The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 1049: : Active Society

Ouchi said, looking at Fang Jifan pitifully, he said: "It is the duty of the Japanese to fight against Japanese pirates ... Fang Duwei, you and I are brothers ..."

But Fang Jifan waved his hand and said: "And slow down."

Ouchi's words: "..."

Fang Jifan said: "If you and I are brothers, then I have an apprentice named Liu Jie ..."


Liu Jian's face suddenly sank, which pot really did not open which pot.

Fang Jifan continued: "Aren't you two generations taller than my apprentice? Do you know what is the relationship between Liu Jian, a scholar at the First Auxiliary University, and this Liu Jie? Boldly, you are an envoy and want to be Liu Gonghe Uncle failed? I thought you were a good person. Who knows that you are hiding your misfortune, and I was so naive, but I believed in your evil spirits. It is good. Now that we have cut off our robes, we will never do anything again. Let me go! "

Ouchi's righteous words ran like ten thousand grass and mud horses in his heart.

Never seen so many shameless people.

He knew why Fang Jifan was notorious in Beijing ...

Of course, Ouchi ca n’t leave.

Liu Jian was expressionless, he was used to it.

Emperor Hongzhi listened attentively, thinking in his heart, what is going on?

The more ruthless Fang Jifan is, the less dare to say his words: "No, no, don't dare, and the envoy means to ask Fang Duwei ... to raise your hand and help the pirate to rid the pirates. If you cooperate with each other, if there are more Japanese pirates raging along the southeast coast of Daming, even if you kill one of the people of Daming, you will be guilty of death. "

Fang Jifan seemed to quell his anger a little, arrogantly said: "Well, but I don't believe what you say, you ... swear."

Ouchi Yoshiki said: "If the ambassador is distracted, there will be no place to die!"

Fang Jifan believed, after all, he is an honest person. The so-called seeing a mountain is a mountain. An honest person, pure inward heart, is always willing to believe in others.

Fang Jifan said with a smile: "So, this is very easy to handle, Ming rì, I will let the Ningbo sailor set off to go to Japan to help you destroy the pirates, how?"

"This ..." What Ouchi wanted to say.

However, Fang Jifan said immediately: "This matter is so settled. The Ming and Wo countries, with their clothes and water, your country is in trouble. I can't just stand by and watch, this is what it should be!"

Ouchi always feels that there is something unusual behind this, but ... now ... he is gone.

Fang Jifan said off, and someone took him out.

But after a while, there were people outside saying, "Your Majesty, Fang Duwei, Tang Xueshi asked for advice."

Emperor Hongzhi calmly nodded and nodded his head. After a while, Tang Yin took a copy of the report, first saluting the emperor Hongzhi, and then the other party inherited the fandom: "Emperor, Ningbo sailor has letters, 135 ships The ship is ready to go ... "

Fang Jifan said to Emperor Hongzhi: "Your Majesty ..."

Emperor Hongzhi only said: "What the **** happened?"

After thinking for a while, Fang Jifan thought that it was a little difficult to explain. He took a deep breath: "Your Majesty, can you still remember to search for journals? There is a paper in the search journals that thinks ... our feet are a circle ball."

"This ..." Emperor Hongzhi was silent for a moment, but still nodded: "I have an impression."

Fang Jifan quickly gave Tang Yin an eye, Tang Yin understood, and took a map of the world. The map was spread out and Fang Jifan personally sent it to the emperor Hongzhi: "Since it is a round ball, please see your majesty, our fleet, If it is westward, it has passed through the Western Ocean, Tianzhu Sea, Kunlun Island, if it bypasses the Golden Continent, and then continues westward ... In theory, the fleet can return to its origin. "

Emperor Hongzhi only remembered the paper in the weekly magazine, but this thing was only used as a singularity. Just look at it. Where would you think about it? After all, these things are too far away.

At this time, Fang Jifan looked at Emperor Hongzhi with a smile and said: "But does your Majesty remember that when Xu Jing returned to the ship, Zeng Wenzheng said, the two uncles, led the fleet to continue westbound? Now ... they are bypassing After going to the Golden Continent, and then continuing westbound, just over a month ago, I arrived in Japan ... "

Emperor Hongzhi suddenly took a breath of breath and said with a surprised expression: "You can return to the original point by sailing with a boat."

"Your Majesty, the son-in-law did not say that, under this foot, it was a ball."

After Emperor Hongzhi was silent for a long time, he realized the problem and couldn't help but burst out laughing: "I am a little confused, you go on."

Fang Jifan continued: "That's the case, then the sons have calculated that if the Zhang family brothers are still alive, they must come back at this time. When they come back, they will inevitably be exhausted and pass through the country ..."

Emperor Hongzhi stayed for a while, then his eyes widened: "You mean, those pirates are the Zhang brothers?"

Fang Jifan said seriously: "It must be them. The Japanese raged in the southeast, and they relied on a group of invaders who are fearless to death. These people have no livelihood. They have put life and death out of the ground and are extremely cruel. Drifters, but I do n’t know that I am more of a Ming Ming than a Ding Ming. The children can proudly say that our Daming Ding Ming is never richer than these **** Japanese pirates, anxious, and will never be violent by the Japanese pirates. "

Emperor Hongzhi: "..."

His mood was very complicated, and he could not tell whether it was a compliment or a curse.

"You mean, the pirate problem is solved?"

Fang Jifan said: "Has already solved most of it, Your Majesty has made a decision, ordered the son to solve the problem of Japanese pirates within one year, and now ......... The son said politely, within half a year, Da Ming will never have Japanese pirates In this way, the children will also solve the problem of Japanese people once and for all. "

In fact, what the emperor Hongzhi wanted was the result. He was not interested in the process, but he found that the process ... it was too ... his mother became more and more difficult to understand.

He looked down at the map, and the world on the map was round, which surpassed his previous cognition.

He was even more incomprehensible that the fleet departing from Tianjin Guardian finally appeared in Japan.

Of course ... what is even more incredible is that the two waste woods of the Zhang family, together with a group of seamen, how could such a powerful fighting force erupt?

Emperor Hongzhi looked up at Fang Jifan: "What's next for the Qing family?"

Fang Jifan seemed to have already figured it out and said without hesitation: "Help the Japanese thief, the Ningbo Mariner, according to the original plan, will arrive in Japan next month."


Fang Jifan continued: "Since we have helped them to fight the thieves, naturally such a large fleet must have someone to support it. If the Japanese don't have a little money, are they embarrassed? The so-called rituals come and go. I think that the Japanese will definitely pay for it. "


"As a result, the Ningbo mariners can station in the Wa Kingdom for the sake of the pirates. The children's ministers have seen the map, Zhou Fang is a good place. It is across the sea from the North Korean country, and it is a channel for Daming to travel through the Pacific Ocean. It is not only beneficial to the maritime trade to establish a base for preparing Japanese guards, but also has great benefits for the future Daming sailing from west to east, that is ... going east to the Golden Island and looking for more routes. "

Emperor Hongzhi frowned: "If so, wouldn't it be a win?"

"Your Majesty ... Japanese people will definitely welcome us, after all ... without the Ningbo marine master, the pirates that will be raging in the future will be enough to make them all frightened by the wind. Those pirates are all killing people without blinking, burning and looting, and I am a naval master in Ningbo, with strict discipline, a majestic teacher, and a mighty teacher. "

"In addition, in order to eliminate the suspicion between Daming and Japan, the children thought that the two countries should deepen exchanges. It is better to ask His Majesty the children of the great names and nobles of the country, especially their eldest sons, to come to Daming. , Or study tour, or come here to exchange. "

"This ..." Emperor Hongzhi raised his eyebrows, this guy's old fault was again committed, and what kind of ghosts did he want to make, how to listen ... It seemed that there was another trick.

But Emperor Hongzhi didn't seem to understand Fang Jifan ~ ~ Fang Jifan was a sentimental person.

Liu Jian on the side couldn't help but say: "Fang Duwei means, could it be that the Japanese would mortgage the protons?"

Fang Jifan coughed and said: "Maybe it can be called, attract each other, love heart."

Emperor Hongzhi said uncertainly: "Will they come?"

"Who refuses to come will not protect him!" Fang Jifan said confidently and smiled: "The country has a long and narrow terrain, and any one is among the pirates' attacks. No one can be spared."

Emperor Hongzhi took a deep look at Fang Jifan and felt that Fang Jifan still seemed to be making up his mind.

But if you think about it carefully, and feel that you are more worried, just before that, you are still wondering whether Fang Jifan colluded with Ouchi's Yiyan because he received the gift of Ouchi's Yiyan?

Fang Jifan ... After all, he is a man who thinks about Daming everywhere.

Emperor Hongzhi nodded.

"Children think that it is not just the Japanese, it is North Korea, and its two ranks of honorable people can also be the same. There are Uzang, other vassals, etc., although I have a tributary system, but after all, it is only a small When dealing with the imperial court, if they do not communicate with the nobles of various countries, they will inevitably leave Germany, and it would be better for His Majesty to issue an edict to invite noble children of all countries to come to Beijing. "

This is not a trivial matter. The emperor Hongzhi still seemed hesitant and glanced at Liu Jian.

I'm just afraid that no one knows the advantages of the proton strategy better than Liu Jian.

For example ... Isn't my son boarding this dog-like boat named Fang?

Liu Jian sighed and said, "Your Majesty is destined for Fang Jifan to take full responsibility for the affairs of the Japanese nation, so you can trust Fang Duwei."

Since Liu Jian said the same, Emperor Hongzhi had fewer doubts in his heart, and he nodded ...

Immediately, he remembered a more important thing: "What about my grandchildren?"

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