Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 183 Compromise! The civil servant group was divided by the King of Han!

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Side hall.

There was silence.

The King of Han planned to expand the authority of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and allow it to truly supervise all officials in the world.

Huang Huai, a cabinet scholar, refuted it in the name of the ancestral system, but ended up getting burned and exposed in one fell swoop the fact that he had been corrupt and accepted bribes.

When things have developed to this point, many giants are unable to step down.

It is enough for everyone to know some things well, but once they are put on the table, it will not be good.

The entire side hall was eerily quiet, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.

Zhu Gaoxu finally seized the opportunity, how could he easily let these sanctimonious guys go.

Yang Rong, what did you just say, that officials are corrupt and accept bribes because the court salary is too low?

Then I would like to ask you, how much has your family changed since you became an official?

After hearing this, Yang Rong's expression froze and he didn't know how to answer.

He was originally from a scholarly family, and it didn't seem to make much difference whether he was an official or not.

The same goes for you. You might as well ask yourselves. From the moment you were promoted to high school, you began to enjoy the various benefits and privileges that the imperial court provides to scholars, right?

The reason why the imperial court treats scholars so favorably is so that you can study and cultivate your virtues without worrying about your livelihood. But it's bad for you. As your official position gets bigger and bigger, you get more and more money, but you have forgotten the kindness of the imperial court to you!

When did the meager salary from the imperial court become an excuse for you to be corrupt and accept bribes? I think you are really shameless and ignorant of loyalty. Could it be that what Cheng Zhu Shengxian taught you is how to be corrupt and accept bribes?

In other words, the imperial court has always given preferential treatment to scholars. As long as they gain fame, their families can study without paying for food and grow into capable officials.

From the moment they gained fame, they had enjoyed all kinds of preferential treatment from the Ming Dynasty!

So from a certain perspective, taking into account the initial costs invested by the court, the old Zhu family really did not treat these literati and officials badly.

However, they have no sense of shame and use the meager imperial salary as an excuse to engage in corruption and bribery without any sense of guilt at all!

On the contrary, he thinks that what he does is natural and there is nothing to feel guilty about.

Gentlemen are exempt from taxes. This is a privilege granted by the court to scholars. Now it has become the source of their corruption and bribery!

Faced with the censure of Prince Han, the officials fell silent again.

It’s not that they were willing to be angry with King Han, they really couldn’t refute it.

How to refute?

The preferential treatment from the imperial court is real.

It is also true that they themselves are corrupt.

Big Fatty was still watching with cold eyes. Seeing the ridiculous behavior of these important officials made him even more disappointed.

Perhaps, Lao Er's promotion of new learning is really the right choice.

Since Cheng Zhu is rotten to the core, then promote the new learning and eliminate it!

At least Zhu Gaochi believes that the students trained by the second son will no longer be like the people in front of him, while enjoying the benefits of the court, they have the nerve to angrily scold the court for their meager salary, and even use this as a reason for their own corruption and bribery!



After a long time, Yang Shiqi sighed and spoke first to break the silence.

Your Highness, the King of Han, the gentry does not accept food. This has been a rule since ancient times, even in the previous dynasty.

If His Highness really wants to get to the bottom of it, I'm afraid today's discussion will be delayed until tomorrow.

The meaning of Husky's words is obvious, it's nothing more than mud.

He has clearly realized that if the argument continues, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu will burn the gentry's tax-free privilege!

That is the most basic preferential treatment for their scholars, and it is also the basis why students all over the world study for scientific examinations.

Without this privilege, who would be willing to study hard in a cold window?

Therefore, this privilege must not be touched!

As for the rest, it is nothing more than giving the Metropolitan Procuratorate greater authority.

The king of Han's vicious plan was obviously to separate the officials from the civil service group.

It was originally a happy situation, but because of his plan, Ke Dao Yan Guan took the initiative to pick up officials all over the world for rewards, and was forced to embark on the road of being a lonely minister.

At that time, under the leadership of Gu Zuo, they will turn to the Han King Zhu Gaoxu and become a sharp steel knife in his hand!

Yang Shiqi knew this very well, but he had no way to stop it.

Is it really possible for the King of Han to reinstate the Hongwu torture method and corrupt sixty taels of skin and grass?

Thinking about it, this wise minister took the initiative to give a plan.

Your Highness, the King of Han, the case of Liu Guan is vivid in my mind, and the power of the official of the Ministry of Education has been greatly increased. If there are no checks and balances, what should I do if someone deliberately tries to frame him for money?

Hearing this, Gu Zuo's expression changed slightly, and he immediately expressed his stance: Master Yang, you are worrying too much. Liu Guan and others are solely to blame. They have ruined the reputation of our Procuratorate.

Everyone in the Metropolitan Procuratorate hates corrupt officials to the core. They are gearing up to do some great work to save the face of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Naturally, they will not do such stupid things!

Haha. Yang Shiqi sneered twice, I believe Mr. Gu is of noble character, but can Mr. Gu guarantee that black sheep like Liu Guan will not appear again in the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

Your Highness, the King of Han, the authority of the Metropolitan Procuratorate can be increased, but correspondingly, restrictions should also be placed on it. Otherwise, I am worried that there will be a few more Liu Guan in the Metropolitan Procuratorate in the future...

Yang Shiqi, you idiot... Gu Zuo became angry and started to spray!

He, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, had just gained great power and was preparing to do some great work to restore the reputation of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

As a result, before taking action, Yang Shiqi suddenly made remarks against him. What does this mean?

Could it be that Yang Shiqi, like Huang Huai, was really secretly corrupt and accepting bribes, so he was so eager to put the shackles on the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

Zhu Gaoxu looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, and his heart was already filled with joy.

Okay, now it’s time to start pinching, and it’s not in vain that he played such a trick.

Supervisory agencies such as the Metropolitan Procuratorate are supposed to be clean and responsible and shoulder their responsibilities.

However, in the past, the Procuratorate and all the officials in the court were in harmony. Hello, I am hello, everyone. If you have nothing to do, after going to court, we would organize a group to go to Qinhuai, ten miles away, to drink wine and play with girls!

Is it necessary for such a supervisory agency to exist?

Therefore, Prince Han took action and directly separated the Metropolitan Procuratorate from the civil service group!

Profit comes first, everything can be given up!

Don't tell me anything stupid about how we used to go to prostitutes together and let you off the hook!

At least from the mutual strife between Yang Shiqi and Gu Zuo, it can be seen that the civil service group has already felt a sense of crisis, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett regards the entire Metropolitan Procuratorate as an enemy!

Only such a Metropolitan Procuratorate can be called a supervisory agency!

Zhu Gaoxu suppressed his smile and pretended to be angry: Okay, Gu Penzi, how old are you? Don't you know how to respect your elders? Shut up!

Gu Zuo was scolding Yang Shiqi angrily. Although he felt unwilling to hear this, he still kept his mouth shut.

Ha... what Yang Shiqi said is not unreasonable. If the number of convictions for corruption among officials is doubled, and if someone deliberately accuses and slanders and directly goes to jail, if the Metropolitan Procuratorate does such a thing as self-stealing, frame-up, and accusation, it will The king doesn’t mind cleaning you all again.”

Although these words were said with a strong voice, Gu Zuo did not feel scared at all.

Because he was very confident in the subordinates he selected, and such a thing would never happen.

In addition, the number of people in the Metropolitan Procuratorate is still too small. The quota is two hundred. The six departments are subordinate to the Metropolitan Procuratorate. They are under your unified jurisdiction and are no longer independent. Jian Yi cooperates with Gu Zuo in selecting talented officials and gives priority to filling the vacancies in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Hearing this, Gu Zuo was overjoyed and immediately bowed to accept the order.

Yang Shiqi and others looked extremely ugly, but there was nothing they could do.

At this moment, the prince, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly became furious and shouted angrily: King Han, how can you be alone if you act like this?

Zhu Gaoxu: ???

Your uncle!

You can't even act?

Isn’t this too damn fake?

Prince, if you have any objections, keep them!

This king is now supervising the country's governance. Who do you think you are?

Big Fatty: !!!


Somewhat passed!

Don't I want to lose face?

All the officials present: !!!

Your mother!

Arrogant and domineering!

So arrogant!

This Han King Zhu Gaoxu is really so crazy!

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