"Is this the legendary Thousand Mile Mirror that can see thousands of miles?" The red lady couldn't put it down and played with the monocular telescope in her hand. Even though she was still dissatisfied with the dog emperor in her heart, she really liked the thousand mile mirror presented by the dog emperor. .

Yang Feng, who also received a monocular telescope, was already smiling so hard that he couldn't help it, he was so happy.

There is no need to talk nonsense about the important role of this little thing. There are so many governors and general military officers with military power in the Ming Dynasty, but only Sun Chuanting, Gao Jie and others have them. This shows how rare and precious it is.

On the night of the meeting with Tian Wujiu, Sun Chuanting, the governor of the three sides, stayed up all night to write a successful report and rushed it 800 miles to the imperial capital.

Zhu Youjian learned about the battle situation outside Kaifeng through two secret letters from Sun Chuanting and Jin Yiwei. He did not expect that the Red Lady was careless for a moment and was unexpectedly attacked by Li Zicheng and defeated miserably. However, as long as everything is alright, with his secret support, the Red Lady will be able to regain her strength. Rise up and become a powerful enemy that gives Li Zicheng a headache.

The Gaojie tribe in Shaanxi and the Zuo Liangyu tribe in Huguang were able to successfully ambush Li Zicheng's generals Yuan Zongdi and Hao Yaoqi. It was purely Sun Chuanting's luck. He just took precautions and ordered the two men to lead the army to see if they could After responding to the defeated Red Lady, she really succeeded by waiting for the chance.

Although two consecutive victories greatly boosted morale and dampened Li Zicheng's arrogance, it also exposed many weaknesses. The combat effectiveness of the officers and soldiers was worrying, especially the Huguang Army led by Zuo Liangyu. , or an ambush, actually allowed Hao Yaoqi to break out of the encirclement, killing only more than 300 rebels.

This was a failed ambush, but in order to boost morale and encourage people, he had to praise it in a big way.

Zhu Youjian was quite satisfied with Sun Chuanting's approach of arranging the remnants of the Red Lady. The old man was quite enlightened and it was not in vain for him to support him again.

What surprised him was Tian Wujiu's performance. Originally he was just asked to deliver a letter, but he didn't expect that he was brave and resourceful and helped the Red Lady hunt down Li Zicheng's nephew, the fierce general Li Guo, nicknamed a tiger, and won the Red Lady and the others. The favor of his subordinates was an unexpected gain.

This kid deserves to be cultivated well.

Zhu Youjian ordered the engraver to work overtime overnight and engraved the names of Hong Niangzi and Yang Feng on the monocular telescope, and engraved three small characters "Chongzhen Gift" in block letters below, which was not only a help to Hong Niangzi, but also a way to win over.

As for whether he could succeed, he didn't care much. Anyway, he had a little relationship with the red lady, hehe.

He ordered Tian Boguang, the acting commander of the Jinyi Guards, to send someone to escort the telescope to Li County and deliver it to Tian Wujiu, who would give it to the Red Lady on his behalf.

When Tian Boguang heard that his son had made great achievements, he was so happy that he could not close his mouth all day long. He was both happy and worried about the emperor's decision to ask his son to present the Thousand Mile Mirror on his behalf.

He was happy that the emperor had the intention of vigorously cultivating his son, but he was worried that if something happened to his son and the red lady, it would be very bad.

Although the Tian family is in decline, it is still an honorable family with hundreds of hereditary royal guards. Now it is rising again, and there is a hint of a renaissance. If you marry a second-married female thief, won't you be laughed to death by your relatives and friends?

Although he heard that the red lady was very beautiful, he would never agree to this marriage no matter what.

"My lord, are you thinking too much?" Mrs. Tian Cui rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Am I thinking too much?" Tian Boguang was stunned and looked at Madam with doubts on his face, waiting for her to answer her questions.

"My lord, don't you often say that the emperor is a wise man? How old is Jiu'er? How old is the red lady? Would the emperor do such a stupid thing?"

Mrs. Tian Cui explained softly that she came from a scholarly family and was influenced by her father and brother. She had been reading and literate since she was a child. She was a well-known talented girl in the local area. In addition, her husband and son were both serving in Jinyiwei, so she had heard things that many people had never heard of. , this mental insight is not comparable to that of ordinary women.

Precisely because of Madam's high intelligence, Tian Boguang often came back to tell her when he was hesitant and difficult to make decisions. He wanted to listen to her suggestions before making a decision. Over time, Tian Cui seemed to have become Tian Boguang's military advisor. .

"Ah, what Madam means..." Tian Boguang seemed to understand something and looked at Madam Tian Cui with his mouth wide open.

Mrs. Tian Cui blinked, there are some things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

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