Ming Dynasty: My father Yongle, Forever Reigns Over Mountains and Rivers

Chapter 330: Kill them all! Tu Huan fled in a hurry again!

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Suddenly, the deafening sound of horse hooves sounded behind him, causing Tuo Huan's expression to change instantly.

That's... the Ming Army cavalry!

How did they discover their whereabouts?

This is simply impossible!

Tuo Huan looked fiercely at the only commander under his command, Batula, who was responsible for scouting the rangers. The latter also had a face full of shock and anger at this moment.

Both of them wanted to know. They stayed day and night and rushed to Helin cautiously, leaving no trace at all.

So how did this Ming cavalry track down the whereabouts of himself and others?


There was no time to question Captain Batula. He cursed angrily and immediately turned his horse around and led his troops to attack the Ming cavalry behind him.

On the grassland, the cavalry are facing each other, and the one who escapes first will definitely die!

You Tuohuan only has a thousand cavalry left behind him at this moment. If he doesn't resist and chooses to run away, he will definitely be strangled to death one by one by the Ming army!

The horn of attack sounds!

In an instant, the war horses neighed, their hooves galloped, and they kicked up bursts of dust!

Having learned from the previous experience, Xiang Kunlun did not go into battle personally at this moment, but quietly observed the situation from the sidelines.

General Zhu, you lead the cavalry of the Qianhu Forbidden Army on the left and go around to the left wing. General Xiao Zhu, you lead the cavalry of the Qianhu Forbidden Army on the right and go around to the right wing!

After hearing this, Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanhe looked at each other and immediately led their troops away.

They finally traced the whereabouts of Tuo Huan, a bastard, and nothing could be done to let him escape today!

Even if you can't kill him, you still have to kill the Qianhua La barbarians under his command, completely cutting off the hope of Wa La's revival and rise!

The two armies faced each other, and the cavalry clashed!

One thousand Ming Dynasty forbidden troops faced off against one thousand watts of cavalry!

Two thousand war horses began to gallop!

Two thousand knights began to charge at the same time!

Hundreds of feet!

Fifty feet!

Twenty feet!

Rain of arrows, throw!

Having almost pinpointed the most lethal effective range, Tuo Huan let out a sudden roar, and a rain of arrows as dense as locusts suddenly shot out!


The dense rain of arrows that covered the sky and the sun flew into the air after breaking away from the bow string, and then with huge inertia, they tilted down like raindrops and shot straight at the Ming army soldiers.

However, the scene that followed was forever engraved in the minds of everyone in Wala.

I saw the Ming army on the opposite side. Facing the rain of arrows shot from the Wa La sinew compound bow, these Ming army soldiers did not dodge, and continued to immerse themselves in riding their horses to kill them!

How can this be?

Wala's ox-horn bow is made of animal sinews, horns and wood, so it is called synkin-horn composite bow, or horn bow for short.

Relatively speaking, a horn bow with equal tension has a much greater energy storage than a single bow, which means that the power that can be transmitted to the arrow is much greater.

Therefore, this ox-horn bow is a powerful long-range weapon. It appeared almost at the same time as the war horse, and together with the war horse, it created a powerful grassland team that has been galloping around the world for several eras!

Faced with such a powerful arrow attack from Wala, the armored cavalry of the Ming army did not dodge, and did not even use their shields!

What do these Ming army cavalry want to do? Are they actively seeking death?

The next second, the cruel facts gave the answer!

The dense rain of arrows thrown by Wala could not cause the slightest harm to the armor-clad Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty.

These arrows drew beautiful arcs in the sky, and then hit the armor of the Ming Dynasty Forbidden Army, leaving behind a series of sparks, but it was difficult to hurt them at all.

Tuo Huan was shocked. The huge gap in equipment made him feel desperate!

After all, the enemy they are facing now is the Ming Forbidden Army, the personal bodyguard of the Ming Emperor!

Since the Royal Manufacturing Bureau significantly increased its steel production, the first to upgrade its equipment was the Ming Forbidden Army, and it could only be the Ming Forbidden Army!

After all, they are His Majesty the Emperor's personal bodyguards, and they need to ensure that they have the strongest force of this era, so that they are qualified to ensure His Majesty the Emperor's personal safety!

From the beginning, this was an unequal battle!

Strong crossbow! Shoot!

Just when the distance between the two sides was less than ten feet, Qianhu in the Forbidden Army suddenly shouted loudly, and dense crossbow arrows roared out from the machine, and then stabbed the Wala cavalry with huge power!

At this distance, they didn't even have time to raise their shields before the Ming army's crossbow arrows had already penetrated their bodies!

Whoosh whoosh!

Crossbow arrows were fired one after another, and their blades were made of steel, like a needle, and were extremely sharp. They easily penetrated the crude defense of the Ora cavalry, and then pierced into their bodies fiercely!

Arms, thighs, belly...even neck!

Ah! My hand!

my eyes!

As soon as the powerful crossbow was launched, someone among the Wala cavalry was immediately hit by the crossbow arrow and screamed in pain!

After all, the prairie cavalry lacked armor most of the time. Even the Mongolian cavalry that swept the world under Genghis Khan in the past had an armor coverage rate of only 60%!

Since the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed by the Ming Dynasty, the Ming army recovered Shanxi and Hebei, and continued the Northern Expedition non-stop, seizing a large amount of cavalry equipment. The armor rate of the Mongolian cavalry has plummeted year after year.

At least most of the thousand elites in Tuo Huan's hands were wearing leather armor.

The shape of this kind of leather armor is similar to a modern fur coat with a hood. It uses two layers of fur in one simple tanned leather as the raw material. In some relatively key parts, horns or bones are embedded or sewn as reinforcements.

There is no doubt that this kind of armor is quite crude and its defense power is pitifully low!

Facing the sharp crossbow arrows fired by the Ming army, the leather armor of the Wala cavalry was instantly pierced, as if it were made of paper!

All of a sudden, the Ora cavalry suffered countless casualties. Under the baptism of sharp crossbows, the formation was on the verge of collapse.

Xiang Kunlun was sitting in the rear of the army, squinting his eyes at the moment, looking at the two cavalry armies that were about to confront each other, and couldn't help but murmur in a low voice: Tou Huan, with your cunning and cunning, how will you deal with it now?

The thousands of households led by Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanhe were already in place. All they needed to do was give an order, and the three armies could immediately close the encirclement and kill Tuo Huan and his last one-thousand-watt elite!

Tuohuan was in extreme panic at this moment, and his brain was running rapidly. UU read www.uukanshu.net

According to the intelligence of the young soldier prisoner, he knew that there were three thousand Ming Forbidden Army, but at this moment only one thousand people appeared in front of him!

That proves that the Ming army is setting up an encirclement and wants to completely kill them all!

When I thought of this, my heart suddenly sank to the bottom!

He can't die here!

He wants to escape and tell everyone the news!

As long as they find a way to capture the great grandson of the Ming Dynasty alive, they will have the final say over the ownership of the Mobei grassland!

Fight out!

Must fight out!

Charge! Charge at all costs!

In a cavalry duel, offense is always the best defense!

The offensive side always takes the initiative before the defensive side. Those idiots who foolishly waited for the enemy's cavalry to attack were all dead, and even their bones were turned into dregs.

The cavalry was originally born to kill. It is the destiny of every cavalry to continuously charge and attack crazily!

Warriors of Wala! The time has come for the decisive battle!

The Immortal Heaven will witness your bravery!

Changshengtian is the highest god of the grassland tribes and is associated with Genghis Khan!

Therefore, when Tuohuan shouted out the Immortal Queen, all the Wala warriors went crazy, and their morale was instantly boosted!

Then the two cavalry collided fiercely, and screams and wails resounded throughout the night sky!

However, what everyone did not expect was that Young Master Wala, who had been boosting morale just now, turned around and took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness to rush out of the battlefield with a few guards and disappeared. In the night.

Captain Batula froze on the spot when he saw this, and then let out a shrill roar.

Take pleasure, you damn coward, you will be cursed by the Immortal God!

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