Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 126 Shock! Prince Han wants to use his internal funds!

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Completely numb!

Whether it is Jin Zhong, Xia Yuanji, or Huang Huai Yang Rong, these giants are all numb now.

They had never thought before that the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes would bring such serious consequences.

But they never thought that there would be a national plan like the Ming Dynasty Bank that could affect the entire Ming Dynasty for thousands of years!

The ministers present are all important ministers of the fifth rank and above. Being able to appear here proves that they are not stupid.

Once the Daming Bank project is successfully constructed, it will bring countless benefits to Daming.

Zhou Chen took a deep breath and began to talk about the advantages of Daming Bank in an almost trembling tone.

First, and the most intuitive point is that once the bank is successfully constructed, the Ming Dynasty's banknotes will not depreciate in value, and various shortcomings of the banknotes can be eliminated with the help of the bank. In this way, the court's credibility among the people will be greatly improved.

The ministers nodded subconsciously. After all, the Ming Dynasty Bank was originally established to solve the hidden dangers of treasure banknotes.

If it can really run successfully, then all the hidden dangers in the Baochao system can be solved easily.

Secondly, after the Ming Dynasty Bank operates normally, the people of the world will become accustomed to depositing gold and silver treasures in the bank, and then the court can use these reserves to develop people's livelihood, increase grain production, make money in business, and promote the economy...

Before Zhou Chen finished speaking, a sentence emerged in the minds of the officials: take it from the people, use it for the people!

Simply put, this is how money begets money.

People deposited their money in banks, and the imperial court used the people's money to develop people's livelihood, promote the economy, and implement various national policies.

Finally, use the money you earn to help people all over the world live a better life!

In other words, once the Daming Bank operates normally, the court will never be short of money!

Moreover, this is a national policy that is mutually beneficial and beneficial to the country and the people!

The imperial court will not suspend many national policies that benefit the country and the people because of financial problems!

People can get welfare policies through banks and live a better life under the macro-control of the court.

All of a sudden, the ministers were discussing and praising the wonderfulness of this policy.

The most excited person was Xia Yuanji, the Minister of Household Affairs.

The Yongle Emperor's humerus arm was flushed with excitement and his breathing was rapid.

He saw at a glance the many advantages of the Daming Bank, especially the second one that he, the Minister of Household Affairs, simply couldn't refuse.

When the bank has money, it is equivalent to the court having money!

If the imperial court has money, it is equivalent to the Ministry of Household Affairs having money!

This means that he, Xia Yuanji, the Minister of Household Affairs, no longer has to live his life with his fingers crossed, and even takes risks to confront the emperor for the sake of the country's finances!

Don't look at Xia Yuanji's repeated offenses against Yan Zhijian, because he angered Long Yan many times over the money and food issues, but in the end he retreated and firmly held the high position of Minister of the Ministry of Revenue.

But Xia Yuanji knew that the emperor was the most majestic person, but also the smallest-minded person.

The sage emperor Li Shimin and the wise minister Wei Zheng who have been passed down through the ages are the best examples.

Wei Zheng and Li Shimin, the pair of Zhenguan monarchs and ministers, complemented each other and made up for each other in the complicated, difficult and dangerous endeavors. They managed the country and brought peace to the world. Together they created the Zhenguan rule of the world, which can be called a masterpiece in history.

A sage king and a sage prime minister, the two complement each other and achieve each other's success. In the end, there is an eternal emperor and an eternal sage prime minister.

But what about the end result?

As soon as Wei Zheng died, Li Shimin immediately canceled the engagement between Wei Zheng's son and his own princess, and even ordered the tombstone of Wei Zheng to be pushed!

Therefore, the emperor is the most cautious.

Xia Yuanji rolled his dim eyes and sighed secretly.

Time is not forgiving!

How many years do you have left to live?

How similar is the current emperor to Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty?

How similar is he to Wei Zheng?

However, I have to admit that Emperor Yongle was indeed far superior to Emperor Jianwen.

Wise and powerful, with a mind for the world, showing his authority outside the territory, clear rewards and punishments...

Although he has moral flaws, his achievements over the years have already determined that the emperor will be the emperor who will be honored for eternity!

And as the Minister of the Ministry of Finance, the only thing I can do is to help him!

Now that with the Ming Dynasty Bank plan, the imperial court's finances will no longer be strained, so Xia Yuanji does not have to worry about any hidden dangers and can wholeheartedly implement this strategy of rejuvenating the country!

Like Wei Zheng, he became a shining emperor through the ages!

But, where did the bank’s early reserves come from?

Thinking about it, the wrinkles on Xia Yuanji's face deepened a little deeper.

Thirdly, banks are in the hands of the state, which can effectively inhibit those wealthy businessmen who are unkind and even hoard, affecting people's livelihood and economic development...

Hearing Zhou Chen's words, all the big guys nodded their heads.

They are pure Confucian officials and have always looked down on those humble businessmen who make a living by pursuing profit.

Moreover, the Ming Dynasty, similar to previous dynasties, also adopted the national policy of emphasis on agriculture and suppression of business and adopted strict restrictive policies on businessmen.

But I have to admit that agriculture, industry, and commerce are the four pillars of the country, and nothing will work without any one of them!

However, once the Ming Dynasty Bank plan is successfully implemented, will we still be afraid of these wealthy businessmen?

Even the imperial court could use the Daming Bank to formulate various stringent measures to restrict merchants from doing business and making profits!

Fourth, Daming Bank can continuously create new businesses, such as fund business...

Zhou Chen was still explaining the advantages of Daming Bank, and the officials were already numb.

All in all, once the Daming Bank operates normally, it will bring a lot of benefits to Daming and there will be no disadvantages at all.

Therefore, all the officials were moved.

As far as the public is concerned, once the Daming Bank plan is completed, it will be a century-old national policy that will benefit the country and the people!

Personally speaking, they, the participants and executors of the bank plan, are enough to leave their names in history and be famous for generations to come!

Therefore, in today's court meeting, the national bank plan proposed by Han King Zhu Gaoxu, from the crown prince Zhu Gaochi to the fifth-rank civil servants, unexpectedly all agreed.

However, this bank plan requires a prerequisite.

That is, the court must prepare a sufficient amount of gold, silver, and copper coins as a reserve fund.

The amount of this reserve fund is simply not enough with the current money in the national treasury!

Thinking about it, Xia Yuanji sighed and raised this question with some embarrassment.

The ministers were also very silent after hearing this. After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.

The reserves for the Ming Dynasty Bank Plan would require at least tens of millions of taels of silver. Where would they come from?

The wrinkles on Xia Yuanji's face deepened a bit, and he tentatively said: Your Highness, King of Han, why don't you postpone Zheng He's voyages to the West?

No, the voyages to the West are related to the New Deal and must not be stopped!

What Jin Shangshu said is reasonable. We cannot suspend our voyages to the West.

As Jin Zhong spoke out against it, more and more courtiers also raised objections.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaoxu burst out laughing, causing the officials to look at him angrily.

Who said we don't have money? Don't we have a lot of money inside?

Everyone: ???


Internal money?

Do you dare to touch the internal funds?

That is the emperor's small treasury!

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