Although Li Yuan had upgraded a wave of skills before, although he had improved himself, it was not very big.

It can be said that the upgrading of those skills does not play a decisive role.

From the beginning of the game to the present, there has been a problem that has plagued Li Yuan.

Although Li Yuan has been improving his strength, no matter how much he improves, Li Yuan can't expand the scope of his rule.

No matter how powerful he is, he can only rule one region.

Take the previous recruitment meeting as an analogy.

It happened that Li Yuan was lucky enough to run into a player near him who had researched the first monster farming tower.

This led to a wave of carnage, and then slowed down the player's development.

But in case it wasn't Ah Hui who researched the monster farming tower, but someone else.

And it is not under Li Yuan's jurisdiction, so Li Yuan doesn't know anything.

There will be no carnage, and there will be no slowdown in the player's development.

Therefore, if you want to truly become a great demon king, you must know everything and be able to reach anywhere.

After all, the whole game is global.

Li Yuan stays in one place to develop, and he will definitely become a frog at the bottom of the well.

The development of the players will definitely catch up with Li Yuan immediately.

Therefore, this doppelganger control skill can be said to be like timely rain.

With this skill, Li Yuan finally has the prototype of the Demon King!

"150,000 kills..."

Li Yuan looked at the kill value required to upgrade these two skills, and couldn't help but have a little headache.

The previous massacres were only worth more than 200,000 kills.

And these two skills alone require 150,000 kill points.

"It looks like another massacre has to be organized..."

Li Yuan suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he thought about it.

The previous massacre was entirely due to the mob farm, and the players gathered spontaneously.

Their focus is on mob farms.

If you want to bring the players together again, you need to find the focus of the players right now.

"That's right! World Channel!".

If you want to know what players are doing right now, the World Channel and forums are the best place to start.

Li Yuan pondered on the system panel for a long time, and finally made a discovery.

In the System Shop, the last page of the Self Gain tab.

Li Yuan not only found what he was looking for!

[Unlock World Channel] [Kill Value: 10000].

[Unlock Forum] [Kill Value: 20000].

"There really is!".

Li Yuan didn't expect that he could really watch the world channel, and even the forum.

It just so happened that Li Yuan still had 10,000 kill points left before, and Li Yuan unlocked the world channel without hesitation.

And when the world channel was unlocked, Li Yuan found something even more amazing!

[World Channel lv2: You can speak on the World Channel.] (Up to 3 times per day) [Kill Value: 100000].

"Shhhh and can still speak..."

Li Yuan was already pleasantly surprised by being able to unlock the World Channel, and Li Yuan never thought that after upgrading, he would still be able to speak on the World Channel.

"That's too buggy, isn't it?!".

Although the maximum number of speeches on the World Channel is three per day, this is enough.

You must know that being able to speak can already bring a lot of benefits to Li Yuan!

Take the sale of small saffron that Li Yuan wanted to plan as an example.

If Li Yuan can speak on the world channel, he can directly speak as a player, thus confusing the public!

For example, "Villagers can exchange for small red flowers, and a total of 999 flowers can be exchanged for a diamond set!".

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but that's what it means.

In short, being able to speak on the world channel will bring a lot of convenience to Li Yuan!

The same is true for the forum, and it is estimated that the upgrade mechanism of the forum is similar to that of the world channel.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan had a crazy idea in his heart.

As we all know, part of the reason why HIM gives people a terrifying character is that he is elusive.

Part of the reason is that he is like a virus, able to manipulate and change all kinds of information on the Internet.

So, isn't it, Li Yuan can also be like HIM in the future?!

I have to say, although this idea is crazy, maybe it is really feasible.

But looking at the upgrading trend of this world channel, you can feel that things are not so simple.

At first, you can peep at the screen, then you can make speeches, and you can't really say that you can control and tamper with your speech in the end!

If that's the case, then it's really terrifying!

Thinking of this, Li Yuan couldn't help but be full of expectations for the future.

It can be said that all the discoveries today have made Li Yuan's strength a big leap.

"Now that you can peep at the screen, let's see what the players have been talking about lately!".

At present, Li Yuan's goal is to first engage in kill value to upgrade the skills of the clone and the clone control.

So you still have to find a way to get the players together to make trouble.

Li Yuan opened the world channel and watched it for a long time.

Then he turned his head and looked at One-Eye and Broken Arm with a wicked smile.

"It turns out that their focus is far away in the sky, and it is close at hand..."

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