The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1458: : Fang Jifan loves the people

Li Dongyang felt that Fang Jifan was targeting himself.

Even though Emperor Hongzhi was not surprised, he felt a little stun in his heart.

Why is it ironic?

Fang Jifan seemed very serious.

The three words "Do not know the people" are his greatest feelings for the monarchs and ministers in North Korea.

Which of these people is not extremely clever?

However, people are always limited. How can a person who grew up in a deep palace and a mansion understand a small country without a cone in a poor country?

Fang Jifan said: "Your Majesty is holy, but there are many Confucian students in this temple, and a few people know what these people who do not know the big characters look like? Mo said that these people are high, living in Beijing, and being isolated from the people. The gentry and scholars in this place are afraid that few people really care about what these little people think and think. "

Fang Jifan said with emotion: "Wang Shouren, a disciple of children and ministers, has been emphasizing empathy. How many people have learned the word empathy from books, but in fact there is still no concept of this empathy. Some people proposed to print more There are so many Di Baos to let the people of the world know the benefits of His Majesty Jingcha. "

"But the problem is that many people forget that more than 90% of the people in this world are illiterate and illiterate. They report that they can neither understand nor have interest in seeing it. It is because they are too far away from the temple. It's too far, as if it's on the horizon. A group of such people expects to use Di Bao to enlighten them and let them know whether Jingcha is good or not. Isn't that the reason to beg for fish? "

Emperor Hongzhi heard this and couldn't help but glance at Li Dongyang.

Li Dongyang was ashamed.

Li Dongyang is a clever person, but he is a person after all, and there will be blind spots in his thinking. This is actually ... not a matter of IQ anymore, but because of his status and situation, he can't think of it at all.

There are countless wise people in ancient times. The articles they wrote and their methods were so dazzling in this splendid history, so that the people in the future generations felt ashamed.

But as long as it is a person, there will be limitations. With the limitations, there will be deviations in the perspective of the problem.

Li Dongyang was not a narrow-minded person. At this time, he nodded calmly and said: "Yes, this method is indeed sublime. This method is admirable in Qi Guogong. But ... Isn't the Di Bao useless?"

"Di Bao is useful." Fang Jifan said with a smile: "But ... Di Bao is still official, and it is necessary to be meticulous, this ... This is for the size of the world's officials, officials can be careful and serious Finding the intention of the emperor in the text is useless to most people. "

"The problem to be solved now is that officials and scholars can understand the court's national policy and the emperor's intentions through the Di Bao, but no one knows them except them. Therefore, how to interpret the national policy and the sacred heart has become the official and the The matter of scholars. "

Fang Jifan said here and smiled, with a deep meaning in his smile: "In the long run, the problem will appear. There is only one emperor. Although the Sacred Heart has no mercy on the people, it is the person who can be responsible for the implementation and execution. The Sacred Heart people come and go, and there are always so many people. Even if there are four versions of the Five Books and their interpretations, there are still countless ones. In the Warring States period, there were eight Confucian schools. The separate interpretation of the race is completely different. What's more, it is His Majesty's will? "

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but shudder, he suddenly realized that Fang Jifan mentioned a fatal problem.

He looked at Fang Jifan with a stretched face: "Go on, go on."

Fang Jifan said: "So, in the past few years, a terrible thing has happened, but whatever the court's will is harmful to the scholars, these things can't be done, not only can't be done, but also criticized, scholars Think of it as tyrannical. The opponents who spoke in the temple were the successors, and the parents and officials who distorted the will everywhere. And these are clearly actions of the people, but under the noise of these people, in the ordinary people ’s In the eyes, it has become a bad governance. "

"But if it is a beneficial will for the scholars, everyone will be praised up and down, even if these beneficial wills are actually harmful to ordinary people. But ordinary people, however, are being preached by various missions. For 150 years, since Emperor Gao and Emperor Wen, His Majesty had thought that it was because of this, so the compassion of the people ’s will was not followed or was opposed. But the purpose of preferential treatment of the priests was to implement it. The court had taken care of them and treated them preferentially so that they would not have to pay taxes, so that they would be rich on the local side. Over the years, with so many conveniences, the merger of the land, to what extent, it had caused The number of displaced people is still not enough. The former preferential treatment given to scholars can not be less, and it is still insufficient. What they want ... more! "

Emperor Hongzhi listened very seriously, and Fang Jifan's words gave him a great wake-up call, which made him tremble with excitement.

Think about it, isn't that the case?

The scholars gradually evolved from the original poetry and book heirs into larger and larger gentry. Local parents and officials can sit on equal footing and control public opinion. The court waived tax. In the year of the disaster, he couldn't even eat rice. But the scholars, because there is no cost, in the disaster year, relying on a lot of savings, constantly buying a lot of land at cheap prices.

Now, do n’t these trends not endure?

But ... what about this?

The emperor and the bureaucrat rule the world, can he emperor Hongzhi leave these people? Without these people, how to stabilize people's hearts, how to ensure local stability ...

This is actually a very tangled issue, and the eyes of Emperor Hongzhi flickered.

Wu Jiawang, who was standing behind Emperor Hongzhi, was shocked and looked at Fang Jifan in surprise.

Fang Jifan naturally felt Wu Jiawang's gaze, he didn't care about this dog at all, it sounded scary, right, just to scare you.

"Since this is the case, why not, in this way, why don't people in this world really understand the holy meaning? This drama group is entertaining and entertaining. Anything your majesty can do to help the people can be edited as Opera, order the troupes everywhere to sing, let the people know, which is right or wrong, the so-called enlightenment, your majesty can come on his own ... Why do you need to pass others? "

Emperor Hongzhi thought of a detailed question, frowning: "Need a lot of money?"

Fang Jifan smiled and said: "Actually, it doesn't need much. Let the Secretary of the Recruitment recruit some musicians, a county and a theater company. There are dozens of people. These are all paid by the court. For the big policy, let the teacher of the teaching department go to write the script. The script is very simple, as long as it is easy to understand, and then invite people to arrange the song and send it to various troupes. The troupe's performance can be free. In the county town, you can also walk in the township, even if it is a place to dry the valley, you can go on stage. In addition, please invite some people who are skilled in this way to be appointed as inheriting officials and let them go to the provinces, governments, and counties. Inspections can not only allow them to give some simple training to the troupe, but also allow them to rehearse their new books. What your majesty is thinking, what your majesty wants to do, why does your majesty do these things, then ... the people of this world, only You need to watch the play to see it at a glance. "

After a pause, Fang Jifan replied: "In addition, the troupe also needs to be educated. It can compile some scripts about loyalty and filial piety and order local theaters to perform. The lives of the people are hard. Well, since I am thinking of His Majesty ’s kindness, in the process of reading, I know in my heart how His Majesty loves the people and knows the benefits of this national policy. By these methods, I pass the decrees to the most remote places, even if ... … "

Fang Jifan said, glancing at the mother Zhao who was not far away: "Even if it is a middle-aged, old-age woman, it can make them understand what Jingcha is, so ... Someone tells them how Jingcha hurts people, They would not believe it. "

Emperor Hongzhi's eyes also fell on that mother Zhao with Fang Jifan's eyes.

Mother Zhao was still happy at this time, still whispering with Zhao Er, eight or nine out of ten, and still indulging in the content of Fang Cai's play.

The emperor Hongzhi subconsciously looked around, and almost everyone is like this.

Just such a scene does not cost much.

Thousands of people were suddenly attracted and relished, and the influence was profound.

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but smile, said: "It's so good, it should be so, yes, I don't know the people, now I only know one or two, following the clan, you are not usually out of the door, the second door is not stepped, but why Can you come up with these weird things? "

Fang Jifanyi said rightly: "Your Majesty ~ ~ Said this, son-in-law ... there is empathy, deep in the heart of the son-in-law, the most missed thing is the people."

When Liu Jian and Li Dongyang heard this, their expressions were a bit weird.

The Hanlin Wu Jiawang was even more uncertain, and he wanted to say something at this time, but he dared not say it, and he kept holding it in the end.

The emperor Hongzhi became more and more happy and couldn't help but smiled and said, "Everyone says they love the people, but beside me, we can only follow the rulers and know the people. It ’s a person who knows the people, I do n’t know why, and I still love to love the people, ca n’t I laugh? This method is good, the theater company needs to be built, and the money will be released from the inside. I do n’t have any reluctance to do it. Only by playing the show, let people know the benefits of Jingcha. As far as I ’m concerned, it ’s nothing to change. "

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