The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1412: : Generous rewards

The reward given to Wanhu was obviously the good intentions of Emperor Hongzhi.

He is well aware of the hardships of Golden Island. Since the Fang family is to be placed there, his son-in-law and grandchildren will sooner or later go to the feudal lands. If there is not enough population, the future life and death will be unpredictable.

The Fang family must first have someone to run its own vassal state.

The migration of the family clan in front of this has already passed a large number, but are these people ... enough?

This is what the emperor Hongzhi missed these days.

So ... taking advantage of Fang Ji's achievements and giving him ten thousand households.

Ten thousand households are tens of thousands of people.

In the overcrowded Daming, this is nothing, but if it is placed in the golden continent with a large number of people, it has a huge advantage.

Fang Jifan thanked, and he was very excited.

Of course, he gave everything he had to the world's limin people. The so-called spring silkworm reached the end of the dead silk, the wax torch began to dry, and burned himself to illuminate others! But now there is an old age, a small age, there must always be some scruples.

What's more, it is a national policy to eat into the Golden Continent. The Golden Continent has a large population, and it also has huge benefits for the future of the Han nationality.

At this time, I also saw Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said: "In a few days, I really want to take Zhu Qing to see this new medicine. With such a new medicine, I am obviously afraid of foreign affairs."

Upon hearing that Emperor Hongzhi and the hundred officials were going to the Xishan Institute to see the new medicine ...

The faces of Fang Jifan and Zhu Houzhao changed.

Zhu Houzhao knelt with a very simple click: "Father Emperor, this ... the new medicine is a bit dangerous, and now ... it is not stable enough, and the Father Emperor must not."

Oh, dangerous ...

Emperor Hongzhi remembered the fear of shaking the mountain brought by the new medicine today.

He couldn't help but take a deep look at Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan: "In this way, the crown prince and Fang Qing are also not sure, and completely eliminate the risk?"

The hundred officials also moved.

Prince and Qi Guogong, what kind of people this is.

How can they put themselves in danger.

Zhu Houzhao frowned, unable to speak for a while.

Instead, Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty, this new medicine is of great relevance to me, and it is involved in the Wanshi Foundation. It is just that the refining of this new medicine is quite difficult. The children are still afraid of hands and feet, but retreat with difficulty, so how can other researchers be willing to develop with peace of mind? This is a helpless move, but it can only be done for new drugs. Xishan Institute, for all trials The storage of new drugs has very strict regulations, which can minimize the risk. This unfortunate explosion exploded because these thieves improperly stored new drugs. "

The emperor Hongzhi still frowned.

Although Fang Jifan said lightly.

But he understands that there are still huge risks.

The son of Qianjin could not sit down, let alone the princes of Prince and Daming.

The body is expensive ... but these two guys are still looking back.

But what Fang Jifan said is very clear, if the two of them are not desperate, then the lives of other people are not lives?

Doing great things and taking care of yourself, things are ...

Emperor Hongzhi certainly knew that the power of this new gunpowder would be turned upside down for the entire Daming.


Emperor Hongzhi sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Uneasy, but found that these two guys were blameless.

The crown prince was bullish, and he did not refuse to look back.

What about Fang Jifan ... even Fang Jifan has no intention of looking back ...

This is to be replaced by other courtiers. When they are aware of the danger, I am afraid that they will have some scruples.

Prince, let alone say, in order to share my worries with me, for the sake of this great Jiangshan community, it is really ...

Emperor Hongzhi instantly felt that it was still a bit light for him to give these ten thousand households.

He looked around and was quite emotional: "This is the loyal minister. When I read history and saw the deeds of the old loyal ministers, I often felt sighed with it. I can't help but think, I know, how many such loyal ministers? Come ... my son, the prince of the prince, and willing to be the forerunner of the horse, and eager to care for himself. My family's concubine, Fang Qing's family, is also a model.

The officials were silent and their mood was a little complicated.

This ... how does it sound harsh?

But ... no temper.

The emperor Hongzhi continued with emotion: "It is not advisable to do great things but to take care of yourself. But as a crown prince and a concubine, this body of gold still needs to take care of your own life. Act in the future. , We must be careful and cautious, as our first priority. "

Zhu Houzhao rarely got such a high evaluation from Emperor Hongzhi, and Mizuzui responded: "Children obey the purpose."

However, Fang Jifan said rightly: "Your Majesty, your sons are afraid of this."

Junchen and others are also somewhat embarrassed with the emperor Hongzhi, when suddenly Fang Jifan jumped out and raised some inconsistencies, it is inevitable that everyone will be stunned.

Do not agree?

This is not like the style of Fang Jifan.

Is it because this guy has made great achievements today, swelled, and took the gunpowder?

Emperor Hongzhi suddenly couldn't hold his face, but he still had **** with Yan Yue: "Why don't you dare to share the same after Ji Fan?"

"Your Majesty said to read history, how many loyal men there have been in the past, yearning for them, and thinking about the present, how many loyal officials, children, and thieves think that the loyal ministers in the present are not as good as the ancients, so the country is right. Loyalty, most of them are gentlemen who are not wise, and even when the country is in crisis, many courtiers have stood the test, come forward, live and die with She Ji, and generously go to the country. These people are admirable. "

Fang Jifan's voice is just like Hong Zhong, righteous words, quite a bit of the people who are fighting for the Day of the Dead, just listening to his mouth continued: "But now the emperor, what kind of holy spirit, outside the border trouble, inside, it is a guest of the world. Clothes, everyone praises, the people live and work in peace, and their subjects have read history. They have not been heard since King Zhou Wu. He has had such sages as His Majesty in ancient times. His Majesty has been in the dynasty for decades. Since there is no national disaster, when the country is in danger, it is far away from the horizon, and it is out of reach. It is precisely because of my pilgrimage to the sacred light of the emperor that the ministers have no worries and no danger, how can they test their loyal ministers? The conclusion is that when the faint monarch is in the dynasty, only the loyal ministers are frequent, and the sacred emperor like His Majesty is in the dynasty. The officials have no chance of being tested. How can they show their loyalty? His majesty envyed the ancient generosity, just because, His Majesty The reason is too holy. "


That's enough ... this dog thing.

The hundred officials are suddenly.

It's really a pin-in-the-spot, and I won't let go of any chance.

So much so that Liu Jian, who had seen the world for a long time, felt a little unable to listen, his face changed slightly, and he was busy using a cough to cover up his gaffe.

There was a cough in the hall.

Emperor Hongzhi listened carefully and chewed carefully.

Huh ... It's slipping around again.

But ... seems to be listening, there is really a trace of truth.

Bigan died because of admonishment, because King Shang was unconscious.

In the history, Yurang was ranked as the four major assassins and avenged Xuebo for his homeowner Zhibo. Therefore, the incognito was buried, and the body was covered with lacquer to make the skin sore, and the charcoal was swallowed to make his voice hoarse, making his appearance indistinguishable. Assassination of Zhao Sangzi. This is also because his homeowner Zhibo was dim and unclear, and was eventually destroyed by the three families of Han Zhao and Wei Guo.

Su Wu herding sheep was because the Huns were strong at that time, but the Han Dynasty could not accumulate power.

Yue Fei, Han Shizhong, He Qizhongyi, isn't this because of the country's turmoil, did the gold soldiers go south and triggered the Jingkang chaos?

Today, when I go to Taiping, I am not King Shang, Zhibo and Song Huizong, and I am all over the world. Of course ... there are no such people as Yugan, Yurang, Yue Fei, Han Shizhong.

This ... It seems that it's not just a matter of being in love.

It is both sweet and beautiful, and it makes the truth clear.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled and said: "The future generations read history, using history as a mirror and history as a mirror. Following what Fan said, it is not without reason."

After all, the emperor Hongzhi did not continue to praise Fang Jifan anymore, but instead looked like a prince and a prince, but at the moment, it seemed to be humble.

So Mingbaiguan retreated ~ ~ Zhu Houzhao and Fang Jifan slipped the fastest. They were anxious to know how much damage this equivalent explosion caused.

Speaking of which, I really want to thank Jiao Fang.

Prior to this, in order to obtain the first-hand test results, Xishan Research Institute has done many projects.

On the one hand, people cannot always be used for experiments, which hurts.

On the other hand, even if it can be tested in old forests in deep mountains, the damage to buildings and gathering areas is still very limited.

Well now, Jiao family provided a house, or a hundred acres of mansion.

People have also provided, a family, a lot of mouths.

Of course ... no matter how the Jiao family does evil, this is also a tragedy, and it cannot be laughed at because of this. At this moment, it should still show a bit of distress, showing the compassionate humanity of Tiantian.

The two went out of the palace and rushed to Jiao's house with anxiety.

This place has long been blocked by soldiers of the Five Cities.

Only the researchers from the research institute started to enter after the fire was completely extinguished.

They recorded all kinds of data in detail, took a tape measure, measured the diameter of the crater, and affected every place.

Even ... how many horses died in the backyard stables, and how the horses died, also need to be recorded in detail.

The students of Xishan Medical College are responsible for converging the bones, and if necessary, they will also be dissected.

Fang Jifan and Zhu Houzhao came together, and the deputy dean of the institute, Zhou Kang, came forward and said: "His Royal Highness, Master, you look at this data. It is amazing, quite amazing. It succeeded, it was a great success ..."

Fang Jifan's face changed suddenly, and when he raised his hand, he gave him a slap: "Do you laugh like a dog, everyone else's family is dead, you are still laughing, your conscience, is it eaten by dogs?"


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