The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 432: : Fang's Physics Debate

In fact, Wen Suchen could not be Wang Shouren's opponent at the beginning.

A person who talks in a study all day long can defeat a hundred opponents in a study, but can never defeat a person who goes up the mountain and the sea, as Wang Shouren himself said, he really goes beyond things.

"I know this by saying everything." Wang Shouren is not actually a rebel, but an inheritor: "By observing things, to study the principles of everything, the students also strongly agree."

"But what you want is what you think, what Zhu Fuzi thinks is different from you and me. What Madam Zhu sees and hears is different from you and me. Therefore, through what he sees and hears, Zhu Fuzi thinks naturally. Learned his theory of nature, his saintly way. All this is Zhu Fuzi's understanding of all things. Zhu Fuzi's understanding of the theory of nature is extremely profound, and the students admire it. "

"So, dare to ask, Mr. Wen also has eyes, ears, and what he sees and hears. Zhu Fuzi advocates knowledge and knowledge. Then, what kind of nature does Mr. Wen have in his life, and what natural reason does he understand?" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Wen Suchen reluctantly regained his spirit: "I read" Four Books Chapter Annotations "," Tai Chi Tuo Explanation "," Tong Shu Interpretation "..."

Wang Shouren shook his head: "This is Mr. Zhu Zi's book. It is Mr. Zhu Zi. Through observation of things, that is, what we say, we learn the truth. Mr. Wen, what the students want to ask is, Mr. himself, right What do you understand about the way of the saint and the principle of all things? "

"..." I understood it myself, and the prime minister Wen Suchen said with awe: "I am waiting for the scholars to make a statement on behalf of the saints."

The so-called proclamation of the saint is a theory of Confucianism, that is, the main task of the scholar is to speak for the saint. Because of this, the scholar always talks about 'Zi Yue', 'Meng Zi Yue', and 'Zhu Fu Zi Yue'. In short, the saint There is nothing wrong with it. If the saint's speech is to be passed down, the reader must speak for the saint.

Wang Shouren shook his head: "It's still not right." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Wen Suchen said: "So, I still have to ask."

Wang Shouren said: "Zi said, three people must have our teacher. It can be seen that there is learning everywhere in this world, and learning does not have to be confined to the four books and the five classics; Zhu Fuzi also advocates that the reader should be knowledgeable and understand the truth of everything. Mr. Shi is a great Confucian scholar in the world. If he does n’t have his own opinion, it ’s just because he has a deep understanding of Confucianism, so he has to speak for the saint and Zhu Fuzi. This is wrong. Kong Shengren and Zhu Fuzi see different things and have different natural perceptions. Ah. And Mr. Wen himself has no eyes, no ears, is blind and deaf, and has never seen the world, so he needs the saints to tell you, what should the world look like? "

"Student should not be like this! The scholar learns the saint's way, is to remember the saint's heart, what is the saint's way? The saint's way is to teach you and me to honor your parents and love your brother. It is to tell us to observe things more . It is for us to advocate etiquette. It is for us to be virtuous in politics, to be diligent in our studies, to teach us the servants to be honored by the emperor, and to be loyal to the minister. All kinds of things are the saints ’way." & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"How to observe things and how to study the principles of nature, but you need to have your own eyes and your own ears. The sage confessed that Confucius came from the Spring and Autumn Period, he was in exile in various countries, and implemented the law of benevolence. The world, is there? Although the minefield system has collapsed in the spring and autumn, there are still remnants of the minefield. Therefore, Confucius believes that the collapse of the minefield is the cause of the turmoil in the world. Well, today ’s worldland, the system of minefields, has been a long time away. . "

"Also, when Zhu Fuzi was there, the shame of Jingkang at that time, partial favor of the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Fuzi requested anti-gold, not for adoption. Are these now available? Zhu Fuzi wrote" Four Books Chapter Sentences Annotation ", and there are countless books, The books are decent, all the people in the world, all admire, but these books are his life, his experience, what he has seen and heard, and his perception of the world. The students admire Zhu Fuzi, so the students think that they are the saints. He is also a student of Zhu Fuzi, because he admires him, he learns him the same way, observes things with his own eyes and ears, and learns how he thinks, and slowly perfects his knowledge. "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Mr. Wen said that scholars should speak for the saints, but in the latter sentence, Mr. Wen seems to have missed it. The latter sentence is: Continuing to learn from the saints. Zhu Fuzi started his thinking on the saints and prospered Confucianism. This is the continuation of sacred learning for the sage. Why do n’t you and I dare to learn Zhu Fuzi today? On this basis, start thinking about the way of the saint. The world has changed, and so should the man. The way of the saint. It will not change, but how to interpret the saint's way, and how to start new thinking like Zhu Fuzi in this changed world, on the basis of the saint's way, is this not what you and my generation should do ? "

"Mr. Wen is a great Confucian. He is admired by the people of the world. That is why he needs to set an example for the people of the world. If he just picks up the words of Kong Meng and Zhu Fuzi and repeats them, then, Mr. He Wen, the world ? "

Wen Suchen sneered: "If so, wouldn't this be an apostasy!" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Wang Shouren smiled: "Mr. Wen had forgotten. At the beginning, Neo-Confucianism was also dismissed as" pseudo-study ", and was also accused of being apostate."

Wen Suchen said: "Zhu Fuzi is Zhu Fuzi, do you dare to be better than Zhu Fuzi?"

Wang Shouren shook his head: "Dare not, the students are also under Zhu Fuzi's door. If you don't learn Zhu Fuzi and don't know what you know, how can you open new thinking to students."

Everyone listened to the duo's lips, tongues, and swords, but people with clear eyes could clearly understand that Wang Shouren's thinking was more active than that of the ancient Wen Suchen.

Many people think that what Wang Shouren said about the new school, everything should be free, should be inherited to Song Shi's school of mind, and he will definitely vigorously criticize Zhu Fuzi.

But no one thought that Wang Shouren still adopted many of Zhu Xi's ideas, and still vigorously advocated Zhu Fuzi to have a very high status in the study of saints. The most shameless thing is that Wang Shouren took the left mouth and I was a student of Zhu Fuzi. What I learned was Zhu Fuzi. That ’s right, I am very authentic ... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This ... is a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, although some people disagree, Wang Shouren's words are at least ... not too disgusting.

On the contrary, Wen Suchen wanted to let Wang Shouren stand on the opposite side of Neo-Confucianism to criticize it vigorously. He never thought about it. This new knowledge, however, is the thigh of Neologism, and he refuses to let go. , Which gives him strength and nowhere to use.

Even ... Everyone has a feeling.

Wang Shouren was actually fighting for Zhu Fuzi's right to speak, thinking that he was doing what Zhu Fuzi did.

Compared with Wen Suchen, who only knows how to learn parrots, he doesn't know how smart he is.

Emperor Hongzhi smiled on his face, but his eyes stared at Fang Jifan, seeming to laugh.

The king of North Korea, Li Yi, couldn't help but yell: "Mid!" & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Someone in the crowd, looking at the calm and calm Wang Shouren, was silent.

He always thought that Wang Shouren should be a weird person. When he was young, he was confused. But today, the self-confidence shown by Wang Shouren is really misleading that this is a fake Wang Shouren.

"Nonsense!" Wen Suchen was a little confused: "Zhu Fuzi's original intention ..."

He had just spoken, and someone shouted, "Slow down!"

Wen Suchen's face was pale, but he saw Fang Jifan stand up: "Zhu Fuzi is a saint, why do you have such disrespect when you talk about Zhu Fuzi?"


Wen Suchen is debating with others, of course his face is not good-looking, what is disrespectful?

Fang Jifan said sharply: "It's just not reasonable. Zhu Fuzi is also the ancestor of Xishan Academy. Up and down the Xishan Academy, everyone respects and worships the gods. I have been taught by Zhu Fuzi and we are all under the sage's door and under Zhu Fuzi. Our grandfather is so disrespectful, what does this mean? "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

I'm afraid that Liu * has culture.

Wen Suchen still didn't understand it, this man ... what shameless face did he have to say, wouldn't your face be red?

Fang Jifan listened to a lot of chatter, and he was really bored. He still liked his way. Fang Jifan said again: "Patriarch Grandpa is for respect, just like Mr. Wen, you say it and say you read Zhu Zi, then ~ ~ dare to ask, do you really admire Zhu Fuzi? "

Wen Suchen felt that Fang Jifan was troublesome, and he responded sharply: "I learned Zhuzi for thirty-two years ..."

Fang Jifan took it out of his sleeve, and a portrait fell into his hand. The portrait shook and opened: "You don't understand the respect of the teacher at all, who do you think this is?"

Zhu ... Zhu ... Master ...

It is a portrait of Zhu Fuzi.

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Although the painting is a little ugly, it is blamed that Tang Yin has gone to Ningbo, otherwise Fang Jifan guarantees that the people in the portrait will be handsome.

But everyone can see that this portrait is a copy of the Zhuzi statue of the twelve philosophers in the Confucian Temple.

"Do you always have portraits?"

"What do you mean?"

"Zhu Fuzi is the ancestor of our Xishan Academy. I, the late generations, should not only put Zhu Fuzi in my heart, but also keep them in my eyes at all times. Then let me ask you, you said, where are we from the apostasy, where are the students of Xishan Academy? "

Shen Ao and others in the crowd all promised: "In."

Fang Jifan said: "Hurry to salute the patriarch."

Shen Ao and others did not dare to hesitate, and they bowed down to the portraits: "I have seen the patriarch under the door ..."

Fang Jifan held the painting, his face sacred and inexplicable.


All of a sudden, the tea shop suddenly became noisy.

Many people do n’t sit and stand, this ... is n’t this nonsense?

But it's nonsense. People admire Zhu Fuzi and care about your farts. Do you always have a portrait of Zhu Zi on your body and regard Zhu Zi as an idol? Other students saw Zhu Zi and his old man and paid a visit. What's wrong? Find \ "cm \" or enter the URL :.

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