The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1281: : Time is up

Fanatic emotions began to spread like a plague.

The entire Franciscan machine is, to a certain extent, also in a period of just civilization. A large amount of gold and silver are pouring in, but the commodity economy is not prosperous. In addition to being used to realize luxury goods, wealth is difficult to spawn new industries.

The industrial revolution has not yet started, which means that most of people ’s investment is still in the primitive hoarding of goods.

When the tulip began to become popular, almost suddenly, it became the target of all classes.

There is something in the world that is not only noble, but it can also resist terrible inflation.

In the process of continuous price hikes, Liu Wenshan is planning the overall situation behind his back.

The Dutch and Spaniards who worked for him were mostly made by Wang Xi, who made a facelift and turned into a Portuguese businessman who had become rich from the Far East.

Everyone he recruited, wishful thinking that he was just employed by an ordinary businessman.

Their work is very detailed. Some people are only responsible for inquiring the price of tulips in the northern province, and some people are responsible for acquiring tulips at any time, or for the shipment and inventory of tulips. Someone exchanged bonds. Someone is responsible for picking up the boat.

They are just like the workers in each station on the production line, who are only responsible for manufacturing the parts on hand, and how these parts are finally assembled and turned into machines, they don't know much.

Not only that, some energetic people have also become friends of Wang Xisuo, and no one will notice that this man named Wang Xisuo once appeared in the Spanish court, not to mention that a few years is enough to make a person change In another way, and for this era, the northern province is too far away from the Spanish court.

Northern province's finances are tied to tulips, which has spawned many lords and even the royal family to gather targets here.

Because the price of tulips keeps rising, people are too late to trade goods. Smart people have invented a new method. They and the merchants who have goods directly enter into a sales contract. Although the goods are still piled up in the warehouse, However, in just a few days, the contract has already been transferred to seven or eight people, and the price of the contract has increased several times.

As for whether there are any tulips in the warehouse, maybe no one cares about how many tulips there are.

The essence of the market is that in this world, anything can be secondary, but confidence is the most important. As long as everyone is convinced that this contract has value, then it is priceless.

This is like a famous painting. When no one cares about it, it is just a graffiti on paper, but once someone is convinced that it is valuable, then it is valuable.

Of course, although the tulips in history have been sought after, the process of their skyrocketing has lasted for decades.

But at this time, behind this, there was an invisible hand, slowly pushing.

Liu Wenshan is hiding in the room every day, constantly drawing pens, checking what is calculated, he needs to maintain a myth that prices keep rising.

In this myth, how to roughly calculate the demand on the market, and at the same time, determine how many tulip bulbs need to be produced, this is very laborious.

Every day at the desk, he had to put on very thick lenses. In his mind, he kept thinking about it, all in his mind were numbers.


Dresden is the capital of Saxony.

This is the center of the electorate of the Holy Roman Empire Saxony.

Vetina family has been the ruler here.

The Marquis of Aston is not young and has a big belly.

He has the old tradition of Shinra nobles, even at this age, he personally took his knight to hunt.

Is just ...

Today, he was wearing a hunting costume, carrying a whip, and rushed into a banquet angrily.

The vassals of the Marquis of Aston had their husbands watching the marquis of Aston in surprise.

The marquis said angrily: "Where are the **** tulips, where are you, and you, your wife, the farmer, even the driver, and the soldiers, they are all talking about tulips."

The vassals looked at the Marquis of Aston in anxiety.

Marquis Aston said: "Tulip is destroying our traditions, this **** thing, **** thing ..."

He actually took a tulip bulb in front of everyone, then took out a knife recklessly and cut the bulb in half.

People are more disturbed, this ... is money, the bulb is money ...

The Marquis of Aston was like a lion with a mad hair. In front of all people, he cut a bulb of a tulip, put it in his mouth, and began to chew.

Mrs. and Miss have screamed.

They could not understand that such a beautiful thing in the world would be treated so rudely.

The Marquis of Auston kept chewing and said: "You can taste its taste, its taste is not much better than garlic, this is what you are treasured, it is a taste with garlic, you want to taste Taste it, do you want to taste it? And its **** flower, what value is this **** flower, you tell me, it can neither eat nor become a weapon, fight for us, and it is impossible to feed the peasants, it At most, it can only be used to feed horses. They are not worth the price at all, you are all mad, the whole of Europe is mad. "

The vassals frowned.

Someone can't help but euphemistically said: "Your Excellency, if this is the case, then nothing in this world is of value."

Although people refuted.

But ... many people drummed up.

Does it really taste like garlic?

The basin of cold water splashed by the Marquis of Aston made them suspicious.

This little episode quickly spread out.

Although almost everyone who owns tulips scoffs at this, he thinks that this monarch from the German states is too reckless.

But ...

Wang Xizuo hurriedly found Liu Wenshan: "It's not good, Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu ... not so good. In the northern province, the price of bulbs began to fall slightly, many people began to have a shaking heart, and some people started selling bulbs. Now. "

Liu Wenshan looked up and looked at Wang Xizuo. He looked calm and frowned slightly: "Really? Oh, got it."

"Mr. Liu ..."

"This is indeed a troublesome thing." Liu Wenshan unconsciously lifted the teacup, but unfortunately, there was only white water in the teacup, he frowned again, and then said: "The price of tulip bulbs comes from people's constant price for it. With rising confidence, people believe that as long as they buy this thing, they can not only sell it at any time, but even profit from it. "

The implication is that once the price starts to fall, then the panic will increase, and by then, the myth that has been established after countless efforts has completely turned into a phantom.

Liu Wenshan smiled and said: "You go to arrange, through our merchants, a large number of bulbs, how much is required, today with 15 gold a catty, tomorrow, with 16 gold coins ..."

"This ..." Wang Xizuo looked at Liu Wenshan in surprise: "However, although we have sold many tulips before, the price at that time was not too high. If people are selling like crazy, we ... we can afford it. ?"

Once I ca n’t afford it, I ’m done.

Liu Wenshan said lightly: "At the same time, the news was released, saying that in Daming, people also highly value such bulbs. It is said that some people want to buy bulbs and send them to Luzon in the Far East. There, there will be smugglers from Ming, willing Buy them at sky high prices. Okay, go. "

Wang Xisuo seemed very uneasy.

Such a high price, the purchase of bulbs, and now they have gold coins on hand, they simply can not stick to today.

So, in the northern province, many businessmen began to buy bulbs at a high price.

In the beginning, the slightly panicked people began to ship, and once their bulbs were sold on the market, they sold out in a blink of an eye.

On the next day, instead of falling, the bulb began to rise.

This time, the sell-off disappeared.

People settled for the previous gossip.

A few days later, no one would sell the bulbs on hand. The bulbs on the market are still valuable but not marketable.

Later, more people began to buy bulbs anxiously, and the price is getting higher and higher.

In a blink of an eye ~ ~ The Marquis of Auston became a joke across Europe. In countless salons and banquets, the nobles taunted the German countryman, because almost every one had The nobles of the bulbs are increasing in value.

In the countryside, even dozens of farmers joined together to buy a bulb and wait for the appreciation.

Businessmen even hollowed out their minds, looking for sources of goods everywhere.

The bulbs of a boat are sold out quickly.

Even the Habsburg family in Austria noticed this phenomenon.

People began to take a deep-rooted view that this thing is not only valuable, but also a weapon against the constant price of precious metals, not only in Europe, even the Ottoman, North African, and Far Eastern Daming dynasties, which defeated the rich dynasty of the Spanish Expeditionary Force Also craved this bulb.

But at this time, it was precisely when Liu Wenshan shipped madly.

The ships that transported a large number of bulbs, arrived at the Frang machine endlessly. The bulbs of a warehouse were continuously sold at amazing prices.

People spent all their life saving, bought these bulbs, but never circulated them in the market, but stored them, waiting for one day, its price continued to rise.

Everyone is calculating the latest price in the bulb, and then calculating how much their wealth has increased.

Liu Wenshan was at this moment, looking at the dazzling numbers on the wall, the corner of his mouth slightly ticked: "Time is up!"

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