Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 122 Making money! The task of supervising the country every time!

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Zhu Gaoxu was silent.

He never expected that there would be no money in the imperial treasury again.

The last time I dealt with Zheng He, he brought back divided goods and earned the court ten million taels of silver.

Then he copied corrupt censors like Liu Guan, and used the corruption case of the Arms Bureau to eliminate many corrupt officials in the court.

The total cash in the homes of these moths is several million taels of silver. Counting those antiques, calligraphy and paintings, no matter how you calculate it, it will not be less than tens of millions of taels of silver!

Later, when the cold winter hit, Zhu Gaoxu took pity on the common people who could not keep warm, so he tinkered with briquettes and distributed 30% of the profits to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The sales of briquettes have been extremely hot in the past few months, and with the participation of those wealthy businessmen, the total profit has been at least millions of taels.

These huge incomes for several consecutive years totaled 30 to 40 million taels of silver, which is equivalent to half of the total fiscal revenue of the Ming Dynasty in a year, and they were just gone?

Your uncle!

Zhu Gaoxu's face twitched a little, his dead eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at Xia Yuanji in disbelief.

Old Xia Tou, where is the money? Where is the silver? What does it mean that the Ministry of Finance has limited money and food? I made a rough estimate and found that the Ministry of Finance has had 30 to 40 million taels of silver in its account in the past few months...

What? Thirty or forty million taels? Xia Yuanzhanghua became anxious and roared with an old face: Your Highness, King of Han, don't be ridiculous. Our household income is only 16.42 million taels. Where did we get 30 to 40 million taels? two……

As soon as these words came out, it was Zhu Gaoxu's turn to be dumbfounded.

Isn't this right? The first tasting is ten million taels, and we raid the home of those moths in Liu Guan...

The two of them stared at each other carefully, and finally came to a conclusion that made people laugh or cry.

Zhu Gaoxu did not make a mistake in his estimation. In the past few months, the court's income did amount to 30 to 40 million taels.

However, not all of these 30 to 40 million taels of silver went into the state treasury, but most of them went into internal funds!

For example, the antiques, calligraphy and paintings confiscated from the homes of corrupt officials were directly put into internal funds. Xia Yuanji never saw them, let alone used them to cash in to fill the national treasury!

At this moment, everyone in Zhu Gaoxu was dumbfounded. It turned out that it was Zhu Di, the thief, who was behind this and was not a human son!

Although the Ministry of Revenue claims to be in charge of all the money and food of the Ming Dynasty, this ownership does not include internal funds!

Internal money, what is that?

That is the private property and private property of the emperor and the royal family!

In other words, the internal funds are the emperor’s small treasury!

The warehouses under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue are mainly the treasury, mainly the Ether Warehouse, as well as Zuoshunmen, east of Baoshanmen and various warehouses of Nancheng porcelain. This is the area under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Revenue.

The Twelve Prisons of the Inner Palace, the Sacrifice House, the Kagura Hall, the Taichang Temple, the Guanglu Temple, the Imperial College and other departments each have their own warehouses, which are their own department funds and the Ministry of Household Affairs has no jurisdiction over them.

There are also the Changying Treasury of Taipu Temple and the Jieshen Treasury of the Ministry of Works. These are also exclusive to these two departments, and the Ministry of Revenue also has no right to intervene.

In addition, there is the emperor's internal money, which is called the Twelve Treasurys of the Internal Palace, with an annual income of more than one million taels of gold and silver.

The inner treasury can only be used and managed by the emperor himself. The Ministry of Revenue can send officials to inspect and register the income and expenditure of the inner treasury, but has no authority to manage it.

The Ministry of Industry is only responsible for inspecting things entering the inner treasury, such as between Hongwu and Yongle, and the Sui Gongcai section of various prefectures and counties, the Ministry of Industry will inspect the items and send them to the inner treasury.

The Ministry of Accounts is only responsible for keeping accounts. The money belongs to the internal government, and although the officials are not allowed to keep track of the gains and losses.

In other words, even the Ji Chen of the Ministry of Accounts could not fully understand the actual accounts of the internal government's revenue and expenditure, and the actual management personnel were entirely composed of eunuchs.

Thinking about it, Zhu Gaoxu suddenly became furious, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

Zhu Laosi, Zhu Laosi, you are really a bastard thief!

He was obviously the richest local tycoon in the Ming Dynasty, with countless silver in his hands. Last time, he had the nerve to complain about his poverty and defrauded him of half of his woolen clothes!

Worse than a beast!

Not a son of man!


Totally unconscionable!

Losing power and humiliating the country!

Zhu Gaoxu was so angry that he wanted to ride on a fast horse to catch up with Zhu Di and settle the score with this thief!

Fortunately, reason defeated his anger, and he finally endured it.

Xia Yuanji, you spent all the more than sixteen million taels so quickly?

Aren't you a 'little abacus'? Do you know how to make an abacus? You...

Xia Yuanji: !!!


What a scumbag!

When you are good, call me Lao Xia Tou!

When things get bad, just call him Xia Yuanji!

His Royal Highness the King of Han, the veteran has just said that the three major projects of the Yongle New Deal, the construction of the Shuntian Imperial Capital, the compilation of Dacheng Documents, and Zheng He's voyages to the West, are the top priorities of the New Deal, and funds must be allocated for a long time to support the smooth progress of the projects.

In addition, officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry are exploring salt mountain salt mines across the country and opening new salt fields. The previous salt fields are also gradually being improved...

With these huge expenditures added up, how can the Ministry of Revenue have any money left? If the King of Han doesn't believe it, he can just go inspect the treasury. There really is no money...

After hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu rolled his eyes helplessly.

He thought again of what Zhu Di, the slutty thief, said that day. Although most of them were false, for example, Zhu Fei was not only not poor, but also the richest landowner in the Ming Dynasty, but there was one sentence that was really right.

This Xia Yuanji is really a calculating person!

There is definitely money in the treasury now, but this old guy is unwilling to use it and has already arranged where the remaining money will go.

If I had known there was such a thing, Zhu Gaoxu would have been such a bastard when he recruited the household department to join in the woolen business!

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help complaining: Xia Yuanji, you old guy, the Ministry of Household Affairs has no money, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Then you agreed so quickly that day? If you had known that I would go it alone, where would you have done it? No need to look at the face of an old guy like you...

Before he finished speaking, Gu Zuo, the imperial censor, immediately opened his eyes and glared at Zhu Gaoxu fiercely.

Your Highness the King of Han, Xia Shangshu is an important minister in the court, and the emperor's humerus arm, please show some respect...

Respect your uncle, Gu Liqing, what are you barking at? If you have the guts, come over and fight with me, so that I can vent my anger...

Everyone: ???


Absolutely crazy!

This Prince of Han is acting stupid again!

Subconsciously, everyone looked up and around with interest, ignoring him at all.

Zhu Gaoxu returned to the imperial desk with a depressed look on his face, looking at the mountains of folding papers on the table, his face filled with despair.

He finally understood that Zhu Di was a complete scammer!

Knowing clearly that the imperial court's finances were tight, he still insisted on going on the Northern Expedition, leaving this mess to his sons and trying every means to raise money and food!

Whoever supervises the governance of the country will be responsible for making money for his wars and for his martial arts and martial arts!

Making money is the task of supervising the country!

But the most damn irritating thing is that this bastard thief has money and food in his pocket!

What a stupid thief, it belongs to your uncle!

The more Zhu Gaoxu thought about it, the angrier he became. He touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Zhu Di, like those wealthy landlords, had a small peasant mentality even after becoming emperor and liked to hoard gold and silver.

However, such an approach would greatly damage currency circulation and indirectly inhibit the economic development of the Ming Dynasty.

So, what should be done to empty Emperor Yongle's small treasury?

Hiss...this idea is very tempting!

If I really succeed and empty out Emperor Yongle's small treasury, then I, Zhu Gaoxu, will be able to leave my name in history!

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