The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1256: : Longyan Daxi

No one despises the power of reports.

Why did the emperor need the assistant of the Cabinet University? Because there are so many things happening in the world, the emperor did not have so much energy to take care of it.

And why do cabinet scholars need the help of Chinese scholars? The same is true.

The emperor alone cannot solve everything in the world.

A few cabinet bachelors can't solve everything in the world.

Even if they have endless energy, even if they have unparalleled enthusiasm, this problem is still unsolvable.

Just like a newspaper, it ’s a big deal for those who are above it. There is nothing to say. Such a person is purely mentally ill.

There is another kind, even the emperor and cabinet dignitaries, how diligent, it is still difficult to achieve clear insight.

The fundamental reason is that they cannot intuitively understand the world.

Since then, there have been deceptions and deceptions, and there have been endless problems.

But this report is different.

At a glance, it is clear how good a place is.

The number of people in the area has increased, compared with the number of people in the Yellow Book last year .... These can be seen in the shortest time. After a glance, there is a quick and accurate judgment in my mind.

This is efficiency, which means that in the shortest time, the emperor, cabinet clerk, Hushang Shangshu, governor, prefect, county magistrate can quickly understand the place they want to govern, and the general situation.

Governing the world is nothing more than population and money.

If it is more detailed, it is how many bridges are built, how many roads are paved, how many people are raised in the year, how many talents, how many children.

These are all numbers.

The principle of the report may seem simple, but it greatly improves the emperor and parent officials' understanding of local people's feelings.

Once the emperor and his parents began to pay attention to the report, then, how to form a more scientific statistical method.

Not only that, for the officials, their work efficiency has also been greatly improved, at least ... the bookman in front of me, filling out the report is much faster than Yang Xiao, the chief of the family's money and food department.

Copy out the numbers, apply the formula to calculate, and finally put it in front of the Hongzhi Emperor. The Hongzhi Emperor glanced at it and it was clear.

Compared with the previous tedious and lengthy process, the workload is greatly reduced and the efficiency is greatly improved.

Emperor Hongzhi certainly knew better than anyone else, the huge impact this thing can bring, he excitedly took the report while pacing and watching.

He mumbled to himself, and occasionally, looked up.

Finally, the report he had read was circulated to Liu Jian and others. Liu Jian and others did not understand it at first, and Fang Jifan was too lazy to explain it to them.

But after all, the report is a very simple thing. If you look at it carefully, you probably understand it.

Where Liu Jian is a person who does not know the goods, after all is understood, can't help but say: "Your Majesty, if the world prefectures, even the cabinets and various ministries, promote this thing, then ... more than twice the result with half the effort. , Paper, manpower, money and food, I do n’t know anyone. "

Efficiency is money.

He paused: "What's more, if this is the case, the officials will be much easier, and it will be of great benefit to the world, enough to make the mediocre officials escape."

The emperor Hongzhi was glowing, he was the emperor of diligence, and it was precisely because of diligence that he understood the power of this report. He nodded his head: "Yes, numbers, numbers ..."

He murmured: "If all the achievements in the world are turned into numbers and then turned into this report? In this way, I don't need to read those useless reports. A few reports can be replaced. Hundreds and hundreds of books are sparse. "


Fang Jifan: "..."

Of course, this digitization is not digital.

The digitization of Emperor Hongzhi's words is to integrate the local conditions into statistical data. This data is then converted into reports, so that ...

Fang Jifan sighed in his heart.

The traversers of other people's homes are all hands-on, making a wine and making a glass, they all need to go up or set the stove by themselves.

Okay, has we been wearing the wrong place?

These ancients did not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

Just click on it and Fang Xiaofan figured out the report.

The report was sent to the emperor Hongzhi, who immediately thought of digitization.

Next, should these figures be summed up to a set of GDP calculation methods to assess political performance? After that, science ... scientific development ...

Emperor Hongzhi paced back and forth, saying: "Sun Qing's house, is the calculation done?"

The book clerk had already calculated it, but the Sun Xiaosun principal, still burying his head in his abacus, was babbling ...

Sun Xiao suddenly felt the pressure, it should be wrong, how could it be so fast, impossible, absolutely impossible.

Thinking this way, but ... he was a little anxious.

Although it is urgent, it is useless.

Three people, around the case, continue to crack the calculation.

so tired.

Tired and hungry.

This is only one and a half.

No, I'm urinating a little bit. Should I ask your majesty to allow me to go out?

No, no, humiliating, or bad.

Endure it.

The sweat of soybeans oozed from Sun Xiao's forehead.

His hands were shaking slightly.

The abacus is a bit anxious.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "How long will it take?"

"This, this ... I'm just afraid of tomorrow."

Emperor Hongzhi smiled bitterly and looked at Sun Xiao in anxiety and fear. He said to Xiao Jing: "Take his account and check each pair to see if there is any discrepancy between the account he calculated now and the report. "

Xiao Jing knows.

If you want to know whether there is a problem with the number in the report, just compare some of the numbers.

When comparable, Xiao Jingfang knew why His Majesty was so excited.

To find a number, he can easily find it in the report, but he can find out the number in Sun Xiao's account. His eyes are spent, and it took him a long time to find out this number.

"Your Majesty, there are probably no discrepancies. The two figures match."

Matches ...

Emperor Hongzhi finally understood.

This report is accurate.

The thing calculated in the shortest time is as accurate as this sloppy Sun Xiao.

"Chen Wan died." Sun Xiao was speechless, and he was completely swept away, and his face was gone.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "Get up."

"Yes, yes, get up." Sun Xiao busy stood up.

The emperor Hongzhi paced back and forth: "According to my will, there is a statistics department in the cabinet. This statistics department is taken care of by Fang Xiaofan, who is a member of the Zhongshushe. What needs to be worked out is the new statistical charter, how to count, what to count, and how to count, all of which need a standard. Fang Xiaofan, this, I look at you. "

Fang Xiaofan said with a smile: "Your Majesty, is the clerk promoted?"

Emperor Hongzhi shook his head and said, "I have put a heavy load on you."

After a pause, the Emperor Hongzhi said again: "The Statistics Department needs six departments and two provinces in Beijing and 14 provinces to provide assistance. Therefore, this Bureau of Statistics ... can call ..."

After thinking about it, Emperor Hongzhi said: "You can call the personnel of the factory, the household department, Sun Xiao, you are still the chief of the department's official, but from now on, your duty place will be in the statistics department. Send it with Fang Qing's family. "

Sun Xiao: "..."

This time, he seemed to have received a huge insult.

In the end, it was a desolate way: "Chen Zunzhi."

Emperor Hongzhi Shen Mei: "The reason why the staff of the factory and the household department is called for is because ... I have to get the world first, the geometry of the sheep and sheep, the geometry of the money and grain, the geometry of the real registered population, the geometry of the field, the geometry of the railway The geometry of the warehouse ... These are all included in the statistics. The digitization I want is to make the whole world, all people, animals, wealth, things, and statistics can be included. Fang Qing ’s family wants to The cabinet will support it if it comes up with a method and how much manpower and material resources are spent, right? Liu Qing's family. "

Liu Jian's eyes brightened and seemed very excited.

This is exactly what I am doing in a "Hui Dian". Although it certainly does not reach the scale of the Yongle Dadian, it is significant, but it is extremely important.

If Tianzi doesn't know, how many people do he have ~ ~ Cows and sheep, how many soldiers are there in the world, what is this world like? So, how can the will he sent accord with the real situation?

The so-called experience of the people in the past was nothing more than to let the places of the Imperial History go, through their ears and eyes, into text, and finally, before being sent to the emperor, the emperor judged with his eyes and ears.

Yu Shi is not enough.

The emperor used the factory guard as his eyes and ears.

But now, this Statistics Division is actually responsible for the responsibility of factory guards and royal history.

This is also the reason why His Majesty wanted the factory guard to call at any time.

With the first-hand statistical data, it will be easier to handle in the future. You can continue to count on this basis every year, and use the chain and year-on-year data to understand what is happening in the local area.

After all, eyes and ears are unreliable.

In comparison, the more common figures are more reliable.

"Also, this Statistics Department must be meticulous. Never let anyone take advantage of it, let alone anyone cheat or conceal. Anyone who conceals or obstructs statistics will be taken down, investigated, and especially effective."

After all, the emperor Hongzhi called out: "Of course, Xiaofan, your report must be more detailed. After all, you are young, you need to go to the ministries of the ministries, and ask the uncles for advice. Do you understand to be perfect? ​​"

Xiao Jing stood aside, quite sad in his heart.

The statistics bureau can call the factory guards, then ... this ... is that when Chenghua Xiandi was there, could the western factory overwhelm the east factory and Jinyiwei?


Chapter 3 is delivered. Tomorrow will send my father to review. I have to go to bed early today. I will make up the day after tomorrow.

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