This drop of blue-green blood fluttered in the air, and then followed the control of the Phantom Mantis King, and landed directly on the pattern formed by the rune.

And Fang Qingyan also bit his index finger at this moment and shook off a drop of blood on his hand.

The drop of blood carried an inexplicable pressure, flashing with a golden-red light, and quickly fell on the pattern formed by the rune.

Two different drops of blood were entangled with each other, and blue-green and golden-red light continued to erupt, causing the entire Phantom Mantis's ancestral land to light up with an inexplicable light.

When these two drops of blood finally fused together, the pattern formed by the runes burned rapidly, turning directly into a golden piece of paper in the air.

Moreover, the two colors of the blood finally turned into a milky white light, connecting Fang Qingyan and the seriously injured phantom mantis, making them seem to have a connection in their hearts.

Fang Qingyan subconsciously picked up the seriously injured phantom mantis on the ground, and said softly with a soft face.

"Now that we have signed a contract of equality, we are partners in the war together. I'll give you a name, how about you call it Xiaoying?"

As he spoke, Fang Qingyan began to touch the wounds on Xiaoying's body.

The law of chaos in the body constantly erodes the power of silence at the wound, and covers the law of time and space on the wound, constantly healing the injuries on Xiaoying's body.

Xiaoying felt the breath on Fang Qingyan's body, and the cruelty and ruthlessness in his eyes slowly became gentle.

Even it didn't know why it let Fang Qingyan hold it, and why it agreed with the name Fang Qingyan gave it.

Healed Xiaoying's injury, Fang Qingyan held it in his arms, and his right hand kept touching the wings behind it, feeling the breath on its body.

And when Fang Qingyan stroked its wings, Xiaoying subconsciously closed her eyes and slowly realized the intimacy.

Fang Qingyan said with a smile: "Senior, don't worry, since I have signed an equal contract, I will treat it well, truly regard it as my companion, and when I leave here, I will also let it reintegrate into this universe and find a way to save the entire race with it." "

Fang Qingyan's words directly reached the heart of the Phantom Mantis King.

It has always been calm, and its face also flashed with excitement and excitement.

The Phantom Mantis King smiled and said, "It's enough to have your words, I hope you can take care of my son for me." "

"As a last-ditch deal, allow our entire clan to help you do something at the last point. "

Before Fang Qingyan could figure it out, a long howl came out of the Phantom Mantis King's mouth.

After this long roar, phantom mantis suddenly appeared around one after another, and these phantom mantis carried heavenly treasures on their backs, floating in mid-air.

"According to the requirements of outsiders in the past, you should be here to gather something more valuable. Based on what you have gathered, you will be able to determine your ranking. "

"Our clan has been here for so many years, and we have collected a lot of heavenly treasures, so in order for you to win this victory, I have decided to give some of them to you. "

After speaking, those phantom mantis around them slowly floated on the ground, and those heavenly and earthly treasures on their backs also began to appear in front of Fang Qingyan and the others.

"Starry fruit, vermilion fruit, figs, returning to the air root..."

Looking at these heavenly treasures that appeared in front of him, Grand Elder Colin was surprised and directly shouted out the names of these things, and every time he shouted one, Grand Elder Colin felt very surprised.

Because some of the heavenly treasures in this have disappeared in this universe.

Fang Qingyan looked at these things in front of him and asked in surprise.

"Senior, your clan has worked hard for so many years to have these heavenly treasures, and now giving us this part really makes us feel a little guilty. "

"If it's because of Xiaoying, then you don't have to, after all, you saved the lives of the three of us, and you should help the entire clan. Besides, we have some time to collect ourselves..."

Before Fang Qingyan's words were finished, the Phantom Mantis King interrupted him.

The Phantom Mantis King smiled and said, "Because of that group of people, you have been delayed for a long time. You've only been in this area for three years, and now you only have two months left, and it's impossible to get a certain ranking. "

"And can you guarantee that those people won't crouch around you?"

Thinking of those people in Shendos, Fang Qingyan was a little angry.

If it weren't for the relentless pursuit of those people in Shendosi, how could Fang Qingyan and the others be so embarrassed.

"Don't think about it so much, you take these things as the expenses I ask you to take care of my son. "

The Phantom Mantis King urged the law of wind, and those heavenly and earthly treasures on the ground immediately floated towards Fang Qingyan and the three of them.

And Fang Qingyan thought of the Phantom Mantis King's words, and also felt that what he said was very reasonable, so he could only put away those genius earth treasures on the ground.

"Rest assured, as long as I am here, I will not let it suffer any harm, from now on, it will be my brother and my family. "

Speaking of this, Fang Qingyan hugged the little shadow in his arms tightly.

Jean and Grand Elder Colin were also in this atmosphere, with a determined gaze in their eyes.

The Phantom Mantis King smiled and began to ask what Fang Qingyan and the three of them planned to do in the next two months, after all, with these natural treasures, even if the three of them couldn't win the championship, they could still achieve a good ranking.

Fang Qingyan thought about it, and his eyes subconsciously looked in the direction where the people of Stydos were leaving.

After entering the universe for so many years, Fang Qingyan has always been a person who has repaid kindness and revenge, and Fang Qingyan has to get it back for the losses he suffered in Hades.

Thinking of this, Fang Qingyan said resentfully.

"I want revenge!"

As soon as the word revenge was spoken, the surrounding quick-killing aura suddenly became a little stronger, and even Great Elder Colin and Qin instantly became cruel because of Fang Qingyan's words.

When the Phantom Mantis King heard Fang Qingyan's thoughts, he was very able to understand it, after all, he had suffered such a big loss from Hades, how could he get it back.

The Phantom Mantis King said solemnly, "I signed an agreement with those guys, and I can't help you deal with them. But according to the agreement, in addition to fighting those people, we can help you detect their whereabouts. "

"As long as I find the traces of those people, I will inform you as soon as possible, and you need to complete the rest of the hands-on work yourself. "

After saying that, the Phantom Mantis King began to explain the matter to his people, asking them to investigate the whereabouts of those people and find the hiding place of Hados and the others.

Soon, the Phantom Mantis King received a report from his clansmen.

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