The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: : Great achievements


Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but be embarrassed now.

How can you blame such a big contribution?

Just because there is a harvest festival here?

Ji Fan really is a man who thinks deeply.

What is his guilt?

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't help but be happy.

Finally he recovered.

Food ... increased production.

The importance of this food is self-evident.

A few days ago, the prince was cultivating in Xishan, which had caused many criticisms. The emperor Hongzhi did not care about it. Since the prince liked it, he would do it.

But now ...

"Cultivated land also has such great knowledge."

Instead of bringing in new staple foods, this time, the original rice was used to increase its output.

"If so ..." Emperor Hongzhi's eyes were radiant, and he stared at Fang Jifan: "Does this mean that in the future, the grain output will not only be seven hundred pounds, but may even increase to eight hundred, nine hundred, one? Thousand jin? So ... what about sweet potatoes, and potatoes? "

When the words of Emperor Hongzhi fell, everyone's heart shook.

Everyone only thinks of rice, but ignores that everything is interoperable.

Through research, through continuous cultivation of improved varieties, the yield can be greatly improved, rice can be, wheat can naturally, and as for those high-yield potatoes and sweet potatoes, the output is not even higher?

Fang Cai Liu Jian and others are only concerned about the increase in rice, but there is still an account. It is not clear, not only the output of many crops can be increased, but ... the current yield of 700 kg per mu, but the current research The results, but ... if only continuous research is carried out, it means that after ten or a hundred years, the output of grain can be increased.

This ... is just the beginning.

"Princes and Fang Qing's family today did not increase their food supply, they did not solve the great problems of the moment, but they found a way to solve the foundation of the world."

"There are eight hundred years in the world, but we can reach the Han Dynasty, but for four hundred years, after going through the Tang and Song Dynasties, the country is even worse than before. The reason is that during the prosperous world, the population is increasing, and it is overcrowded. , The land merger, the people ca n’t survive, and by that time, there will be dry fires everywhere. Although there are occasional princes, they can turn the tide down, but in the end ... the problem of roots cannot be solved, but it is only a continuation. It ’s just a nation of ten or twenty years. "

Emperor Hongzhi said this: "Princes and Fang Qing's family did not emulate the three emperors and the five emperors. They found a key. This key opened a new door for us. With this door, I and future generations Only then can we enter this Baoshan, even if we invest the manpower and material resources, we must continue this research on agriculture, if we do n’t succeed in one year, it will last for ten years, we can wait for a hundred years, and as long as we can increase production, The people in this world are free of hunger. "

Emperor Hongzhi said nothing. He carefully looked at Xiao Jing on the side and said sincerely: "You remember, immediately after you go back, dictate, and order a man-made stone workshop to be kept in the palace."

Where did Xiao Jing dare to neglect, he was busy listening.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "My Da Ming Zhu has been enjoying the country for 150 years. At the beginning of this agronomy, I have seen it. I have seen it with my own eyes. The way of governing the world is not to be self-defense, but to study it. If it doesn't agree with my will, people and gods will be angry, and they will be sick of it. "

Xiao worshipped: "The slave-servant obeyed the purpose."

Liu Jian and others suddenly.

At this time, listening to His Majesty's words, it was suddenly initiating.

Yes, increasing the grain output is nothing. At least for now, Daming has not been hungry. But what is really powerful is to find a way out to solve the food problem. With this way out, as long as the imperial court does its best to invest and encourage research in agronomy, it can now produce 700 kilograms. In the future ... many.

If they are replaced with high-yield food, they can produce two kilograms, three kilograms, and five kilograms per mu. Why not?

"Your Majesty, this is what the university asks." Liu Jian couldn't help feeling emotion.

He glanced at Jiang Wen, who was kneeling on the ground. This is a scholar. Although he didn't know who had removed it, he was wearing a Confucian shirt.

He heard Jiang Wenfang talked eloquently, does it make sense? Makes perfect sense.

But what about?

There are tens of thousands of truths in the world ... It's not as long as the prince went to the ground, planted food, and solved the present and the future. Maybe 10,000 truths can't solve things.

And is this Jiang Wen in front of him not the Manchu princes, or the original self even now?

At this moment, Liu Jian began to wipe his tears, and fell to the ground with a slight trembling: "Your Majesty, the old minister is ashamed and has no place for self-confidence. Over the years, His Majesty has been kind to his ministers and Confucians, and he has shown such great love. In the past ten years, I have used eight shares to win a warrior. I thought I could recruit talents from the world, share my worries for your majesty, and make peace for the people. But now ... the temple is not as good as the prince inside and outside the temple. It takes the Crown Prince ’s hands-on experience to shake the world today, and the world ’s scholars are blind to the fact that the court is taking a warrior, but it is useless? "

Liu Jian said that he couldn't speak anymore, and his voice suddenly became dumb.

Li Dongyang and Xie Qianren, etc., naturally know what Liu Jian means.

Every day he said that there must be talents, and that scholars are talents, and the emperor should choose talents and use abilities to seek talent. But after screaming for so many years, there are a few more talents. Such things as agronomy require the prince to go to the land to cultivate. The problems solved by the prince and Qi Guogong are enough to make the Manchu dynasty martial.

To be honest, with these salaries, Liu Jian himself felt a little ashamed, and they did not do as much as the prince.

What a shame.

He not only felt ashamed, but also felt that this man named Jiang Wen was a shame among the scholars.

Jiang Wen is like a thunderbolt at the moment.

Only then did he vow to say what the prince should not do and how he should do.

But now ...

Now he was so confused and overwhelmed.

Emperor Hongzhi nodded his head, his eyes also fell on Jiang Wen: "Jiang Qing's family, what did you just say?"

Jiang Wen: "..."

Emperor Hongzhi stretched his face and said sharply: "Say it again, say it loudly, so that everyone can hear it!"

Jiang Wen was already terrified, and the whole person shivered. For a moment, he didn't dare to say anything, and kowtowed like garlic.

The same is fear, the fear of the genius and the fear of the present are different.

Fang Cai ’s fear is that I am indeed afraid of death, but as a scholar who understands the truth, I have my own truth, even if I have to admit counsel, I still do n’t change my mind.

But now the fear is a breath of despair.

His Royal Highness, the Prince, could actually benefit so many people, and his merits can even catch up with the three emperors and the five emperors. How is it possible? How is it possible ...

He looked up and watched many people cheering around.

His eyes looked straight at the pile of rice.

That's food ... food that can save countless people.

If this is nothing, then ... Dayu has only cured the water, and Shennong has only tasted the herbs.

Myself ... wrong?

He felt a headache.

Even if the facts were in sight, he could not accept his failure.

After all, since the beginning of the crash, his parents gave him great expectations. So, at the age of five, he was enlightened and had been in the window for more than ten years. Although he didn't have a title in the list, he was fortunate enough to test a talent.

The merits of the talented scholars are their only pride, and they have earned half of their lives.

Is it ... are these wrong?

If it is wrong, then it is your own life, everything you own.

His mind is blank.

Suddenly, he slowly reached out and covered his heart. Only when he faced Jin Yiwei, he still hadn't shed tears, but now ... it was full of tears.

Xiucai did not go out, he knew the world.

Half the Analects can govern the world.

The truth of the world is contained in those four books and five classics.

You can only understand the truth of the world after you read the book and read the book.

All the time ... he thought so, he read the book and was proud of it, but now ...

It seems that more and more things, those four books and five classics, can no longer be explained.

So much so that now he has fallen into such an awkward situation.

He still knelt on the ground, but stretched out his hand, tearing the shirt on his heart fiercely, hoping to tear off his Confucian shirt.

There must be something wrong.

But ... he still couldn't explain.

"Student ... wrong ..." The hot tears dropped, Jiang Wen's eyes were blood red, and he said: "No, no, the student is not wrong, even if the student can be wrong, but in the book, Is it wrong? This is the truth of saints and sages, how can they be wrong. "

He talked about it here, but he shouted again, his eyes were indifferent, his teeth gritted and said: "If you go down to the land, go to the arable land, and study the agronomy, you can benefit the world, then ... then ... these four books and five classics, but also What is the use?"

He was a little crazy, howling his head.

"So what's the use of reading ~ ~ what's the use?"

The so-called sole Confucianism is by no means simply to classify Confucianism as an official school. Behind this is to push the Four Books and Five Scriptures and the Confucian sages to the level of saints, so that no one dares to question, so these scholars are becoming more and more blind and arrogant, contempt all knowledge, and now ... Jiang Wen was completely at a loss.

If there are other scholars and doctrines in the world, even more benefit to the people of the world than the books they read, then ... what is the use of these four books and five classics?

After reading the book for so many years, I ended up with a useless word.

What a despair he was, he stood up suddenly, wobbled, and messed up his shirt, but he laughed in the sky: "haha ... haha ​​..."

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