The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1444: : Holy King

Emperor Hongzhi said, sit down and sit across from Chen Zhong.

To the emperor, he suddenly had a strong interest in chatting with an old pawn. He said: "It is not easy to be the emperor. When you joined the army, you were black and white. There is a clear distinction between the enemy and the enemy. But it is difficult to be a concubine. No one knows. There is no wall here, but it is the belly of a person. You can never tell whether a person is right or wrong. In front of you, the only promised person turned his head to the people, what is his face. "

Speaking of which, Emperor Hongzhi sighed with a bit of exhaustion in his face, and continued: "I read more books than you, but ah, these books are useless to me, I read the four words of prosperity and demerit, I feel that this four-character word really makes sense. I can do it according to the four-character prosperity and good luck, but I can be a good son. But ... the summary of these four words is so light, when I really do it, I know that it is not a shock. Huru needs to be easy. If you want to benefit, there will be countless people tying your hands and feet, and for their own self-interest, they will not let you do it. You want to get rid of the ills, but there are countless people who try to practice the law by themselves. ... It ’s really hard ... "

Chen Zhong still seemed to understand, but just kept nodding.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled. In fact, he knew that Chen Zhong did not understand, so he opened the conversation box.

There are so many words to say, but I let out a little suffocating emotion, but ... It's not too early, and said: "You go back, I still say that, three months later, I will come to see you, Xiao Companion, ordered people to send Chen Zhong out of the palace. "

Xiao Jing nodded. Since His Majesty was holding on to this Chen Zhong, he wanted to behave diligently and sent Chen Zhong out of the palace himself.

When he came back, he saw Emperor Hongzhi standing under the floor-to-ceiling window, looking out of the window without saying a word, but his back was slightly depressed.

Xiao Jing coughed.

Emperor Hongzhi still turned his back on him and said lightly, "I'm back?"

"Yes, come back."

Emperor Hongzhi nodded, calmly: "Oh."

Xiao Jing raised his head and looked at the back of Emperor Hongzhi. The back looked a bit rickety. Even if Emperor Hongzhi wanted to stand straighter, his hair was half a hundred. Xiao Jing couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty should pay more attention to your body."

"I know."

"Your Majesty, do you have any orders?"

"Yes, keep that wrench with me."



Zhu Houhao hurried back to Xishan in a hurry, just for his nitrogen fertilizer.

Whether this stuff is a fertilizer is hard to say.

In fact ... the institute still researched dozens of hundreds of suspected fertilizers.

Different fertilizers are used in different test fields.

Of course, it is not yet spring, but ... small-scale experiments have begun, using the greenhouse method.

To this end, Xishan opened up a variety of test fields, thousands of test fields came out.

In addition to different fertilizers, there are also many fertilizers. Each test field uses the same seeds, transplants seedlings, and then starts trial planting.

The seeds are also the latest improvements.

It is the method used by Fang Jifan.

Hybrid rice, which will feed countless people in later generations.

To study hybrid rice, it takes countless people's efforts and efforts.

Fang Jifan took the trick, that is, drawing on the experience of later generations, he ordered people to find the two different rice varieties, wild ... and then took the people from Tuntian Institute to conduct research.

This is equivalent to that the great people of the future generations have overcome 90% of the problems. Fang Jifan learned their experience in this era and walked the last mile.

This is a joint project between Xishan Research Institute and Tuntian Institute. Because the level is very high, the level reaches the level of Zhu Houzhao and Zhang Xin.

Zhang Xin did not like His Royal Highness.

In the past, he had made a lot of research on agriculture, but now he has carried out joint research, but it is the Crown Prince of the Crown Prince who is pointing the finger.

Zhang Xin thinks that Crown Prince does not understand agronomy, and that Crown Prince thinks Zhang Xin does not understand research.

Every day the captains of the Tuntian Institute record all the data of the test fields.

Recording data is an excellent habit, because the essence of research lies in accumulation. Since ancient times, there have been many great innovations that eventually disappeared. The fundamental reason is that there is a lack of a scientific system within this system, such as snowballing. Generally, the experience of predecessors is accumulated.

This is so-called knowing what it is but not knowing why.

When Zhu Houzhao returned to the institute, he scolded: "Has Zhang Xin been here yet?"

"Come here ..."

"He's coming again." Zhu Houzhao grinds his teeth: "Well, he doesn't understand anything."

"Yes Yes."

Zhu Houzhao then began to look for what he wanted in countless data. His eyes always swept away, but he always found useful data, and then ... began to ask, and sometimes felt uneasy, he rode himself. Go and see in the test field.

By the time he came back, he had turned into a mud monkey, dirty.

People here are used to the prince.

Although the crown prince is high, people always have discomfort at the beginning, but slowly, everyone is accustomed to the existence of this mud monkey and is indifferent.

Zhu Houzhao carried a hoe, and when walking, he always had a high toe and nostrils, and he was very excited.

Or followed by several eunuchs and researchers, Zhu Houzhao turned back and forth from time to time to tell what he was instructed, or ... The blushing ears began to scold NIANG.

He wore a short dress and no long clothes, which caused dozens of large and small seals tied around his waist to be exposed, and it shook with a step.

Xishan is a lively place.

This is not just a test field, nor is it just the battalion of Flyball Camp and Academy.

Leaning on the academy, there is also a special commercial street, where there is a very high building, that is the headquarters of Xishan Qianzhuang.

Therefore, people coming here are endless.

Some are here to do things, some are just for livelihoods, and some are ...


In the distance, a carriage stopped.

A man with deep eyes and a high nose got off the carriage.

The person accompanying him was Liu Shang, the official of Hongya Temple.

The distinguished guest Liu Shang was in charge of was an extraordinary prince from the Ottomans these past few days.

No, to be precise, Ottoman's prince.

The Ottoman State is said to have reached its heyday. In addition to sailing to the Western Ocean, Daming also began to engage with it. The country ’s territory is east to Persia and Ukraine, west to North Africa, south to Egypt, and north. Has constantly eroded Hungary, and constantly besieged Vienna.

This distinguished Prince Ottoman came in person, which was not expected by the court, because according to the information of the spies, his father, the Ottoman monarch, came to power after an extremely cruel court coup, and the prince was His father's favor, in order to avoid the lesson, his father not only killed all the royal family members, but also all the children except the prince, but was also executed by his father.

When the news reached Daming, Hongyun Temple thought it was wrong.

Where there is a reason to kill one son in order to let one of his sons succeed.

So much so that the news was reported to the cabinet, and the vote proposed by the cabinet was ridiculous!

This means that the investigation was untrue, and the investigation was carried out again.

In any case, this prince of the Ottoman state is supposed to be the most legitimate heir to Ottomans, and his status is as stable as that of the Crown Prince Zhu Houzhao.

No one expected, he actually came to Daming personally.

The prince's name was Suleyman, the Happiness Group had already crossed the Ulan Mountains, and Prince Sulayman was appointed governor of the Ukrainian region of the Ottoman Empire, which was the military town of Ottoman in order to guard against the West of the Ross Expand.

But when he discovered that a group of Orientals suddenly appeared from behind the Ross, Prince Suleyman suddenly became very interested in it.

He spent a lot of money to buy some oriental weapons, and found that their use of firearms was not under Ottoman, and he heard various rumors, and finally ...

This distinguished prince of Ottoman is determined to come to Daming, both to deal with the Roses. At the same time, Ottoman has now captured Constantinople, the heart of the continent, which makes the Silk Road possible . The most important thing is that he hopes to use this trip to understand the strange Eastern Empire, whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Sulaiman was tall and tough, and his height, compared with Liu Shang, stood tall, but his appearance was slightly weak. The neck is slightly longer, the face is thin, the aquiline nose, and there is a cluster of yellow mustache, although it is slightly pale, it is still radiant.

He was not in a hurry to see Emperor Hongzhi, but turned around daily in Jingli on the grounds that long journeys required rest.

At this time, although he was still young, he was about the same age as Zhu Houzhao, but ... he had held official positions in several places in Ottoman, and he seemed very capable and capable.

After he got off the carriage, he looked around and said, "This is Xishan?"

"Yes, His Royal Highness, here is Xishan."

Liu Shang smiled and said in jerky Ottoman language.

Suleyman wore a long robe, his eyes did not stop, and he saw fields in the distance, behind which were countless bustling buildings.

When he came to Beijing Normal University, he was very moved. Here ... more magnificent and richer than the capital of Ottoman.

He looked at these fields with great interest ~ ~ and then looked at the farmer walking back and forth in the field, and suddenly, he saw a person who seemed to be high-spirited.

Suleyman frowned slightly and couldn't help saying: "That man ... doesn't look like a farmer."

"Ah ..." Liu Shang was stunned. After seeing it from afar, he suddenly blushed and said hesitantly: "This ... this ..."

"what is this?"

Liu Shang thought for a while, sighed, and finally said truthfully: "This is my Crown Prince Daming."

"Prince?" Sulaiman pursed his lips and smiled: "Your prince, do you like farming?"

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