The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 174: : Congratulations His Majesty


Xiao Jing was on duty last night, and he fell asleep when he was at home. He was making up, but was awakened.

He was in the side hall, staring at his dry son Wang Liu violently, and in his hand, he held a copy of the emergency report sent by the East Factory.

Xiao Jing said sharply with his eyes, "Is it true? This is not a joke. Yang Xiong, the son, usually settled down. How did he go to Guizhou ..."

"Checked, if not verified, don't dare to disturb the godfather."


Xiao Jing's face eased a little, and then suddenly emerged, so to speak ...

He glanced at Shushu again, and the content of this triumphant report was so shocking to him.

"Go!" Clenched his teeth. Although he felt incredible, he decided to believe Yang Xiong and Dongchang.

This is a great contribution. It is an unprecedented victory since today ’s emperor ’s ascension. Whoever took the lead and reported to the palace is also a big contribution.


Meridian Gate.

Zhang Mao quickly arrived here, and quickly entered the palace. He had a waist card to enter and out of the palace. The guards in front of the door also recognized him and saluted him "have seen the British public."

Zhang Mao's expression was solemn, and he only nodded slightly. At this time, he also had a good news in his hand.

This was sent by Guizhou commander Kuai Ma.

Zhang Mao was the governor of the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies. Although this was a post, in fact, the Dudu Mansion of the Five Armies was already aerial.

At the same time, all the commanders and envoys of the provinces have been replaced by the military commanders of the provinces.

But this does not mean that the commanders of the five military commanders and local governments completely lost their effectiveness. The commanders and commanders of Guizhou are still nominally the most senior military officers in Guizhou Province. Duty.

After Zhang Mao got the triumphant news, he just sneered at first and took the work ... No such work, this is to die.

But he soon felt something was wrong. It wasn't until Jin Yiwei sent someone to the Five Armed Forces to investigate the news that he suddenly realized that a huge victory occurred in Guizhou.

As a British public official, Zhang Mao, who served for several generations of kings, wouldn't know that the Hongzhi dynasty needed a huge victory to demonstrate martial arts.

So, without hesitation, he immediately set off and entered the palace ... see the drive.

At this time, he listened to the guardian guard at the Meridian Gate, "Grandpa, you are so early, but it is strange today that Commander Mou has just entered the palace ..."

Jin Yiwei's commander Mu Bin ...

Zhang Mao immediately fangs, too lazy, rushed into the door hurriedly.

After a while, the breathless Hyoshu Ma Wensheng had already got out of the sedan chair, and was desperately walking towards here.


At this time, in the Nuan Pavilion, Emperor Hongzhi looked at many test papers, but he was a bit lacking.

Although it was a verification, these slacks all made him unable to lift his spirits, and it was still boring.

He put the test paper aside and shook his head with a wry smile. "Hey, all students specialize in eight-legged, but negligent in the theory, the style of writing is brilliant, and the people who can hit the point are rare."

This sentiment was not groundless. The former Emperor Hongzhi liked the brilliant scholars very much, but he became an emperor. After a year, it was either a drought, a flood, or a flood. It was the toast rebellion, and he discovered how important those who can solve practical problems are.

Seeing that His Majesty had started to talk about things, Liu Jian put aside the matter at hand. "Your Majesty's words were too serious."

Emperor Hongzhi smiled irresponsibly. "Wang Shouren's paper, I have read it again and again. If there are no problems with the verification, choose him as the first. There is also this Yang Wen's policy, this person's policy is also atmospheric, he will try to name Column 13? Now, click him second ... "

He reported more than a dozen names in a row, and when the fifteenth was reached, he said lightly, "Ouyang Zhi's strategy, he was more creative and ranked fifteen ..."

Liu Jian heard this and felt emotion in his heart, which is a pity for Ouyang Zhi.

However, he was not very satisfied with Ouyang Zhi ’s answer. Indeed, as His Majesty said, the craftsmanship was a little too heavy. Fang Jifan ’s last idea of ​​building a mountain camp was not unreasonable, but the problem was that Compared with the policy, the climate seems to be a little bit worse, not to mention that your majesty has decided to build a mountain camp, but besides ruining a lot of money, there have been no results.

Xie Qian and Li Dongyang have no objections.

The emperor Hongzhi almost said his thoughts on this court test, and he was ready to bow his head to continue the examination.

But at this time, outside the Nuan Pavilion, there were rapid footsteps, and there was a hoarse voice outside. "Your Majesty, the Cabinet sent a report, saying it was one hundred thousand in a hurry."


Now all the university scholars in the cabinet are here, and I want to come here because Hanlin is in trouble.

The emperor Hongzhi frowned, a little sullen.

Can't these things be done well? Don't they know that he and Liu Qing's family are doing more important things?

But when things came to an end, he still suppressed his anger, "what's the news, send it in."

Immediately, an **** on duty outside hurried in to salute the emperor Hongzhi, and then a report was placed on the emperor's case.

Emperor Hongzhi looked down, but was shocked.

It is an urgent report from Guizhou!

Reminiscent of the four hundred thousand words of fiery anxiety, the military situation in Guizhou must have changed greatly. Emperor Hongzhi did not hesitate and immediately took the show and opened it. At this point, he was completely stunned.

"Prince Wang Shi bowed his head to greet you. Your Majesty in Guizhou planned to build a mountain camp. A few days ago, the mountain camp went to battle and encountered most of the rebels. Three thousand people were fighting against the thieves. Although the rebels are good at the mountain, my mountain camp is more brave. In the mountain combat, if you are on a flat ground, bravely, the thieves collapsed, the mountain camp took advantage of the situation, and the thieves defeated the Jinshan Village. On the same day, the mountain camp defeated it and chased the victory.

Now beheading the rebels at the level of 5,371, rank 23, and have another village, waiting for the mountain camp to be killed, the thieves are screaming like a dog with a broken ridge, and they will be burned to death. Overjoyed, today's special urgent report ... "

Emperor Hongzhi's complexion suddenly rose.

At the next moment, he shot the Shushu fiercely on the case. "Wang Shi, he is so bold, he dare to take credit. This is to bully the king. Don't forgive me!"

Emperor Hongzhi was rarely angry, at least in front of the courtiers. Of course, if he met the prince, it was another matter. After all, few people had the courage and IQ to be as brazen as the prince. .

Liu Jian was shocked and said, "Your Majesty ... This is ..."

Xie Qian and Li Dongyang glanced at each other, too.

"Let's take a look at the Qing family and see how ugly this Wang Shi is."

The **** was so scared that the atmosphere did not dare to come out. He took the victory report and sent it to Liu Jian's hand first. Liu Jian only glanced in a hurry, his face suddenly turned white, and then he sighed heavily.

After Li Dongyang and Xie Qian circulated, their expressions also dignified.

Emperor Hongzhi stood up and said, "You said, why did Wang Shi take credit?"

"I'm just afraid ..." What kind of person is Liu Jian, a scholar at the cabinet's chief and assistant university, after several dynasties, what world has not seen? He shook his head and said, "If there was a rebellion while the first emperor was there, once the officers and soldiers entered the war, in order to prevent the court from prosecuting, he wrote a letter to victory, and there was a victory out of nothing. The trusted alchemist, or trying his best to succumb to the concubine, so that the first emperor mistrusted ... "

"Good." Emperor Hongzhi sneered. "It's terrible. I'm so dependent on Wang Shi. I can't expect him to enter the war. It was such a ridiculous good news to scorn me. Are you confused? Treat me as the first emperor? "

Emperor Hongzhi was so angry that "three thousand people beheaded five thousand, then, how many thieves were they facing? Pulling dozens of villages, is this possible? If the rebels have such a good deal, then tens of thousands of troops before Why are you repeatedly frustrated? If 3,000 people can solve it, what is the use of the 100,000 troops deployed in Yungui? "

Every question is actually normal thinking and logic. After all, Emperor Hongzhi is not stupid.

Liu Jian also sighed in his heart, just comfortingly said, "Your Majesty is angry, this matter ... may not be what His Majesty thought."

"Isn't that what I thought it was, or is it that way? Don't I count it, can't I really be so stunned that I can't even see the true and false of the Jiebao?"

As he was saying, there was a human voice outside, "Your Majesty, slave-in-law asks for advice."

This is Xiao Jing's voice.

Emperor Hongzhi remembered that Xiao Jing was on duty last night, but did not expect to have slept at this time.

The emperor Hongzhi was furious ~ ~ Now when I hear it, I don't have a good face anymore, and coldly said, "Come in."

Xiao Jing entered the cabinet with a slight trembling, and when he saw His Majesty's fury, he understood everything, but he smiled slightly, and said, "Congratulations to His Majesty, His Excellency, He Xi."

"..." Emperor Hongzhi frowned, staring at Xiao Jing violently, trying to attack.

Xiao Jing immediately took out the performance report, and said without delay, "Your Majesty, Guizhou Zhongguan Yang Xiong sent a victory report, Guizhou Dajie, His Majesty Hongfu Qitian, Daming Prosperity Yongchang."

There is also a performance?

Is it Zhongguan Yang Xiong?

Emperor Hongzhi was stunned. Yang Xiong was a man in the palace. He actually colluded with Wang Shi as a fake?

This seems wrong. Wang Shi's fraud can be understood as a failure, but Yang Xiong, a eunuch, is a man in the palace. Why should he risk Wang Shi's mischief against the world?

A doubt was born in the heart of Emperor Hongzhi, maybe ... was it bought by Wang Shi?

Emperor Hongzhi stepped forward to take the victory and glanced down. The content inside was actually similar to that of Wang Shi.

He still sullenly, but suddenly quieted down.

what happened.

He can not believe in Wang Shi or Yang Xiong, but is it credible if the two are together?


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