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As expected, the Northern Expedition remains unchanged!

Zhu Gaoxu had already expected this answer.

If Zhu Di agreed to postpone the Northern Expedition and adopt his strategy, then he would not be the Yongle Emperor.

The best and middle strategies proposed by Zhu Gaoxu do not require rash war, but they will definitely take a long time.

It could be as fast as three to five years, or as fast as seven or eight years. This is just Zhu Gaoxu's conservative estimate.

But Zhu Di couldn't wait for such a long time.

Because he is Emperor Yongle.

Because Zhu Di rebelled and won the country, his determination to become an emperor for eternity is stronger than anyone else!

Therefore, after he came to the throne and stabilized the political situation, he immediately began to conquer the north and south, built the imperial capital of Shuntian, compiled a great collection of documents, dredged the Grand Canal, and Zheng He went to the Western Ocean...

If placed one after another in any dynasty, these would be major projects recorded in history, and they would be enough to make the emperor famous throughout the ages.

But he, Zhu Di, did it all, and even went on many expeditions to the north as a charioteer!

Civilization and martial arts lead to the prosperous Ming Dynasty!

It seems that only in this way can he be recognized by the world.

After Zhu Di made his decision, Liu Sheng and other generals left immediately.

Spring is just around the corner, and they still have a lot to do.

Zhu Gaoxu also sighed and was about to leave, but Zhu Di smiled and said: King of Han, Prince Jin Zhong, Xiaobaan is here to stay, I still have something to tell you!

After everyone else left, Zhu Di leaned lazily on the soft couch.

News came from northern Xinjiang that Mahamu of the Waqi tribe led his troops eastward to the Xinxiang River. It seemed that he was threatening to attack Arutai, but in fact he was concealing his intention to go south to invade our Ming Dynasty border.

His wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed. I intend to lead a personal expedition to destroy the foundation of Wa La and destroy the Wa La race.

After hearing this, the four of them were a little silent.

I have to admit that His Highness the King of Han is a talented man, and the best and middle strategies he proposed are the best ways to solve the hidden dangers of the grassland. At least they are much better than the Northern Expedition, which wastes people and money.

But when the emperor didn't agree and insisted on sending troops to the Northern Expedition, they had no choice but to do so.

Of course, this is the worst strategy, the best strategy, and the middle strategy according to the words of the King of Han. I think it can be carried out!

As soon as these words came out, the four people immediately raised their heads.

Zhu Gaoxu was a little unhappy at first, but he smiled after hearing Zhu Di's words.

Dad, I just said you are not old enough to be stupid!

Zhu Di: ...

Everyone: ???

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit strange, Big Fatty immediately scolded: Boy, what nonsense are you talking about? You haven't been able to follow the rules all day long, tell me how to execute your plan!

Your best and middle strategies seem good, but they obviously won't be accomplished in a day. There will probably be a lot of resistance in their execution!

It is true that the grassland barbarians are cunning and treacherous, but they are not fools. How can they watch the Ming destroy the foundation of their existence?

Zhu Di gave Zhu Gaoxu a hard look and threatened: Tell me how to do it. If you don't tell me, I will send you to a high wall today!

Zhu Gaoxu's old face suddenly darkened, and he replied angrily: It's very simple. After your Northern Expedition, Oara and Tatar will surrender. The imperial court will use both grace and power to open mutual trade in border towns and launch the 'Sheep Shepherd Plan'!

Dad, in order to prevent the Sheep Shepherd Plan from being leaked, I suggested that the Jin Yiwei be fully responsible for this matter. As for the acquisition of goats, snakes, wolves and other things, let Shanxi businessmen be responsible for it. My son has experience in this matter...

Zhu Di raised his brows after hearing this, and said with a half-smile: The imperial court will inevitably invest a lot of costs in the early stage to acquire those goods. In the end, all the goods were given to the merchants under your command. What will the imperial court do?

You bastard, you are trying to get away with nothing!

A white wolf with empty gloves?

Or the treasury?

Xia Yuanji, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, suddenly became anxious, Your Highness, the King of Han, the Ministry of Revenue must participate in this 'Sheep Plan'!

The money comes from the treasury. His Highness, the King of Han, wants nothing but nothing. Where can he put the imperial court?

Xia Yuanji supported the Shepherding Plan with both hands.

Because the Central Plains dynasties opened mutual markets and purchased grassland specialties, this was something that all dynasties had done.

And in a way, the prairie simply cannot refuse.

Those nomadic tribes were not engaged in production, so they needed salt, iron, tea and other daily necessities from the Central Plains.

They hope that Ming Dynasty can open the mutual market to make their lives better.

Moreover, there is more than one tribe on the grassland. Even if the Tatars refuse to herd sheep, the Oara will still herd sheep.

Once the sheep herding plan is carried out smoothly, even if some thoughtful people see that the Ming Dynasty has bad intentions, other tribes will become better and better because of the profit of sheep herding. How can those tribes that refused at first sit still?

You must know that the grassland is not monolithic, but always follows the law of the weak and the strong!

Large tribes annex small tribes. This happens all the time. When tribes become poor and weak, they will only become vassals of others!

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's sheep herding plan can be said to have taken hold of the lifeblood of the grassland tribes. They have no right to refuse!

However, this shepherding plan also has hidden dangers.

Xia Yuanji stroked his beard and asked worriedly: His Royal Highness, the initial investment in this 'shepherding plan' is too high, and besides the edible mutton, everything we bought back was all for nothing!

Zhu Gaoxu: ???


Spending money in vain?

Am I that stupid?

Seeing that Lao Xia Tou still had a grimace on his face and counted silently with his fingers, Zhu Gaoxu immediately laughed.

Old Xia Tou, when did you ever see me doing business at a loss?

Mutton can be eaten, and it can also be dried and made into bacon, which can be used to make military rations for the border troops!

As for sheepskin and wool, it can be used to make leather clothing, and you can make a profit by selling it!

However, after Xia Yuanji heard this, his brows did not relax.

Your Highness, leather clothing made of wool and sheepskin, although warm, has a strong smell!

If you go by what you said, the cost is definitely not low. Weaving requires a lot of manpower, so the price is bound to not be too low!

In this case, rich people will dislike the smell, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to afford it. How can the court make profits from it?

Xia Yuanji has made it very clear that wool sheepskin has a foul smell and there is not much profit margin at all.

As long as the initial cost of this Sheep Shepherd Plan is invested, the grassland tribes will no longer be able to resist the Ming Dynasty in the long run. Even according to the series of poisonous schemes of the Han Dynasty, it may be able to completely solve the Ming Dynasty's grassland border problems.

However, the Ming Dynasty's finances were already tight, and with such a large expenditure, Xia Yuanji felt really bitter.

Anything that costs money would be life-threatening in Xia Yuanji's eyes.

What's more, this deal requires a huge initial investment, and there is no benefit at all.

Zhu Di hesitated after hearing Xiao Baanpan's complaint.

He knew that the imperial court's finances were tight. If this Trojan Horse Plan was really implemented, it would really be a disaster if it failed in the end and caused other projects to stagnate.

Thinking about it, Zhu Di suddenly became entangled, but when he saw the presence of the old god Zhu Gaoxu, he felt relieved.

This traitor definitely has some evil ideas!

Second brother, tell me quickly, or you'll be sent to a high wall!

Zhu Gaoxu was speechless and could only say in a deep voice: Actually, it's not a big problem. My son has a way to remove the smell of wool and sheepskin...

As soon as these words came out, Xia Yuanji jumped up immediately.

It's done! Your Majesty, please immediately send your troops to the Northern Expedition and defeat those little Kalami in Wala!

Everyone: ???

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