At this moment, Entity 303, NULL Zero, and the Dreadlord have all defeated Wither Storm and arrived here.

This also shows that the strength of the three is above that of the Queen of Ender.

The trio tried to help with the withering storm, but the Queen of Ender gave them only one look.

They all stood obediently and watched the play.

Through the actions of Entity 303, Zero NULL, and Dreadlord, players are also aware.

This beautiful-looking stunner is definitely a ruthless character, and she must not be easily provoked.

Although many players coveted the beauty of the Ender Queen, after seeing her sword-swinging posture and the attitude of the people of Entity 303 towards her, they instantly sobered up.

"I can't afford to provoke it, the crazy woman is too terrible

...""Her big sword wielded a 40-meter machete stance, who can withstand this..."

First of all, I will mourn for this big octopus for 1 second

..."" (There should be BGM here) Sister is the queen, and she shines with confidence


this moment, entity 303 and zero-value NULL are watching the play leisurely, but the Dread Demon King is a little untenable.

Before killing Wither Storm, he basically paddled the whole way and hugged his thighs.

Naturally, he was a little aggrieved.

After all, this was their first head-on battle against the Void.

His only chance at the moment was the withering storm in front of him.

Thinking of this, the Dreadlord looked at Entity 303 and Zero NULL.

"Isn't there a way for her to cut it down like this?, shall we do a favor?" Entity

303 immediately shook his head and refused at hearing the Dreadlord's words.

"I'm not going, didn't you see the way she stared at me, I have pimples all over my body when I think about it now!" NULL

glanced at the Ender Queen in the distance, then looked at the Dreadlord and lifted his chin.

"You feel the aura around

her...", "If you had gone now, her great sword would have cut more than just those stones..."

Hearing Zero's words, the Dreaddemon Dynasty took a sharp breath from the ender queen's side.

Then I only felt numb all over my body.

"Tsk... This irascible breath is almost choking..."The

Dreadlord finally realized that this withering storm seemed to have no place to play.

At this moment, the Dread Demon King was also a little sour, and after thinking for a while, he said.

"She's occupying the pit and not!"

"When will she find the core of the withering storm when she slashes like this?"

After hearing the words of the Dreadlord, NULL Zero didn't say anything, but laughed from the sidelines.

Naturally, he knew what the Dreadlord was thinking.

Entity 303, who was unaware of the situation, shook his head and explained to the Dreadlord.

"She's not chopping, she's slowly approaching the heart of the withering storm.

"At first I thought she wouldn't let me get involved because she was acting out of her mind.

"But it's not.

"You should know that the core of the withering storm can be moved around at will, right?" Hearing

Entity 303's words, both Zero NULL and the Dreadlord shook their heads.

"We used other methods to eliminate him.

Seeing this, Entity 303 nodded and continued.

"The core of the withering storm can change positions at will within his body, and he will always latch on to blocks for backfilling, so it's very difficult to deal with.

"But for some reason, the location of the core of the withering storm in front of us is fixed.

"The Ender Queen is heading in that direction.

"I guess the ender queen is the ender queen who fixed the core.

"That's why I didn't intervene. Hearing

the words of Entity 303, both Zero NULL and the Dreadlord couldn't help but complain.

"Is that really why you didn't interfere

?" "I remember someone just said that she was glaring at her, and goosebumps were rising, who was here?"


"Anyway, she should be able to solve it herself." "

Actually, Entity 303 didn't tell a lie.

If the Queen of Ender does not have the strength to deal with the withering storm, even if she is glared at by the Queen of Ender, Entity 303 will still strike.

After all, the task given to them before Xu Yuan left was to protect themselves first, and the second was to protect the world.

At the moment, it is possible to be sure that the Queen of Ender will not be in danger of life, and that she will be able to deal with the withering storm, which meets both conditions.

So Entity 303 chose the option of standing by and protecting himself...

Hearing Entity 303's affirmative answer, Zero NULL and the Dreadlord were finally relieved.

"At the heart of the withering storm is the blue eye of ender, although it is blue, but the eye of ender is from the end after all, which is probably the reason why the queen of ender was able to hold its place, right?"

"Well, both the Nether and the End have their own worlds, and it's not surprising that she's the ruler of the End, so it's not surprising that she can control these things. Entity

303 nodded, then said.

"Well, the Dragon Prophet and the Dancer are also heading towards the core from other directions, and the speed of the withering storm backfill can't catch up with the three of them, and if you can take care of one side, you can't take care of the other.

"They're about to get it. "

As analyzed by NULL and the Dreadlord, the position of the blue eye of ender is indeed fixed by the Queen of Ender.

The Queen of Ender is initially at a loss when faced with the Upper Withering Storm.

Later, it was the Dragon Prophet who sensed the location of the Blue Ender Eye.

The three of them then locked onto the location of the blue eye of ender, and then divided into three ways and began to open the mind of the withering storm.

I have to say that the withering storm is indeed an inopportune time.

What I encountered was either a hanging force or a super hanging force.

I finally met a trio of ender queens with poor strength, and it just happened to bump into someone's professional field.

The vessel that holds the consciousness is precisely the product of the End.

Although the Queen of Enders has no way to control the Blue Consciousness, as the Queen of the End, she can still control the container.

This is called professionalism.


The Queen of Ender, the Dragon Prophet, and the Last Dancer marched in three directions toward where the Blue Ender Eye was.

At first, Blightstorm will also control the blocks around it to fight back against the trio.

But as the three of them got closer to the blue eye of ender, it was clear that Withering Storm was already a little too busy to take care of itself.

Blocks used to counter can only be used to backfill the path of the three Queen of Ender.

However, as Entity 303 states, the withering storm cannot be filled with all three parties firing at all.

With the final swing of the Queen of Ender, the blue eye of ender was finally exposed.

The Queen of Ender teleported the blue eye of ender into her hand, not giving Wither Storm the slightest chance to roll over.

After the blue eye of ender was taken by the Queen of Ender, the body of the withering storm began to disintegrate and collapse rapidly.

The Ender Queen, the Dragon Prophet, and the last dancer also teleported to safety.

Seeing the withering storm disintegrate, the Queen of Ender finally put down her greatsword.

With a proud face, he looked up at Entity 303, Zero NULL, and the Dreadlord.

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