Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 100: Can’t afford it? 1. All because of poverty!

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Everyone was stunned.

In the past, His Royal Highness Taisun was gentle and elegant.

But in front of him, His Highness Taisun was like a lone wolf in the mud, insidious and cunning, striking without mercy and delivering a fatal blow to the enemy.

In just a quarter of an hour, there were more than ten people in the mud, and only His Highness Taisun was left standing.

Big Fatty felt distressed and proud at the same time, and then looked at Zhu Gaoxu with an evil look.

Second brother, what kind of training program is this?

Zhu Di also looked at him, his eyes full of coldness.

My great saint grandson was trained to be like this by you?

Feeling these angry looks, Zhu Gaoxu could only smile sarcastically.

That's single combat training, free fighting in the mud, training stress response, usually just some skin injuries...

Well... this is a good idea. Second, go down and try it, and let us see the results!

Zhu Di nodded slightly, his eyes widened, and ordered.

Zhu Gaoxu is stupid. It doesn't matter whether he goes or not.

This old guy Zhu Di is really a thief!

At this time, noon had arrived, and the entire army immediately stopped training.

Ahem, Dad, everyone, it's lunch time now. Let's take an hour's rest and go to the canteen to have a big pot of rice together?

Everyone found it a bit strange. After all, they had been marching and fighting for many years and had never eaten with the soldiers.

What's more, His Highness the King of Han is a high-ranking nobleman. Can he really eat and live with the soldiers without getting some special treatment?

You must know that the food of the soldiers at the bottom is just to ensure that they do not starve to death. As for the taste, it is really difficult to describe.

Big men like them could make do with a bite when they were marching and fighting, but after the war was over they couldn't eat anything.

It was Zhu Di who nodded and spoke first: You're here, let's go and have a look.

Everyone could only nod their heads when they saw this. They also wanted to see whether the King of Han could eat these bran-choking vegetables.

Soon they arrived at the cafeteria, but everyone was stunned.

I saw everyone lining up neatly to get food, even the instructors and the law enforcement team were no exception. It looked like a long queue. God knows how long the queue will last.

Don't worry, everyone, the speed is very fast. The soldiers have worked hard all morning, and now they are so hungry that their chests are pressed against their backs. In addition, they only have one hour of rest time. How can they dare to delay?

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and pursed his lips to signal everyone to line up honestly.

Seeing Zhu Di standing in the queue, Zhu Yong, Liu Sheng and other warriors could only stand in there honestly even though they were extremely reluctant.

However, when it was their turn to eat, Zhu Di and others looked a little ugly.

Because the food in this young army's new barracks is a little too good.

Not only are there steamed buns with rice and white noodles, but there are also green vegetables and pickles to go with the rice, and they even come with broth.

This kind of food treatment is too luxurious!

Everyone, including Zhu Di, was a veteran on the battlefield who led troops in battles. Naturally, they knew that such food was the best among all Ming armies.

No wonder His Highness the King of Han trains the new recruits of the young army to exercise their physical fitness when they have nothing to do. Each one of them is as strong as a calf. It turns out that they are supported by such good food all day long. It is difficult for them not to be strong.

However, this method of military training cannot be implemented at all.

We must know that the Ming Dynasty has millions of troops. The military expenses are already huge. How can there be any spare money to provide such generous treatment?

Therefore, even if His Highness the King of Han could train these 7,000 young troops into elite soldiers who can fight in a hundred battles, it would be a bit useless for the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaoxu and mocked angrily: Second brother, you are also a veteran on the battlefield after all. Isn't it ridiculous for you to train troops in this way?

Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a moment, and then retorted: When we fight a war, we fight for money and food, and we fight for logistical supplies.

If you don't let the soldiers have enough to eat and drink, how will they have the strength to go into battle and kill the enemy?

After hearing this, everyone was immediately disappointed and lost interest in continuing to observe.

Zhu Di raised his feet and walked out of the dining hall. Liu Sheng and others also sighed, a little disappointed with Prince Han.

These veteran generals and commanders all hoped that the King of Han would win the favor of the emperor through this military training.

Who would have thought that he would use such an extreme method to train his troops.

Big Pangpang was also a little disappointed. He patted Zhu Gaoxu on the shoulder and said, Second brother, tell me how you handled this matter... You came here in joy, but you came back disappointed!

These soldiers you trained are indeed elite soldiers, but the government's finances are already tight. How can there be any money left to provide such good treatment to the soldiers...

Listening to the prince's ramblings, everyone felt even more sad.

Even the prince, who has no experience in military affairs, knows that military training cannot be done like this.

His Highness the King of Han is also a veteran on the battlefield, how could he do such a stupid thing.

Boss, if you don't understand military matters, stop being so careless.

In the final analysis, is it still a financial issue? With the implementation of the new salt, Ming Dynasty's finances will not be as tight as before.

I still have many projects here to make the treasury no longer empty. UU reading www.uukanshu.net is not difficult at all.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked and stopped and looked at him.

Zhu Di was full of curiosity and raised his hand to call him to him.

Second brother, are you telling the truth?

Are there many money-making projects? More than one?

During this period of time, even Xia Yuanji recognized the second child's ability to make money.

First there was a tasting party, which made Daming earn tens of millions of taels of silver.

Then, in response to the reform of the old Salt Law, the bad policies of the Kaizhong Law were successfully reformed, and the court's income will be greatly increased.

So Zhu Di is now full of interest and really wants to know what medicine this guy is selling in his gourd.

However, Zhu Gaoxu did not answer directly, but replied ambiguously: Don't worry, Dad, it has been put on the agenda. In the future, you can fight if you want, and you don't have to look at anyone's face.

Zhu Di's eyes lit up and he suddenly smiled.

The father and son were talking happily, and everyone was stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, Big Fatty suddenly came over and teased: Eldest nephew, you train my son like this, why don't you beat your son and throw him in?

Zhu Gaoxu was startled, then nodded.

It's not impossible. We'll throw in all the little guys like Zhan He and Zhan Yao tomorrow and treat them equally.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that the Crown Princess will cause trouble for me, don't you think so, boss?

As soon as these words came out, everyone burst into laughter, and even Zhu Di shook his head and laughed.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is afraid of his wife. This is something that both the government and the public know.

The prince's face turned red with embarrassment, and he hesitated to say a word to refute.

If he hadn't missed his son too much, how could he have gone up to visit him with a shy face.

Hey... Brother, what you said... is really...

To the point? To the point?


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