The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: : Prosperity

Zhu Dachang's chest was undulating and he was angry.

He gritted his teeth and said: "I think when Yanda Khan was there, he said what to restore the glory of our great Yuan, how many people willingly fought for him, our tribe, 3,700 people, because of the perennial battle, More than 600 dead, so many animals, no one cared for everyone hungry, robbed the pasture, but what's the use? "

"From the Hans, we robbed a lot of things, but most of them were from Yanda Khan, as well as his sons and the nobles of Dayuan. We worked hard, bleed, and divide It was just a few pounds of salt, a few pieces of cloth, and a ration that barely starved myself. "

"In the past, they always said that the Han people are cunning, not bad." Zhu Dachang had the honesty of the Mongols. He fired in his eyes, not concealing his contempt for certain characteristics of the Han people: "The Han people are cunning, let's talk about mortgages, this I looked at their interest in the account room, and I gave it an interest for a long time before I gave it. I still do n’t understand why I have loaned 192 or two silvers, but in the end, I have to pay five. For more than one hundred and two silvers, you Han Chinese are doing business. Today we say that there is a big jump sale, and the sale is sold out, but this warehouse is always unfinished. After one year, it is still talking about the big sale, saying that the owner is running, But I'm stupid, will I believe that the clearance of the house for a year, the owner also ran for more than a year, is it still a big jump sale? "

Emperor Hongzhi listened, his face flushed slightly.

Fang Jifan looked up at the top of the tent, a look that had nothing to do with himself, what had to do with himself.

Zhu Houzhao still stared at the idol in the shrine. Is this himself? Is this yourself? This question is quite tangled. He wants to be a big hero, but this does not mean that his image becomes black-faced Raksha.

Liu Jian coughed, but he felt a little ashamed.

Zhu Dachang took a sip of horse milk and spit gas: "However, the Han people also gave us a way to live, so that we can no longer succumb to those nobles in the past, no longer rely on them to live. Han people Someone needs to mine, and we sell our strength, they give silver; the Han people need fur, we raise sheep, give them wool, you can also exchange them for silver; Han people need cattle and horses, we have cattle and horses, do we eat them all? And These can also be exchanged for silver. "

"Han people, with smart hands and cleverness, your tea can make us drink less and become less ill. Your iron pan is also a good thing; there are countless utensils you have, your cloths, Can be bought through silver. "

"In the past, cattle and sheep were our wealth. We have to bring cattle and sheep wherever we go. If we are in a snowstorm, the cattle and sheep are dead, and we will starve to death. Every winter, yes As far as we are concerned, it's a terrible thing. In the words of your Han people, this is called the Ghost Gate. But now, we have learned from you and use silver to make our wealth. We have raised cattle and sheep, and they are almost the same. I sell it to you with silver in my hand. If we encounter a snowstorm or a plague on the grassland, and we are short of food and clothing, we can ask you Han to buy food. "

Zhu Dachang continued to drink booze: "In the past, my family of seven, my mother, because of the snowstorm, there was no food, so I took her off the car, gave her some meat, and left her in the snow, Because of this, our family and children can continue to survive, and most people do the same. But now, I am about to get old, and I believe that here, in this pasture, my sons will not Treated us this way, not because they learned your Han etiquette, read your Han books, and became filial, but because even if it is difficult, now, as long as my children and grandchildren have strength, they can give one Young and old, earn a full meal. "

"So" Zhu Dachang looked at the two statues in the shrine reverently: "They are my gods, they are in the sky, or the soul is on all things, they are opening their eyes wide, looking at us, looking at us tartare People, these two gods, will bless us and make us safe and blessed in this world. I do n’t believe in them, but who do they believe in? In this world, who can make me wish Dachang enough to eat and drink, and let my children follow Your Han children are studying, and in the future I will be a sheep-reader who can read and write. Who do I believe in? Do you see the cows and sheep in my circle? There are dozens of them released this year. This is hundreds of silver. I thought that if you did n’t buy it, I would n’t be able to sell it. Here, Niu Ma does n’t worry about selling. ”

Zhu Dachang showed his pride, and his eyes shined: "In the past, we Tatars, some were cattle and sheep, but these cattle and sheep are not worth the money, except for killing to eat, even if they trade with your Han Chinese. , And it ca n’t be sold at a price, and most of the cattle and sheep are also sent by Yanda Khan, with the lowest price, just some salt and some tea; he changed hands and went to deal with your Han Chinese, now It's different. Now we have cattle and sheep, sell them by ourselves, merchants in Guanguan, a lot of acquisitions. "

Fang Jifan thought to himself, of course, how many cows and horses did Guanguan need in the past? Now that roads have been built, many people have also become wealthy. They only need horses and horses. If you have a car, you need a horse. This is a huge demand. As for cattle, it is needless to say that there was manpower in the former customs. People can't replace precious cows. Manpower, but now, more and more people are willing to use cattle. There are also wool, wool thread workshops, which require countless wool, and the best wool comes from outside the customs. Ten years ago, the cattle and horses and wool here were worthless. Now, the demand is more than a year. One year.

Tatars keep cattle and horses, which can be used for their own good life. At the same time, a large number of cattle and horses and wool can also greatly improve the production in the customs and the lives of many people.

This is mutual benefit.

Not to mention, there are countless minerals outside the customs. Xishan Mining is recruiting manpower everywhere. Many powerful Tatars, if they are unwilling to graze, can also rely on strength to survive.

When people are full, whoever is at ease, killing and killing, all come out of the womb. It is human instinct to survive and live a good life. This is human nature. If robbery can live a good life, then they will take the risk. However, once there is a huge risk of looting, and production can make yourself worry-free, who will rob?

Emperor Hongzhi heard this, but he was very happy. He couldn't help but looked at Fang Jifan with relief. Fang Jifan, this guy, was still quite a set.

He can always solve countless problems in a way that no one else can imagine.

Emperor Hongzhi nodded: "It turns out that the old man was taught. I will buy your cattle and horses and give you a good price."

I wish Da Changle a sigh of relief: "I do n’t hide from you, if it ’s not because I ’m in a hurry to get the down payment of the house, I, the bulls and horses, and I ’m not in a hurry to sell them all, I hope to pay more down payment and less money . "

With that said, he had to let Emperor Hongzhi and others stay and have a meal.

It was noon, and Emperor Hongzhi was a bit hungry.

Soon, outside the tent, the woman began to produce cooking smoke.

Emperor Hongzhi thought that the food he ate today would be the Tatar barbecue. He always respected such a greasy thing.

But when he got out of the bill, he saw that the woman had put up the earthen stove, used an iron pan, fired it, cut the meat, and threw it into the pan.

Fang Jifan stood next to Emperor Hongzhi and said, "Lord, you see, the Tatars are not born to love to set up sheep. Then they light a bonfire and start grilling. It's okay to eat the first bite. It ’s too much to eat. I ca n’t take it anymore. The reason why they do it is because they do n’t have a wok, they can also have enough oil, salt, vinegar and tea. It's different. "

Emperor Hongzhi thought deeply, and then nodded: "I understand what you mean, you mean, they are actually the same as the Han people, but because of the bad conditions, they have become my dame's confidants. Once, it seems like this today What Zhu Dachang said, from then on, will there be a gap between Han and Yi sooner or later? "

"Uh" Fang Jifan stopped talking, he was embarrassed and smiled.

Emperor Hongzhi saw something in his words: "What do you want to say, be honest, or you will not be spared."

Fang Jifan did n’t dare to bully the king, he had been lingering for a long time, just before Ai Ai said: "This actually means that the Tatars will be slowly assimilated, and like the Hans, they will buy houses, and the Hans need houses The Tatars also need houses. Everyone loves houses. This is a business opportunity. "

Emperor Hongzhi: ""

He pondered for a long time: "Vulgar ~ ~ Fang Jifan shook his head. Vulgar is vulgar. Will Fang Jifan be afraid of being misunderstood?

But immediately, Emperor Hongzhi said lightly: "Above the desert, the land is endless. Why do the Tatars not build their own houses?"

Fang Jifan cheered up: "This involves the additional attributes of the house. Your majesty, to understand the value of the house, first of all, to understand the value of people to certain necessities of life, for example, children want to study, where the school is, the house is Where. For example, people have a need for the market, so where the market is, where the house is. Another example, where people have demand for transportation, where the traffic is, where the house is. In addition, there are many considerations Factors, therefore, simply building a house, this is the most inferior, children sell it, not a few bricks and tiles, sell demand, what is the demand, clothing, food, housing and transportation is demand, music, reading is also demand, to be more concise, It is something that can solve people's loneliness, people are lonely, and the house is to solve people's loneliness, reassuring people, giving people a sense of belonging, and making people happy. "

Also, it will be a little late. Everyone goes to bed early and gets up.

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