The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 810: : Fair and comfortable

? The emperor Hongzhi is rarely proud of himself.

Even if there is something proud of it, it is just hiding it, eh, don't praise this bear child. Where, where, what can this bear kid do besides making trouble?

In the past, he seldom drank alcohol, only two glasses of wine, he became drunk, and his life was boring.

Therefore, the emperor Hongzhi brags about himself and looks around. It seems that because the ministers did not give him a satisfactory answer, he strengthened his tone: "Ah, Zhu Qing, let me see, my son-in-law spent thousands to repair the palace for me Thousands of silver. I do n’t demand you any more. Your son-in-law, willing to spend ten thousand silver, honor you? "


Liu Jian's ministers were speechless.

"Ah, speak, come, Liu Qing's house, you speak first."

Liu Jian glanced at the stupid lack of Fang Jifan, and said in his heart, Fang Jifan is stupid, and your majesty wants to make everyone in the world stupid?

If so, my son evacuated the house and gave it to others, and I killed him.

Liu Jian smiled and said: "Your Majesty said that his ministers are far worse than His Majesty."

"Yeah, yeah." In the temple, the pot suddenly burst: "Fang Duwei is really a man of God. Although I have a son-in-law, it is far inferior to him."

"Fangdu is a good example of his son-in-law.

"Your Majesty got this son-in-law, and it's gratifying."

Everyone was talking.

It's all boasting.

Emperor Hongzhi was very happy and laughed.

Fang Jifan is a bit ignorant. How can I listen, where is the praise, like a mockery?

We are all right, Ji Jifan, how come to you, always with irony?

Fang Jifan sat down and ate some wine with him.

But I saw many people holding their heads together, whispering in a low voice, could not help but sneer.

Even Xie Qian could n’t help but talk about Li Dongyang: “This son Fang Jifan used to think that he was very smart, but he did n’t know what medicine he took wrong. Did n’t Liu Gong have a son who got into Xishan Shuyan? Be careful, the so-called day defense and night defense are difficult for house thieves. Isn't Fang Jifan a big house thief? "

Li Dongyang only bowed his head and said cautiously: "Xie Gong cautions that this is the reason, but if it is broken, it is not a taste."

Xie Qian said with a smile: "It is extremely, very extremely."


Xishan Theatre Company was established.

Taking advantage of the west wind of the emperor and empress, who loved the Peking Opera, the whole Peking teacher's troupe was jealous.

On that day, many nobles were present, and now, remembering the mother of Shiro, many nobles are now discussing that Yang Shiro is so good that she has become a fashion leader.

As a result, Xishan Theatre Company received a list of talents, and many troupes wanted to come to surrender.

After selecting a group of young men with good voices, Fang Jifan ordered people to build Xishan Theater in Xishan.

Xishan is a good place. The most important thing is that it is only a dozen miles away from Daming Palace. Well, it is roughly between the fourth ring and the fifth ring. This theater troupe opened and wanted to come. Anyone who likes to listen to dramas Come here.

When people come, it ’s easy to handle. The farmhouse here can also be promoted along the way. There are also commercial streets, snacks, melons, teas and juices. In addition, they also sell ready-made clothes. Products, everything.

When the New Year's Eve is over, it's even more lively, and the lanterns are bright.

Fang Jifan led Zhu Xiurong to a high **** in Xishan, looking down.

It was snowy at night, so that the servants and eunuchs around them were all trembling coldly.

But Fang Jifan was full of enthusiasm, holding Zhu Xiurong's hand, her palm was slightly cold, so Fang Jifan held her face and looked down from here.

Under the mountain, there are countless lights, fireworks and firecrackers, like thunder, and the sound is endless.

Fang Jifan shook his heart and couldn't help saying: "It's really interesting to look at this world from here. These people are really terrible. It is they who have the glory of Xishan and formed the world of Daming."

Fang Jifan's eyes and stars are deep in his eyes, reflecting the brilliance and prosperity under the mountain. Fang Jifan can't help but his heart is surging. He is a man with a world of mind. The sense of responsibility passed down.

As it happens, Fang Jifan is such a person.

Zhu Xiurong has nestled in Fang Jifan's arms.

Although I feel that the New Year's Day brings me to this place, Sensenran always feels a little weird, but Zhu Xiurong thought, even if he was in **** with Fang Jifan, if there is something like this forever, what's wrong.

Although she is a woman and a mother, she still has the coquettish attitude of her daughter's family.

Fang Jifan wrapped her tightly so as not to expose her to wind and cold.

In my heart, it is very warm.

Fang Jifan still remembers that when he first came to this world and said the words to save people, he was rushed in by a swarm of bees, pushed himself down to the ground, and then a group of people grabbed themselves to get a needle.

That scene, Fang Jifan will never forget.

These words have been said by Fang Jifan and countless others, but these countless people not only sneered, but just smiled meaningfully towards Fang Jifan.

Only Her Royal Highness Princess Taikang, her wife, every time she said this, she always kept her chin gently and listened to her own words. Fang Jifan knew that in this world, only this woman really believed that she was a detached from the lower level. Interesting, I believe that I have a world in my mind, and I am making a living for the people.

Fang Jifan couldn't help but breathe, Tan Xing Zhengnong: "Look at the people, how hard it is, hungry and cold, even if they are barely full, entertainment is also poor, they ... they are like cattle and horses. But they are a group of cute People, even if they only accept a little gift from heaven, they ca n’t help but be thankful. They may not have studied, but they are more reasonable than anyone else. Therefore, people who are in high positions, if they are indifferent to them, they are indifferent to them. , Treat them as stupid people and unreasonable people. These people have no conscience. "

"Uh huh." Zhu Xiurong kept nodding in Fang Jifan's arms, and the bird was like a person.

Fang Jifan is very proud: "We Fang Jifan ..."

"Okay, okay, okay ..."

Under the mountain, suddenly boiled.

Applause was thunderous.

Even if it was on a mountain one mile away, it was shocked by the sound like thunder.

The movement is so big?

Fang Jifan was busy looking back: "What?"

That Wang Jinyuan took a dozen obedient followers, and followed him from afar, only to see that Du Wei and Her Royal Highness were here, and you dared not be too close.

Seeing Du Wei and the princess like this, this made Wang Jinyuan think of the yellow face woman at home. The yellow face woman and the princess have one thing in common, they are both women.

He also sighed with emotion in his heart, oh my, when the Chinese New Year is over, others are reunited with the family, but I am here to give a blow.

But upon hearing Fang Jifan's instructions, he was busy stepping forward: "Du Wei, what did you tell me."

Fang Jifan said: "What's going on is noisy, and the movement is so big, it won't happen."

Wang Jinyuan pinched his finger and said: "Nothing happened, Du Wei, you can rest assured that you want to come. It's the theater. When it's at the key, everyone is crying wildly."

Fang Jifan couldn't help but say: "It's so loud, like I'm going to die."

Wang Jinyuan was full of red light: "No. Every show in this theater is overcrowded, especially in the case of the United States. It is really hard to get a ticket, even if it is a standing ticket, it is impossible to grab it. The supervisor there, the captain did n’t know. When the **** was about to be chopped down by the dog ’s head, the cheers were thunderous again and again, especially when Chen Shimei said ... The roof tile was almost lifted up, it was really warm. "

The horse ...

Fang Jifan felt a little chill in his head.

He hesitated for a long time, could not help but whispered in his heart, these Diaomin killing thousands of knives, knowing to see such **** things, there is no appreciative vision, foolish! This is all right. In the future, your money will be pitted to make you a bull and a horse. There is no moral burden.

"Ji Fan, what's wrong, I see your face is pale and pale."

Fang Jifan: "..."


Forbidden city.

A troupe belonging to the troupe entered the palace, and a drama was also performed here.

Emperor Hongzhi accompanied the Empress Dowager to listen to the drama.

As it happens, the play came to "Beating the Golden Branch".

The show was being played by Guo Huang holding a steel whip and beating the princess. Emperor Hongzhi shivered and looked around, but he saw that the empress dowager and the empress dowager were still immersed in the play.

Women, it ’s easy to get into the drama, and they do n’t think deeply.

The emperor Hongzhi had many distractions, so he took the opportunity to walk out of the garden quietly.

Xiao Jing crouched out.

Emperor Hongzhi said: "There are too many elements in the storybook written by folk people."

Xiao Jing said with a smile: "But isn't it, how can it be called a play?"

In fact, Xiao Jing refused to come out a little, he was fascinated by it.

Emperor Hongzhi burst into laughter: "But I don't know, if thousands of years later, if the Hongzhi dynasty arrives in this drama, what would I ... look like, ha ... want to come, it's mostly like the emperor Tang Tang."

Xiao Jing thought about it ~ ~ embarrassedly said: "This, slave-servant does not know."

The emperor Hongzhi was carrying his hands on his back: "But I believe that justice is free, what the emperor looks like, after all, future generations will have a public comment. It's not too early, I can't listen to the drama anymore, let me go to the Pavilion. There are a few letters that have n’t been reviewed yet. There are also those who have claimed to be full of envoys and envoys. After hearing that I have paid for those who were in trouble, I seem to be very dissatisfied. I have repeatedly asked for summons, and I am thinking about it. See you in 1960? "

With that said, the emperor Hongzhi stepped away and headed towards the Nuan Pavilion.

Xiao Jing was very complicated.

This New Year, sire, why didn't you finish the play?

He was reluctant and looked back, but he swiftly followed.

"Your Majesty, wait for slaves."


The first chapter is delivered. It is a little late today, and there is a class in the morning.

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