Altar has been set up in the House of Chans.

Under the huge platform, firewood was prepared, and the pile of firewood piled up into a hill.

With Zhu Houzhao's statement, since he wants to move to heaven, he must move to the end.

If Li Daoren can't pray for rain, he has to use a more intense method, such as ... set a fire and burn Li Daoren to the Dragon Lord.

As early as hundreds of years ago, Crown Prince Zhu Houzhao had already understood the employee's incentive mechanism. This was appreciated by Fang Jifan.

Li Chaowen ... crying again.

These days, although the tears have drained, but hearing these truths, he feels that his tear glands can squeeze out some more liquid.

Fang Jifan looked up at the high platform, which was ten feet tall. It was spectacular under Jin Cancan's sunshine, and was particularly eye-catching.

Zhu Houzhao stood shoulder to shoulder with him. While looking up at the high platform, he also saw this blue sky with no signs of rain.

Will it rain like this?

Zhu Hou-zhao was so disappointed in his heart that he couldn't help looking at Fang Jifan and couldn't help but ask, "Is it really going to rain?"

"Yes." Fang Jifan nodded solemnly, and said solemnly: "We have to believe Master Li's nephew, and everyone is ready to take it in."

Zhu Houzhao sighed quietly: "Master Yang and Master Wang are not angry now."

Master Yang and Master Wang are naturally Yang Tinghe and Wang Hua.

There are no impenetrable walls in the world, and the two Jane House Jane and Young Jane are now vomiting blood.

Fang Jifan was expressionless and unmoved.

They don't vomit blood, it has nothing to do with him.

"This palace also heard that Master Wang was worried and seemed to be his son, something went wrong."

Wang Shouren?

Fang Jifan was a little dazed. Which one did Wang Shouren play?

"It is said to have hysteria."

"Oh." Fang Jifan laughed happily. According to his understanding of Wang Shouren, hysteria is definitely not there. It is estimated that he has started to think about things again. Ah, no, thinkers like Wang Shengren should be thinking.

"Lao Fang, this palace feels ..." Zhu Houzhao hesitated before saying: "This palace feels that the praying for tomorrow's rain is not reliable and feels that something is going to happen ..."

Fang Jifan patted his shoulder: "Don't be afraid, my teacher and nephew are not afraid of death. Are we cowards? We are friends, and we all share the same benefits."

Zhu Houzhao glanced at Fang Jifan contemptuously. Fang Jifan patted the **** and ran away, leaving the scene where he was alone in the Nuan Ge scene still fresh in his memory!

"What you said, this palace didn't believe it. You are a person with a brain disorder. Then you can't pretend to be pretending to be sick, and things will pass."

Uh ... it seems, really thought?

Fang Jifan's face turned slightly red, and he turned his face firmly and said firmly: "I'm not such a person, why does His Highness miss me like this!"


Longquan view.

What happened in Jingli has inevitably spread to Longquan Temple.

A Taoist crept into Zhang Chaoxian's room and whispered a few words quickly.

Zhang Chao first couldn't help but sneer, and didn't even lift his eyelids, only said lightly: "Tianzheng, do you see any signs of rain when you see this phenomenon?"

This called Tianzheng Taoist busy: "Master, no. It has been drought for more than two months, and there are no signs of rain so far."

Zhang Chaoxian sneered: "Then Li Chaowen was desperate, and the dog jumped the wall in a hurry. He indulged in the wealth in his view, which was the scum of Longquan view. He knew he was going to die. No, I want to borrow rain, I want to reverse the situation. "

With that said, Zhang Chao first laughed, and a wrinkled face was full of sarcasm.

"Don't you dare to fight me for waste like Li Chaowen? Just rely on this waste and match it? Doesn't this sky say that it will rain, it will rain?"

Thinking of these, he felt even more ridiculous, and Li Zhaowen naturally couldn't get it.

He just waited to see the joke.

But, the next moment, he couldn't help shaking his head again.

Zhang Chaoxian thought: "The only thing that is scary is that the uncle of the teacher, this person actually sealed the new uncle, it is not easy to provoke."

So he slowly stood up and walked to the window sill, looking out from this window sill, the beautiful scenery of Yuquan Mountain was panoramic.

The beautiful scenery made him relaxed and happy, and the worry in his heart swept away suddenly, he could not help but said slowly.

"Send another piece of money to Jingli, and ask the director of the Libe Taolu Division to step up the reformation of Li Zhaowen's Daoist, hu ... Qiyu ... It's a joke."



Qiyu is about to begin.

The whole Beijing teacher has also exploded.

In the East Palace, even if it is a few streets away, you can see the high platform that stands in the high wall.

The temporary high tower soared into the clouds, and it was particularly spectacular under the shroud of Jin Hui.

The news is circulating everywhere in the neighborhood.

It's just a pity that Fang Jinglong is about to travel.

In his heart, he was reluctant to give up his son, Jingli and his old friends bragging about their joy, and not many people.

But he knew that Guizhou had to go this time, not only because of the sacred fate, but because Fang's family was earned by virtue of his merits. His father and his grandfather all depended on one shot and one shot. It was only after they were spelled out in the heap of dead people that they retained their own grace.

He should be the same, relying on the sword and the sword on the sand field, nine lives, and earn a greater future for his son. What he did is only the way of the first people, and what he left behind is more kindness for the children. shelter.

So Fang Jinglong didn't want to stay too much, but decided to set off.

The entourage was all the old brothers who were selected in the army. Those old guys who were holding Fang Jifan's thin arms and thin legs in Fang's house during the Chinese New Year.

Some of them are reticent and some lack arms and legs, but they all have the same advantage, that is, staying in the military for a long time, like the family and the battlefield, such as several family treasures, go to the mountain camps this time, and do not want the old brothers We must help out.

In battle, they may not be useful, but they can train troops, but they are all good players.

At the canal's wharf, several Wupeng official ships were on the water. It had been a long time before the soldiers had offered salutes to board the ship.

Fang Jinglong did not wake up Fang Jifan when he left. He hoped that his son would sleep a little longer. When the son grew up, he hoped that he would pass on the lineage and give birth to ten or eight. Dare not disturb him.

His son was in Fang Jinglong's heart, with the feeling of licking the calf, Fang Jinglong looked back at the Peking teacher, as if penetrating the city walls, penetrating countless roofs, and seeing his home.

Today, the five disciples of Fang Jifan got up very early. They knew that the teacher would go far. As a grandson, ah no, teacher and grandson, how could they not come to send each other?

Tang Yin everyone, salute: "Master, move slowly."

Fang Jinglong sighed, patted their shoulders, and said with exclamation: "You ... have worked hard."

My son, I know, think about these readers, it is very uncomfortable for them, as soon as they enter Fang's house, it is like a sea, and the hardships can only be understood by Fang Jinglong.

The five disciples were all indifferent.

At this time, listening to the foot force crossing the trestle, he whispered: "I heard that Xin Jianbo is the one with the new seal, and the one who is said to have made great achievements, and His Royal Highness, will pray for rain tomorrow."

"Can it really rain?"

"Look at this sky, can it rain?"

"If it doesn't rain, won't it be a joke?"

"Hush, be careful."


Their voice was not high, but Fang Jinglong heard it clearly. His old face couldn't help but red, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Is this going to be seen as a joke?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but look at Tang Yin and his eyes swept across their faces one by one.

I thought they would be the same as themselves, but the five disciples, but they all looked at the nose and mind, and didn't seem to be touched by a little bit!

Fang Jinglong nodded secretly, these guys, amazing, Taishan collapsed before the change of color, there is a general wind.


He took a deep look at the Beijing teacher, and resolutely stepped onto the trestle, leaving the five teachers and grandchildren with a generous back.


In the distance, Fang Jifan looked at the pier far away, looking for his father's boat, which had left the wharf and cruising downstream.

In fact, Fang Jifan got up long ago, but he couldn't see the scene where the father and son were separated. Fang Jifan took a breath and looked up at the sky as he watched the ship go far.

The sky is still clear, Fang Jifan couldn't help being guilty and asked secretly in his heart.

Will it rain?

Thinking this way, he felt that he was too mother-in-law.

It doesn't matter so much at this time. At this point, you have to believe in yourself.

The most important thing is to have confidence in your teacher and nephew!

Early the next morning, when dawn dawned, Fang Jifan rushed to Zhan Shifu.

Zhu Houzhao, holding a calendar in a daze, met Fang Jifan and quickly waved at him: "No, no, today is not a lucky day."

You know, Qi Yu is going to choose a good day and a good day. Zhu Houzhao obviously lost his confidence and scratched his head. A face is more bitter than bitter gourd.

Fang Jifan looked at the anxious Zhu Houzhao and couldn't help but comfort him: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are praying for Buddhism."

"..." Zhu Houzhao's face suddenly changed, and his hands were thrown away. His bright eyes widened, staring at Fang Jifan, and he had the urge to strangle Fang Jifan.

"Are you a Taoist or a Buddhist, are you going to kill this palace!"

Fang Jifan quickly stepped back towards Zhu Houzhao, a slight smile on his handsome face.

"We are double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, Your Highness, hurry up, we are about to start."

Zhu Houzhao has a feeling that he can't get out of a thief ship.

He roared in his heart ~ ~ This is the rhythm of being pitted!

Under the high platform of the House of Lords, almost all the officials and eunuchs came.

The officials headed by Yang Tinghe and Wang Huahua raised their heads and stared at the high platform, and Li Zhaowen, who was crying and being **** by the big flowers.

Their heart is collapsed.

Liu Jin and others were very curious. The eunuchs believed this, whispering in a low voice while covering their mouths.

In fact, it is not only inside the East Palace, but also outside the East Palace. It is already overcrowded. Many people are overlooking the high platform in the House of Chans through the high wall.

It is said that ... at noon, we must open the altar, and then pray to the gods and lower the dew.

Therefore, many visitors are paying attention.


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