, it is also a string of data.

So hearing this, Long En was already able to determine that these two people were messing around.

But one thing Long En can be sure of is that they probably really encountered a relatively strong monster.

When the two of them saw Long En let them go down, they knew that Long En must not believe their words.

They were about to say something, but they saw Ah Yu running in panting.

Ah Yu was lucky, and the location of the teleportation immediately after being killed was not far from the station, so he quickly rushed back.

The two saw Ah Yu and were about to say something, but they were interrupted by Ah Yu.

"You go out first, and I'll leave it here. "

Seeing this, the two didn't say anything more and left.

After Ah Yu breathed a sigh of relief, he told Long En in detail what had happened.

"That's the way it is..."

"So, I'm sure there's something very powerful..."

After listening to Ah Yu's words, Long En immediately fell into deep thought.

At the same time, after several big-mouthed members of Ah Yu's team were resurrected, they quickly revealed the matter to their good brothers.

"Tell you one thing, don't tell anyone else..."

"I told you because I had a good relationship with you, you have to keep it a secret!"

"That's the only thing I know you do!"


That's it, one to ten, ten to hundred.

The news spread quickly.

And what players hear is a variety of different versions.

"Have you heard?,There's a ghost in this game!The kind that comes and goes without a trace.,As long as you meet it, you'll be killed in seconds!".

"I've heard that something powerful controls the monsters in the game! Every time the moon is full, a ritual is performed!".

"I've heard about it too!, it's the sacrifice that the player, the player's whole body is burned black!What's even more terrifying, the player never came back to life!Died in the game warehouse!!".

"Damn, it's really fake?!It's too exaggerated?!!


"Of course it's true, this is what the high-ranking people in the Langya Guild, the fifth largest guild in the world, have seen with their own eyes!"

"I heard that the sacrifice is a high-level player in their guild! Now the entire guild has blocked the news!".


In this way, every time the news comes out, it will be added to the vinegar.

At this time, in the mouths of the players, a great demon king has been born.

It's capable of anything, and it's capable of killing players in an instant.

It came and went without a trace.

It is capable of controlling all the monsters in the game world.

It needs to be strengthened by sacrificing the lives of the players.

It can even take the lives of players in the real world through games!

Originally, many people thought that this was nonsense.

But when I heard this, it was when the fifth largest guild in the world, the Langya Guild, discovered the secret.

Everyone chose to believe.

The reputation of the Langya Guild is well known, and they have all confirmed this matter, so it is clear that there is such a thing.

The previous monster farm event was also dug up by some players.

There was another burst of adding fuel and vinegar, which suddenly made the whole incident confusing.

At this time, the game forums were full of posts about this deadly demon king.

[The Demon King Descends to the World, Sacrifice to the Heavens!Is This a Game or a Human Experiment?!].

[Strange buildings, strange rituals, players become sacrifices, is there really a big demon king in the game?!].

[The Demon King will choose the cave for the sacrificial ceremony!, don't go to the cave alone!].

[Is the demon king who has been in the sky a string of data, or does he have his own thinking?!].


On the forum at this time, the word demon king has been ranked first in the hot search.

Players are new to the game and don't know much about the game.

And a lot of players haven't even seen a monster.,This sudden appearance of the magic of the demon king.。

Naturally, everyone is very curious.

And just when they spent a lot of time studying the so-called Demon King.

The night is slowly falling.

What players don't know is that the real danger is slowly approaching....

At this time, Li Yuan still didn't know anything about everything.

When the players rumored that his biography was in full swing, he had already tamed Xiao Hei.

It was also good luck that Li Yuan saved five ender pearls, but he didn't expect to use one to directly generate ender mites.

Then he successfully tamed Xiao Hei.

After taming Xiao Hei, the skill obtained is indeed Xiao Hei's teleportation.

And when Li Yuan used teleportation, he also found that the distance he teleported was much farther than Xiao Hei.

It seems that after subduing these monsters, their skills have been greatly improved in Li Yuan.

"It seems that I am the material for being a demon king. "

After Li Yuan subdued Xiao Hei, the sky gradually darkened.

Li Yuan couldn't help but get a little excited when he saw this.

This is the first night for players to enter the game, and Li Yuan, as the Demon King, naturally has to teach them a good lesson.

At this time, many monsters had been refreshed around Li Yuan.

After killing the untamed, the remaining monsters Li Yuan all controlled them.

"The slaughter begins!".

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