The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 938: : The great achievements of His Royal Highness

More and more merchants began to settle in.

And the storefront of No. A Jia was immediately eye-catching. Here, it is exactly the entrance of the trading market. It is very conspicuous. Not only that, but opposite, it is the Xishan carriage and Qianzhuang.

This place is very blessed.

Therefore, Chen Xin not only has a good business, but also many people who come to order silk. What is more ridiculous is that there are many people who want to rent his shop. These people are often rich and rich, and the price is tens of thousands.

Chen Xin refused one by one, wanting his shop ... Come on, huh! Anyway, he is also the chief disciple of Mr. Liu, the future business leader, the first person to study the theory of wealth, I care about these tens of thousands of silver.

Chen Xin's business has done a great deal in a few days.

Because of his silk, he now sells only two, two, and five money.

Just know that not long ago, the silk he sold, even if it was not of a good color, was three or five dollars, but in a blink of an eye, the price went down by one or two.

Small profits but quick turnover, which was impossible in the past.

And now, it has become possible.

Because the sales volume is too large, countless orders come one after another, and the largest cost of the Jingshi Silk Market is not only raw silk and textile, but also the cost of transportation and storage.

But now, the cost of warehousing is almost equal to zero, because as long as his goods arrive, they do not need to be sent to the warehouse, they can be directly traded.

After saving this joint, coupled with the drop in transportation costs and transaction costs, now, he does not even need to deal with anyone to directly complete the transaction.

The process of trading is especially simple.

Such a business is really comfortable.

Many merchants here have come to see the wealth theory.

Someone heard that Chen Xin had entered Liu Wenshan's door and immediately envied.

The theory of wealth in the country is really a holy book for merchants.

Not only that, after the house prices outside the trading market skyrocketed to 25,000, there was actually a tendency to rise.

The people who originally watched and watched, were surprised to find that the price had soared by three thousand two.

Three thousand two, the dog-like surname Fang ...... Is he still a human?

But what is even more surprising is that even at this price, it sold out in a flash.

As more and more merchants settled in, countless merchants began to realize that in order to purchase goods, in this trade market, not only the purchase price is low, but also the silk, and the outside is at least three or two silver, and here, actually It only costs two or five dollars. What is more terrible is that no matter what you want to buy, there are more than a dozen of silk shops together. All of them have sufficient supplies and simple transactions. It is reassuring.

So, countless merchants came here, and the original well-known business relationship has begun to collapse. The former partners have now become unstable.

Less than half a month later, there are more and more people here, even some sellers are willing to come here to buy goods, and the merchants in nearby counties and counties have begun to come here.


Business School was established, and numerous tearful businessmen followed one after another.

Any merchant, after reading the theory of national wealth, there is no one who does n’t admire him, and I heard that if he can teach, he can still sit.

Fang Jifan is a comer who refuses, anyway ... This is not his disciple, if you want to enter the school, you should enter the school.

Countless gold bars can only be transported to Xishan Qianzhuang by car.

This made Fang Jifan feel very emotional. He is a good old age. He is good to be nurtured. The ancients never bullied me.


Only at this moment ... Suddenly, the whole Xishan was shaken suddenly.

Rumble ... Rumble ...

Fang Jifan felt that on his mansion, the gray tiles began to fall down.

地 …… The earth collapsed.

Fang Jifan's face changed.

Subconsciously, he wanted to hide under the table.

Keren has n’t gotten into it yet, and Wang Jinyuan has come quickly: "Master, Master, go and see, the car will go, the car will go."

Fang Jifan suddenly realized ...

Will the car leave?

Steam car?

He was stunned, and the whole person was a little dazed.

Was really taken by Zhu Houzhao ... tossed it out.

Fang Jifan stood, looking at the strange looking Wang Ao.

Wang Ao's face was pale, and he seemed to think he had collapsed. He subconsciously wanted to squat down and hug his head.

This is a human instinct.

Fang Jifan took a deep breath and looked at Wang Ao contemptuously: "Master Wang, the sky is falling, and there is me on top, don't be afraid."

Wang Ao was shocked: "What happened?"

Fang Jifan backed his hands and calmed down: "The power of the cracking of the earth is also on this day, although I don't feel good, but ... I ... not ... fear! Let's go out and see."

Fang Jifan hurried out of the mansion, Wang Ao was still in shock, and followed.

The two were in tandem. The house was built on the mountainside. From here, you can overlook the mountain ... But you ca n’t see any famous halls, because the thick work shed is built on the Xishan Steam Car Research Institute. Under the work shed, today, there was thick smoke billowing from the gap in the work shed. It seems ... maybe really a steam car.

Fang Jifan has settled down, how can he really go?

Will you lie to me?

He was full of energy, but he saw that the children in the elite class in this courtyard also seemed to be frightened. All the children and many aunts and grandmaes looked pale.

Fang Jifanchao started: "Don't be afraid, the teacher will protect you, and the seven-foot body of the teacher, even if it is flesh and blood, if something happens, it will also stand in front of you. Now everyone, go back to your bedroom!"

The children let go of their thoughts only when they heard the teacher's words.

A pair of small eyes, all staring at Fang Jifan, his eyes showed the color of worship.

There is no way ... This young master is so distinctive and outstanding, Fang Jifan said, he has left the courtyard, asked someone to prepare a car, get on the car, and hurried down the mountain.


Nishiyama Research Institute.

Zhu Houzhao stood on the steam engine.

The huge research institute covered by the industrial shed still lays a section of hundreds of meters of rail.

And above this railroad track, it is a behemoth.

The behemoth is all dark.

There was a huge chimney on this behemoth.

Under the steam locomotive, there are rows of wheels. On this rail, it stands still.

Zhu Houzhao jumped out of the car with soot, and seemed to be choked with smoke from the boiler room. He coughed desperately. When he saw Fang Jifan, his smoked eyes opened, his eyes were white, and his eyes flashed : "Lao Fang, moved, moved, really moved, haha ​​..."

Fang Jifan looked at this steam locomotive, which is completely different from later generations. How to say, first of all, it is very ugly, and its structure is much simpler than that of later generations.

As for the others, I can't see why.

Anyway ... just like that, piled up in front of myself.

Fang Jifan glanced at Zhu Houzhao: "Really moved?"

"It's moving." Zhu Houzhao said excitedly: "After walking for more than 100 feet, I'm afraid that the car will go out of the railroad track, and people will be stopped. You have to wait. I need someone to continue to build the railroad track. A ring, so that the steam locomotive can turn around the ring. "

"You go up and show me again."

Zhu Houzhao nodded and nodded: "Well, come, you come up too."

Fang Jifan busy shook his head like a rattle: "I am motion sick."

"Afraid of something, you can't die." Zhu Houzhao glared at Fang Jifan.

When Fang Jifan heard it, he shivered. Xiao Zhu's words had never been so reliable. He continued to shake his head: "Oh, the brain hurts, it can't be done, it can't be done, the brain hurts so badly, Your Highness, I have an old illness ... Quick, please bring a stretcher. "

Zhu Houzhao pulled the Fang Jifan into the car.

Fang Jifan shouted in the car: "Help me, Lord Wang, take care of my son ... really in case, remember to say to your majesty, our Fang Jifan is for my sake ..."

Dead characters were meant to be exported, but they seemed to feel unlucky again, and simply stopped talking again.

Zhu Hou Zhao shined in his eyes.

On the front of the steam car, there is a group of excited students.

The students are all soot on their faces, but they are all excited and terrible.

Countless days and nights of fighting, countless single figures under solitary lights, and people, who have not returned home for months, have seen their daughter-in-law and children, and more people ... dragging the disease, still wondering how, Overcome difficulties.

They hold the journal "Seek" and look at it. The published engineering and mechanics articles can always find inspiration for solving problems.

The exploration of the past year, although theoretically, the steam locomotive is feasible, but after spending countless silver and consuming countless energy, finally ... the dawn of dawn.

They met Fang Jifan and saluted one after another: "Have seen the teacher."

Fang Jifan glared at them, ah, even though there was an eight-foot thick skin, at the moment, it was not good to get off the bus.

"Let's start ~ ~ Fang Jifan is holding the iron railing, ready to jump at any time.

Only blame themselves for less exercise, but do not know whether they are agile.

"I'm coming." Zhu Houzhao spit out the foam in the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands, grabbed a shovel.

Then someone opened the furnace and started to raise it.

Whispering ... The chimney on the locomotive started to smoke.

A lot of neatness quickly entered the steam engine and the piston began to move slowly.

Rumble ... The earth began to tremble, Fang Jifan took a deep breath, and his eyes began to shine slightly, but for a moment, he forgot his fear.

Zhu Houzhao began to add coal desperately, the chimney on the train, thick smoke billowing, with a roar, finally, the body shocked ... Then, the train began to slowly start moving.

Under this car ... Wang Ao looked at the scene in front of his face with surprise.

He saw with his own eyes that this iron pimple, which was unknown to thousands of catties, actually started to move slowly under his gaze.


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