Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 212 Zhu Gaosui: Who the hell wants to be my father?

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The atmosphere in Ji Gang's mansion was strange.

The prince's words will make it impossible for everyone to deal with it.

Yes, Ren Ji Gang cut off the beautiful girl, he is treasonous, and he deserves death...

But can your prince say this?

Although Xiu Nu is indeed the emperor's woman in name.

But there are many beautiful ladies, but there is only one emperor!

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came.

Boss, what do you mean? Who wants to be my father?

Everyone looked for fame and went out, and the next moment they were stunned with shock!

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui!

Isn't he on the Northern Expedition? Why did he suddenly appear in the imperial capital?

When Big Fatty saw Lao San, he was instantly angry.

Third brother, the emperor ordered you to take charge of the royal guards. Is this how you take charge?

Your Ji Gang privately robs beautiful women, seizes tributes, plunders people's wealth, and raises private armies... you are all going to rebel against my old Zhu family!

Hearing this, Zhu Gaosui looked very ugly.

He received the order from the old man that day and learned that the second son was going to train him to be the king of Nanyang. He rushed back immediately, not daring to delay on the way.

Who would have thought that as soon as he entered the gate of the imperial capital and was about to announce that Prince Zhao had returned to the capital, he was shaken by an earth-shattering loud noise and fell off his horse.

Years of experience in battlefield fighting made him instantly understand that something serious was definitely happening in the Imperial Capital, so he immediately rushed over after the sound.

As a result, Prince Zhao never expected that his second son would bombard Jigang's mansion with a cannon, just like his mother was fighting a war!

Hearing what the Crown Prince said, Zhu Gaosui panicked in his heart.

You must know that King Zhao has always been ordered to control the Jin Yiwei. If Ji Gang really counts, he is still his nominal subordinate!

If the evidence of Ji Gang's rebellion is conclusive, then naturally he, Prince Zhao, cannot be alone!

When he thought of this, Zhu Gaosui hurriedly walked to Prince Han and asked in disbelief: Second brother, what is going on? How could Ji Gang...

Zhu Gaoxu shrugged helplessly, Third brother, you don't blame me for this. I just deceived Ji Gang. Who would have thought that he would dare to murder me, but I almost pinched him to death, and then it ended like this... …”

Zhu Gaosui: ???


Want to kill you?

Almost got pinched to death by you?

Then Ji Gang is so brave, why didn’t I see it?

Prince Zhao looked confused and even more frightened.

The facts are before our eyes, and Ji Gang's rebellion is a foregone conclusion.

Once the emperor finds out, then he, the King of Nanyang, will probably become a loser!

When Zhu Gaoxu saw his dead father, he immediately smiled and said with relief: Don't worry, Ji Gang is the old man's dog and has nothing to do with you.

At most, the old man can't help but vent his anger on you and punish you symbolically!

Everyone in the government and the public knew that Ji Gang was the emperor's eagle dog, but he was only nominally controlled by King Zhao.

If we really talk about it, Ji Gang intends to rebel, and the one who feels the most uncomfortable is Zhu Laosi!

After all, it was his own dog, but the dog wanted to bite me again, which made it uncomfortable for everyone.

When Zhu Gaosui heard this, his expression suddenly became extremely resentful.

Just say as many sarcastic things as you can!

It’s not you, Prince Han, who was scolded and punished for co-authoring!

Okay, okay, everyone is back, let's ransack the house together!

Prince Han patted Prince Zhao on the shoulder and signaled Guo Lan and others to continue searching the house.

Gold, silver and jewelry are not important. Which corrupt official does not have mountains of stolen money at home?

What Zhu Gaoxu is curious about at this moment is that as the richest man in the Ming Dynasty, Ji Gang's family wealth should not be this small.

Everyone continued to move forward, their expressions getting increasingly ugly.

Although Zhu Gaoxu was mentally prepared in advance, when he saw the evidence of Ji Gang's crime with his own eyes, he was also frightened.

In addition to cutting off Hu Xiunv, Ji Gang, a heartless beast, used castrated children as eunuchs to serve him.

What kind of behavior is this?

Ji Gang really thinks of himself as an emperor!

Big Fatty looked at these terrified young children and was already gnashing his teeth in anger.

Yang Rong and others were so frightened that Flax froze and trembled next to the furious prince.

How dare he? This damned beast!

Okay, boss, it's not worth getting so angry over Ji Gang. Your blood pressure is a bit high, so be careful!

Countless beautiful girls and young children came from one courtyard to another, and the gold, silver and jewelry collected by the Jin Yiwei were piled up like mountains.

Big Fatty felt a little tired, waved his hands and sighed: That's it, I'll order someone to do detailed statistics...

At this moment, Nie Xing ran over excitedly.

Prince, Prince, there are nearly a hundred treasure houses in Ji Gang's backyard, half of which are filled with gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, and the other half... I can't say directly.

Everyone: ???

Nearly a hundred treasure houses?

Fifty rooms filled with gold, silver, jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings?

How fucking greedy is this Ji Gang to be able to get such a huge amount of stolen money?

This method of amassing money is probably comparable to that of Prince Han!

Huh? Is there anything you can't say?

Zhu Gaoxu smiled and cursed, indicating to him that it was okay.

However, Nie Xing smacked his lips and said with a bitter smile: My lord, you should go and see it yourself. I can only say that this Ji Gang rebel is more professional than us...

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

This Nie Xing used to be an orphan from Jingnan and a professional rebel!

What is it that even he doesn't dare to say?

Could it be that there is something else earth-shattering?

Big Fatty took a deep breath, punched his aching little fat leg twice, gritted his teeth and shouted: Lead the way from the front!

Everyone continued to move forward and came to an antique garden, where Guo Lan was guarding the entrance to a secret passage.

Without any hesitation, the prince took the lead and walked into the secret passage.

When everyone walked in and took a look, they all took a deep breath.

This Jigang actually emptied out the entire garden and transformed it into treasure houses. UU Reading www. uukanshu.net

Open any treasure house and it will be filled with gold and silver treasures, as well as antiques, calligraphy and paintings!

However, when they continued to go deeper and saw clearly what was in the deep treasure house, even Zhu Gaoxu took a breath of cold air.

Weapons and armor!

Gunpowder and gun!

These two things are enough for Ji Gang to raise a powerful rebel army!

But what comes next is the real highlight.

The fourth treasure house from the bottom contains twelve python suits!

The third to last treasure house contains the crown of the late King Wu!

The penultimate treasure house contains four phoenix robes!

The last treasure house, no doubt, is a dragon robe!

Everyone looked at the dragon robe and felt a chill coming from behind.

Ji Gang, Ji Gang, if you don’t die, it will be unjust!

Zhu Gaoxu was also a little surprised, looking at the inferior dragon robe in a daze.

Tsunako, Tsunako, you are making these things very difficult for me!

Prince Zhao's whole body was numb. He had already expected that the position of Nanyang King was gradually moving away from him.

After a long time, Zhu Gaoxu gave the order: Okay, let's start ransacking the house. Send the gold and silver to the Daming Bank, and send the jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings to the internal funds!

Today's matter ends here. The Ji Gang case will be submitted to the Emperor for his decision.

The bank is about to open, so be prepared to save money!

Everyone nodded numbly, and they had no objections to Prince Han's arrangements.

Ji Gang's matter is too big and no one can bear this responsibility. We can only let His Majesty make the decision.

Prince Zhao suddenly turned to look at Zhu Gaoxu and asked through gritted teeth: Second brother, where is Ji Gang now?

Prison, what's going on? Do you want to go to condolences?

This bastard wants to be my father, I need to castrate him first!


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