The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 598: : My Emperor Shengming

Liu Wuliu did not read any books like this.

And as a farmer at the bottom, he must have a bad smell.

For example, he does not talk about hygiene. When he sheds tears, he has to clear his nose, embrace Zhu Houzhao's legs, and put a nostril in his other hand, and then pull it away. Zhu Houzhao's pants are a little wet. .

Liu Wuliu also has a greedy side. He knows that this is a prince. With one word, he can enter Xishan himself, so he recognized Zhu Houzhao and hugged Zhu Houzhao's thigh desperately.

Liu Wuliu even had some vulgarity before he started a fire, and he used a lot of vulgar abuses, and used a lot of unsightly words.

But Liu Wuliu was dirty, greedy, and vulgar, but he was not stupid. He has his wisdom, he will use this wisdom to distinguish between a person's good and bad.

This kind of wisdom is different from Yang Ting's. His method is very simple. Whoever can feed himself, who is a good person, you can say that he is a saint, that he is good, anyway, Liu Wuliu only recognizes this Deadly reason.

Therefore, if Dagong can feed people, then he must be a kind person, like Bao Zheng, a person who can make decisions for the people; a person who is thinking of the people in his heart, and is on the stage, the great righteousness is awe-inspiring, blaming A faint gangster. In the words of a scholar, he is a saint.

Liu Wuliu burst into tears and decided not to let go. He was not afraid of Grand Duke at all. He knew that Grand Duke was different from other officials, and he would not blame himself.

"Dagong, if the villain can serve Dagong, he is willing to die. If he can serve Dagongong as a horse, the emperor will not change."


all of a sudden.

The hall was quiet.

Emperor Hongzhi seemed to have suffered a 10,000-point crit.

Is this ... to bully the king?

When the group officials heard this, some people changed their faces, and then shook their heads secretly. At this time, what can they say, not all of them, this is just a rammed goods, can you say what he is?

Yang Ting and stunned looked at all this. He found that the people who had previously spoken with him right away slipped away cleanly, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out. Even the ordinary people who had made good friends with him were also avoiding viper, as if hiding from the plague. , Dare not look at him.

Liu Wuliu said: "Emperor Duke, you are here, we little people, some people have the responsibility, you ..."

Emperor Hongzhi couldn't see it, and said: "I am right, Qing and others have been the villagers of Xishan since then."

Zhu Houzhao stared at his father, somewhat helpless.

But Liu Wuli didn't care about the man who claimed to be me, but still holding Zhu Houzhao's thigh, howling: "If others say it, it doesn't count. What Eun Gong said does not count."

"Okay." Zhu Hou said; "Get up, my pants are wet."

Some of Liu Wuli's talents got up and looked at Zhu Houzhao's eyes, all of them were shining, and the others ignored them.

They are countrymen, they do n’t understand anything, so they recognize this.

Dagong is like a big steamed bun walking around, wherever he walks, it can attract the attention of thousands of people.

Emperor Hongzhi was very emotional, and he was a little sour in his heart. What did the prince do, and he did n’t see how hard he was, and there were more when he was playing around. On the contrary, I am, everyone is called the emperor or the emperor. Master, or long live, he is diligent in government affairs, and he is still asleep at night, why no one is so grateful to himself.

But the emperor Hongzhi immediately became happy.

Such a son, Daming's foundation, will still be in his hands in the future. His son can be a prince, and his grandson can be relaxed. Exclusive exclusive pet: Ome Meng's wife Xiu Xiang wants to escape Feng Yan robbery: Lord's alluring pet concubine

Good thing!

All of a sudden, he was full of energy.

A few days ago, he was scolded by the group officials and could not lift his head.


Because everyone said that there was a gangster around the prince, there were still people who touted the prince as Yao Shun.

To be honest, this touted, Emperor Hongzhi blushed as he heard, not only overdone, but also outrageous.

So he did not dare to squeak, although he wanted to protect the prince, but after all, some embarrassment.

But now, Emperor Hongzhi laughed heartily.


I can hold my breath for a long time.

"I have heard that those who can suffer from the people and those who are anxious are anxious. Said the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors. All things are beyond examination. But Confucius highly respected the things of the Three Emperors and the Five Emperors. Heaven and man know the sufferings of the people, so Yao and Shun lead the world to be kind, and the people follow; why do the people want to follow Yao and Shun, because they have been educated? No, it is because Yao and Shun can let the people eat and drink, and then Educate the people so that they can understand right from wrong and know honor and disgrace. "

"Prince and Fang Jifan do what they do in Xishan today, isn't that the case? Look at these people, there are more than 100,000 people, more than 100,000 people like Liu Wuliu. Mining in Xishan is not because Xishan can dress them, feed them, and allow their children to go to school? Liu Wuliu ’s old lady is sick, he ca n’t ask the doctor for medicine, is it not filial? No, you ca n’t do it, you ca n’t do it. When Qing sees these people, doesn't she have a little heart of humiliation? On weekdays, she is preaching and saying that the people are suffering, and now the suffering people are right in front of them. And this Manchu dynasty is still arguing for Yao and Shun, this ... I am ashamed, and Zhuqing is only ashamed! "

Emperor Hongzhi pointed at himself, and at the hundred officials of the Manchu dynasty, and no one pulled it down.

Finally, his finger touched Yang Tinghe.

"Yang Qing's family said Yao Shun, so his mouth is open, and so is his mouth. Then Yao Shun loves the people, so that the people can eat and drink, and they can make sure that they don't leave the road behind and close the house at night. Isn't that what the Prince did? Then Yang What did the Qing family do? "

"Chen ..." Yang Tinghe looked pale.

Emperor Hongzhi stared at Yang Tinghe, his eyes refused to relax: "Please answer Yang Qing's family."

"Chen ..." Yang Tinghe thought quickly, he wanted to find something worth boasting, but it seemed to read a book, it seemed to speak out of justice, since he entered the official career, he first served for the Hanlin, and then entered the House of Chans, if there was anything really done There is nothing.

In the eyes of the emperor Hongzhi, the cold sentiment passed by: "Qing's family is full of economics, open mouths and benevolence, but nothing is done?"

"This is not a matter within the division." Yang Tinghe blushed and defended himself.

"But your salary is from a person like Liu Wuliu. The labor you enjoy is also obtained from a person like Liu Wuliu." The emperor Hongzhi has risen to the throne, and he swayed Case: "I saw this scene today, and I am still ashamed. People always say that I am a sage, but today I am watching it, and I am not as good as a prince. And you, as a famous minister, do you have no sense of shame? ?"

As soon as the word shame came out, Yang Tinghe's face changed suddenly.

For the readers, these two words must never be exported in person, saying that a person has no shame, which is almost equivalent to the readers scolding their ancestors for eighteen generations.

And if this remark comes from the mouth of the emperor, it is called Zhuxin, which is no different from cutting heart.

Yang Tinghe then had fear, an unspeakable fear that pervaded his whole body. Struggle 1981 Deep House Fascination

He hurriedly fell down: "Chen ... Chen Wan died."

Emperor Hongzhi looked at him disdainfully: "Fortunately, I didn't make you teach the prince."

Yang Tinghe shivered.

He knew ... it was over.

Your Majesty ordered it all the way to the end, but the attitude was already self-explanatory.

Next, if he wanted to retain the last decent point, he should know what to do.

Yang Tinghe suddenly burst into tears and fell down. At this time, his feelings, like Liu Liuliu at the time, showed a desperation. He choked with sobs: "Senior minister ... Nian is a lecturer at Hanlin, a high moral devotion, like a dew, a minister ... a minister ... "

He choked.


It is no longer possible to continue.

This is the rhythm of asking for a sergeant. The next step is to say that his subjects are old and dizzy, and he urges His Majesty En Junchen to return to his hometown.

Yang Tinghe couldn't say anything more than that.

This is no longer a matter of dismissing an official. If you dismiss an official because of a righteous speech, everyone will go home and raise it, but everyone will respect him. After decades, he is a good man. Awesome.

But now what kind of person is this? Was it ridiculed to return to my hometown with this shame?

Twenty years of cold window, after entering the official career, painstakingly managed, the organization is exhausted, and now, everything is in vain.

Yang Tinghe finally couldn't bear it, crying prostrately.

Emperor Hongzhi froze his face, before he could continue, he said right, "Okay, I am right."

Rarely, Emperor Hongzhi also had a day of anger, and he was so rude to treat his courtiers.

When Yang Tinghe heard it and looked up, he felt that his brain was buzzing, there was a desperation that everything was empty, his lips twitched, what he wanted to say, after all ... but he knew that the matter was no longer irreversible: "Your Majesty's Grace."

Emperor Hongzhi waved his hand, and Yang Tinghe had fallen into hell.

This time it was really hell, and it was not just that the Qingliu entered the dynasty as officials, and afterwards dismissed and maintained their watch, and then continued the routine of recovery.

Yang Tinghe clearly ~ ~ this walk, he can never come back, his reputation has also vanished.

He stood up tremblingly, looked around, everyone bowed his head, no one had mercy on him, many people who once sang Fang Qi with him, but now he was treated with cold eyes, naturally, no one pleaded for him .

He was greeted quietly.

He had no choice but to walk, staggering, and walked out of the Temple of Heaven.

"Long live my emperor, my emperor is holy!" In this silence, someone shouted suddenly.

This sound is very familiar.

Almost without going to see, it was known that this was issued by Fang Jifan.

So only the hundred officials who had their own concerns, but reacted, said one after another: "Long live my emperor, long live!"

In this countless praises.

The emperor Hongzhi's heart was a bit speechless for his mother.

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