The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1447: : Do n’t even want to run one

The fundamental problem lies in professionalism.

To put it bluntly, most of the current Imperial History and Dali Temple are the scholars with the title of Jinbang. After reading the four books and five classics for half a life, they entered the Hanlin Academy, and then entered the Ducha Academy or Dali Temple.

For the so-called law, they may not even be clearer than the official.

That being the case, then simply introduce a new trend, recruit a group of young people, conduct professional training, and let them take care of these things.

The various Beijing inspectors do not interfere with each other. You search your card and he checks his.

Once there is enough evidence, it will be submitted directly to the Beijing Procurator.

There are thirteen people in the Beijing Procuratorate. To put it bluntly, it is to support these little Beijing Prosecutors.

Although in the end it always fails.

But at least ... in the past, the supervision of officials was only based on the so-called imperial impeachment, but now ... it has begun to be formalized.

Emperor Hongzhi probably read the charter, and then looked up: "Can this be done without fail?"

Obviously, Emperor Hongzhi attached great importance to this matter.

Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty, it is difficult to be foolproof. The so-called heart is separated from the belly. The most difficult thing to distinguish in this world is loyalty."

Emperor Hongzhi frowned and said, "It seems useless to say that?"

"Useful." Fang Jifan said with confidence: "As far as the minister knows, many officials can be described as unscrupulous. The oppression of the people as a commonplace, even if it is a dog at home, is rampant. But with supervision, children The minister did not dare to guarantee that they would never be greedy for money, nor would they guarantee that they would not engage in malpractices for personal gains, but ... but they can make them converge a lot. "

Emperor Hongzhi's eyes: "Huh? Convergence?"

Fang Jifan nodded and said: "The so-called Tao is one foot tall and one devil is tall. Because there was no scruples in the past, even if it was just a small official, he could pull the small people on the street casually and ask for money, but there was supervision. After that, they may still search the stomach for greed, but the method is by no means so rude, so is the official, and so is Shangguan. Nothing can be done overnight, and freezing three feet is not a cold day, if you can hope Your majesty ’s next will will remove all the ills, which is a matter of course. "

Fang Jifan paused, and then said: "If the child minister is a small merchant, every day he comes and goes, he is directly asked by the officials to get his belongings, and if he encounters a lawsuit, even if he is wronged, he will only fight according to the mood of his parents. Dunton said, what would I think? "

"But because of the deterrence, the servants did not dare to be so blatant, maybe ... only when people begged them, they dare to conceal some benefits and secretly deliver some benefits. And if they encountered Lawsuits, although parents are in a bad mood, they also have some scruples. Even if they are partial to criminals, they dare not do too much and maintain fairness on the surface. Isn't this a huge improvement for the small people? "

Emperor Hongzhi listened very seriously to Fang Jifan ’s analysis, and his eyes gradually brightened, with a sense of sudden enlightenment: “There are some truths, I ca n’t eliminate all the evils, but I can remove the evil and evil, and let those who do bad things get severe punishment. This is the only way to make people converge, one foot tall and one devil one tall. This is a good saying. I did n’t expect you to understand the principle of governing a big country like cooking a small dish. "

Fang Jifan laughed and said: "Your Majesty is generous and kind, frugal and frugal, not close to sensuality, and is diligent in politics, attaches importance to justice, and opens up the way. Not only that, but also expels rape, diligence in politics, and perseverance ... The children are beside your majesty. There is no reason not to learn when studying. "

Emperor Hongzhi frowned: "I know that even if you want to do this, it is not easy, and there will be inevitably many resistances. Ji Fan ... I am very worried about you."

Fang Jifan said frankly: "This matter is beneficial to the community, and it is of great benefit to the people of the world. The sons are dedicated to their own efforts. As for resistance, of course there are, and even possible, the sons have been retaliated by countless people, but this A piece of cake……"

Emperor Hongzhi lowered his head and glanced at the charter again, he couldn't help saying: "There is Chen Tianjin here? This person ... not just opposed ..."

Fang Jifan said: "Chen Gong is just talking about things. His morals are high and clean, and he has always been admired by his sons. The public is public, and the private is private. In private, the children are admired and respected by him. Beijing inspectorate, this matter will only come naturally. "

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but look with approval, with emotion: "Unexpectedly, you still have such a mind."

Fang Jifan also expressed emotion: "The son-in-law had talked with this Chen Shilang and was deeply impressed by his integrity. In my heart, he was like the brother-in-law of the son-in-law.

Emperor Hongzhi nodded his head and finally decided: "If so, then let go and do it."

Let go and do it ... My hand is hurt.

Fang Jifan wondered, secretly lamenting the backwardness of the ancients, there is no compensation for work-related injuries, it is justified.

However, Fang Jifan was still very happy. With His Majesty's grace, everything would come to an end.

A hundred young people were carefully selected. Most of these young people were of good character, and all of them were studying in Xishan. After they were selected, they began training.

On the other hand, it is to ask for money and food. So many Beijing inspectors will always have money to work in the future.

They need to rent a house in various places, and they also need to hire some people to fight for them.

Of course ... there must be performance, who can handle the case, and the evidence of the case is detailed, and it has been approved by the Beijing investigator. It is true that it can rely on real evidence to bring down the local officials. In the coming year, the funds given will increase by themselves, but if they ca n’t do anything for years, or if they ca n’t handle it, they find that the evidence they searched ca n’t be convicted. This has the worst performance and is directly withdrawn.

To put it bluntly, in Fang Jifan's view, bonuses and funds are the throttles of these Beijing inspectors.

In order to make themselves more famous, become a leader, and have more abundant funds, these Beijing inspectors must work hard to rush forward.

The responsibilities of the 13 Beijing inspectors just became the brakes, obtaining the evidence of convictions, confirming the authenticity of witnesses and physical evidence, issuing search-related orders, and so on.

Most of this group of young people are full of vitality, and all of them are very excited to learn that they are about to become an intern in Beijing.

They began to read Daming Law, learn the techniques of investigation and evidence collection, and even ... how to recruit informants, identify the prosecutors' authenticity and so on.

After more than a month of training, these people each received a sum of money and began to work.

In fact ...

This is a good era like a fish.

Because of the corruption or oppression of the people in this era, there is almost no need to cover up.

It is not uncommon for people to send countless amounts of silver to various governments in the name of Bingjing and Carbon Jing, or to bully Xiaomin under various pretexts.

There is no such thing as sneakiness.

Therefore, the so-called evidence-searching skills simply do not exist.

Various Beijing inspectors began to receive reports continuously. They began to look for personal and material evidence. They robbed civilian women, directly asked for money, and even ordinary bureaucrats.

What happened in the broad daylight is shocking.

People have long been accustomed to this.

The countless indictments and files are like snow flakes, and there is a room full of piles.

At this time ... Fang Jifan immediately invited Zhu Houzhao.

In a small courtyard in Suncheon Mansion, Zhu Houzhao recruited all the Beijing inspectors and envoys.

These Beijing inspectors, for Beijing inspectors ... There are not many concepts, but occasionally some documents will be sent to them to tell them where things have gone.

Sometimes, they are also invited to sit down and everyone will work together to see what they think of Jingcha.


Thirteen Beijing inspectors gathered together.

Yan Shenggong Kong Wenshao came and laughed when he was a very easy-going person.

The two British parents, Zhang Mao and Cheng Guogong, didn't understand this very well, and felt that they had come to count them together.

Shouning Hou was on the side, but he was hungry and hungry. Zhu Houzhao glared at the uncle before he stopped talking.

Ouyang Zhizi sat quietly in the corner.

As for Liang Chu, it still looks like it is invincible.

Xiao Jing came reluctantly, and sat with Liu Jin very reluctantly.

Although he smiled, he couldn't help but whisper in his heart, who we are, who he is Liu Jin, when we covered the sky in the palace, you Liu Jin is a fart, now ... actually sitting on the same level, hey ... life ... …

The commander of Jinyiwei made Mou Bin's face sullen, with a bird of prey on his face.

Chen Tianjin seemed quite proud, sloppy beard. None of the people who can sit here are idle people. They are respected by Fang Jifan as a dog, but ...

Chen Tianjin still thinks that the thunder and thunder of this Beijing inspector is small, which is also very good, or it is better not to toss. It is not good to have the name of a Beijing inspector and to avoid trouble.

Fang Jifan saw Chen Tianjin and greeted him with a smile: "Chen Gong, how are you?"

Chen Tianjin pursed her lips and deliberately turned her face away. A young couple was close. The old man had nothing to do with you. Don't spoil the old name of the old man.

Fang Jifan was not annoyed. The prince was sitting in the first place. Fang Jifan coughed: "His Royal Highness, everyone is here. Is it possible to start fixing the case now? ~ ~ Zhu Hou Zhao was very excited:" Okay, now From now on, no one is allowed to leave until after these three hundred cases of malpractice have been settled. "

The prince's remarks immediately triggered many people to whisper.

What's going on?

What are more than three hundred cases?

What is it?

Why not let people go?

Chen Tianjin's heart sank ... not right.

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