ux\\u001cThe red lady led the army back to the camp, ordered the slaughter of pigs and sheep, and held a big banquet to celebrate the achievements of the entire army.

In the evening, his subordinates came to report that Li Zicheng's military advisor Song Xiance shouted outside the camp asking for an audience.

The red lady's eyebrows furrowed slightly and she pondered for a long time before she let out a faint sigh and asked someone to bring Song Xiance in.

Li Yan and Song Xiance hit it off immediately. Although they did not pay homage to Song Xiance, they actually regarded Song Xiance as his eldest brother. With Song Xiance's persuasion and the support of the red lady, Li Yan led his troops to vote for Li Zicheng, thinking that he could make some great achievements. Career, unexpectedly was killed by Li Zicheng, who was regarded as the hero.

The red lady did not blame Song Xiance, but she blamed herself very much. If it had not been for her strong support, Li Yan might not have surrendered to Li Zicheng, or he might not have died. She has always been guilty and unable to let go.

The reason why she decided to meet Song Xiance was that she wanted to end it face to face with Song Xiance, her eldest brother. If Song Xiance continued to work for Li Zicheng, all ties would be severed.

"Brothers and sisters..."

Under the guidance of the soldiers, Song Xiance entered the camp and came to the Red Lady's handsome tent. When he saw the Red Lady, he had many things he had planned in his heart, but he didn't know how to say them out.

"Brother Song, please sit down." The red lady politely clasped her fists, asked Song Xiance to take a seat, asked the female guard to bring tea, and then listened quietly to his purpose.

Song Xiance's heart was full of bitterness. To be honest, he didn't want to take on this task. However, despite the King Chuang's request, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and come.

To be fair, King Chuang sincerely wanted to reconcile with the Red Lady. He returned Li Yan's body, compensated several cartloads of gold and silver jewelry, weapons and equipment enough to arm 10,000 people, and 3,000 fine war horses. There is a lot of food.

The condition is that the red lady should not get entangled for the time being, so as not to take advantage of Sun Chuanting, who is watching eagerly from the side. She should not withdraw from Hunan and go to other places to develop and strengthen her own strength. After the Zhu family dynasty is destroyed and the people of the world are saved from the fire and water, the two sides can fight openly and openly again. Decisive battle, winner is king.

Regardless of whether it was public or private, Song Xiance felt that it was a very cost-effective business. The Red Lady was too weak to fight against King Chuang head-on. Instead of doing this, it was better to take advantage of King Chuang's opportunity to contain Sun Chuanting's army and arrive at Find another place to develop, strengthen your own strength, and then come back to fight to the death with King Chuang.

No matter who wins in the future, the Zhu family dynasty will be destroyed and the people will be saved from dire straits. This is the outcome he wants most in his heart.

It was already getting late, so Lady Hong asked the female waiter to bring food and wine, and the two chatted while eating. Song Xiance was not polite, eating large portions of meat and drinking from large bowls to calm Lady Hong's caution.

The red lady listened patiently to Song Xiance's words, frowning in thought. To be honest, the conditions given by King Chuang were indeed very good, and he even considered her in every aspect, which indeed showed enough sincerity.

But for some reason, she felt a little uneasy in her heart. Perhaps it was because the offer offered by King Chuang was too good to refuse.

Is King Chuang really so kind?

Because of Li Yan's death, Lady Hong had a very bad impression of King Chuang Li Zicheng, and regarded him as a capricious villain. As such a villain, she naturally had to be on guard.

"Xiao Yi, let me know and tell everyone to be on guard to prevent Li from stealing the camp." The red lady was worried and found an excuse to leave the tent. She whispered to her personal bodyguard Xiao Yi and asked her to notify the generals of each battalion to strengthen their vigilance. Be careful to prevent Li Zicheng from stealing the camp.

"Yes, the boss."

Xiao Yi accepted the order and left. The red lady returned to the handsome tent and drank with Song Xiance. She admired Song Xiance's intelligence from the bottom of her heart and planned to try to see if she could persuade him to come over.

"Brother Song, the man named Li is a capricious villain. Aren't you worried about Brother Song?"


Song Xiance smiled bitterly. How could he not hear what the red lady said?

Li Zicheng even killed Li Yan, who was loyal and had made many great contributions to the rebel army, let alone others. Besides, you Song Xiance was very close to our husband and wife. Can Li Zicheng not feel a little bit uncomfortable in his heart?

Your future situation will definitely be dangerous.

Song Xiance pondered for a long time and opened his mouth to say something. A shrill scream suddenly sounded from a distance, followed by a thundering roar.

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