The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

: Ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month!

Ming Dynasty Prodigal Son-Seeking monthly tickets at the end of the month! -Historical military-JIEQICMS

CMS-> Book Library Homepage-> Fiction Netizens Please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

: 11311 / modules / article / id = 43658> \ "target = \" _ \ ">: 11311 / modules / article / id = 43658> Ming Dynasty prodigal

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Seeking monthly tickets at the end of the month!

A rainy season for more than ten consecutive days.

It hurts my joints when it rains, especially my knees.

Tiger tried his best. At the end of the month, students, ask for monthly tickets.

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