The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 870: : My good grandson

Zhu Zaimo looked at the three masters.

It seems that at the moment, he doesn't quite understand. He just salutes three masters, which is what he should do, but why these three masters are so excited.

Zhu Zaimo mixed Liu Jian up, and Liu Jian was still in tears, excited.

He looked up and down at Zhu Zaimo, seeing that Zhu Zaimo was young, but his body was straight, and he had a few different demeanor. What Liu Jian could feel when he got up on his own was that this child actually had some strength.

The strength is not small.

He got up and looked deeply at Zhu Zaimo.

Emperor Hongzhi's mood suddenly felt like a cloud.

What a good boy ...

He smiled and waved towards Zhao Zaimo: "Moi, come, come to me."

Zhu Zaimo, however, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, Sun Chen ... remembered something else."


Zhu Zaimo said with a tender voice: "Student let Sun Chen give gifts to his parents in order to serve the parental grace. Sun Chen knows in his heart that it is His Majesty, Sun The minister then prepared a gift for His Majesty by himself these days. "

Everyone looked at each other.

With your own hands ... Prepared gifts ...

Liu Jian and others have already passed the happy look in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, Huang Sun had such a filial piety, it can be so at a young age, it is really amazing.

Emperor Hongzhi was even more ecstatic.

Haha, he actually knew that I loved him the most.

Good boy, really good boy.

Human expectations are different.

For example, Emperor Hongzhi gave gifts to his sons and grandchildren. Emperor Hongzhi thought this was a matter of course, and the princes and grandchildren accepted it as they should, and it should be.

But if his children and grandchildren give themselves gifts, the feeling is different.

In particular, the age of the emperor and grandson is so small, and at a young age, he can say this ...

In the corner of Emperor Hongzhi's eyes, there was a fish pattern, but at this moment, the fish pattern was actually filled with moist liquid.

Zhu Houzhao is also happy, look at my son, amazing, this is definitely a pro son, look at, look at ... eh? No, I am his father.

Before Zhu Houzhao thought about it, Emperor Hongzhi said: "What gift? Come and show me."

Zhu Zaimo then moved forward, along the jade steps, to Jin Luan, and Xiao Jing on the side wanted to lead him, fearing he would fall, but Zhu Zaimo said: "I can go by myself."

He walked steadily, and soon reached the emperor Hongzhi, and then he took a seal from his book bag.


At first glance, it is the material of jade material.

This jade seal is really big enough.

Zhu Hou took a look at it and said, "The ink-carrying ink will also be carved."

Suddenly, Zhu Houzhao was moved and moved.

Sure enough, he is a hero.

This palace will also have a seal, his own son is more powerful, how old is this, he inherited his father's career.

It's just ... this kid is ignorant, the father and emperor hate the private engraving of the palace most, and many times have checked out a lot of the inventory of the palace from the east palace ... you don't send anything, but you send this.

Emperor Hongzhi looked at the seal, not only did not look angry, but his eyes brightened.

He carefully held the seal as if it were a treasure: "Come, come, come, let me see what our ink engraved."

He opened the lecture, and then read the words one by one: "My Emperor Shengshou Promise!"

Emperor Hongzhi shuddered.

Stare at these six words.

These six words are very poorly written, meandering.

"You wrote it?"

"Yes, it was written by Sun Chen."

"Can you write?" Emperor Hongzhi stared at Zhu Zaimo.

Zhu Zaimo thought for a while and said, "Have you learned to write more than three hundred characters, does your majesty not believe it? Then Sun Chen wrote it to you, just say your majesty, your majesty is called Zhu Youxi, the word" 樘 " The most difficult to write. "

Zhu Hou Zhao said in his heart, the rebellious son, dare to call the father emperor's name, see how the father emperor cleans you up, this palace can't save you.

Zhu Zaimo put his small hand on the imperial case, and gave the emperor Hongzhi a stroke, with words on his side: "The left side is a wood, the right side is a hall, the hall words are three points of water on the head, a treasure cover, and then, yes Mouth and soil ... However, Sun Chen ’s name is more difficult to write, Zhu Zaimo, ink characters, black on top, earth on bottom ... "

The three of Liu Jian, with their heads up, the straight-forward Emperor Hongzhi and Zhu Zaimo, they were anxious and did not know whether the emperor Sun wrote in the royal case, right or wrong ...

Emperor Hongzhi saw the truth, not only did he write it, but even Zhu Zaimo's ink was clear.

Emperor Hongzhi thought hard, as if he was six or seven years old, and then he gradually became familiar with writing.

And his own grandson ...

He couldn't help saying: "It's good, it's good, it's good to write in ink, it's written like this, it's written like this."

At first sight, His Majesty was full of praise. Liu Jian and the three of them were relieved, and they really could write. They were suddenly excited again.

The eyes were full of relief.

At this time, Emperor Hongzhi turned his attention to the seal. Although the seal was carved, it was rough, but ...

Emperor Hongzhi sucked his nose.

Zhu Zaimo said: "Your Majesty can keep this seal well. In the future ... it must be used, and it must not be kept in a high cabinet."

"Why ... why?" Emperor Hongzhi stared at his grandson, his heart had already melted.

Zhu Zaimo said naively: "In order to carve this seal, grandchildren spent a lot of time, please ask grandma to buy a lot of jade materials, select one by one, and then, you have to write and engrave ..." He laughed. He stretched out his hand, a little hand, a little cocoon, but look carefully, the top ... there are some nicks.

Zhu Zaimo said: "Grandchildren sculpted for a few days, and his hands were hurt by that small knife ... all hurt ... Once, I also invited the teachers and nephews of Xishan to bandage the grandchildren."

Zhu Hou-zhao listened, and he was happy, yes, marking is not easy. At this point, this palace has a say. When I was practicing at this palace, my hand was really scarred. Do n’t mention it, it was all tears. .

Emperor Hongzhi's eyes were wet again.

Busy is holding Zhu Zaimo's hand and watching carefully.


Thinking of his emperor and grandson, giving gifts to himself, spent so much thought, suffered so many sins, in the eyes of the emperor Hongzhi, tears flowed uncontrollably.

This is his grandson.


"You ... you can't be so nonsense in the future, you know?"

"It should be." Zhu Zaimo said with a smile: "The teacher said that this is a gift to parents. The parent's nurturing grace is unforgettable, and His Majesty has worked hard to govern the world. It ’s nothing, as long as His Majesty likes it. "

A warm current has hit the whole body of Emperor Hongzhi.

All of a sudden, comfortable.

He was like a sweetheart, holding this jade seal and busy saying, "It's rare, it's really rare. Those who invigorate my family, also carry ink."

The three Liu Jian were also very moved.

Your Majesty ’s sentence, which inspires my family, actually has another meaning.

In this era, we are talking about the world.

A family with one surname is the world, and my family is called by His Majesty. It may be said that the whole world will be tomorrow.

Those who revitalize my Da Ming will be Zhu Zaimo in the future.

The three of Liu Jian, as if they saw the dawn, fell down one after another: "Your Majesty, this is the case of Emperor Sun Xiaoshun.

The emperor Hongzhi's excited face was red, and he sucked his nose again, and his tears and snot flowed out.

Instead, he felt embarrassed.

In front of the grandson, you can't be so gazed.

But when he looked up, he saw that Zhu Zaimo had taken a handkerchief from the book bag and sent it to him.

"..." Emperor Hongzhi was a little embarrassed, but he took the handkerchief and was busy wiping his tears.

Zhu Zaimo said: "Your Majesty can't cry, only Xu Pengju likes to cry his nose. His Majesty should talk about hygiene, and his nose should be wiped ..."

"Okay, okay, okay, you're right, I don't cry my nose, I want to wipe my nose." Emperor Hongzhi will wipe the tears with a handkerchief, Zhu Zaimo will take the handkerchief back, and then take the handkerchief very carefully Fold it back and tuck it back into his book bag.

Only these small movements are discreet.

But looking at Emperor Hongzhi, it was a completely different feeling.

Emperor Hongzhi gazed at Zhu Zaimo and pulled him into his arms, which was both touching and joyful: "I am old, look, my grandson ~ ~ is so big, I There is a good grandson. The seal you sent ... I like it ... I like it a lot. In the future, I have some books, and I will use this seal to seal it. Haha ... When I see this seal, I can see my grandson. , I want to keep it by my side all the time, even if one day ... I will die, and in this coffin, I will also carry this seal to bury, ink, I love you ... "

He touched Zhu Zaimo's face, tears in his eyes, and said one by one: "I have received many gifts in my life, but only this seal, I like it the most. You will be young The seal is engraved, great, great! "

Zhu Houzhao was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but want to say, Father Emperor, Father Emperor, and me, when I was young, I would also engrave it. I engraved it better than this.

But when you saw me imprinting, you raised your face to scold.

The three Liu Jian were also moved to cry.

"Yeah, the emperor and grandson are so amazing that they will still have their seals. This is not something ordinary people can do. The minister waited to congratulate your majesty and your majesty. He is so clever and clever, it is my blessing!"


Liu Jian knelt down and moved to cry: "The minister wanted to appreciate some of the seals engraved by the emperor and grandson, but also please see your majesty."

Xie Qiandao: "The old minister also wants to see."

Li Dongyang raised his head, his eyes were motionless, and looked at the jade seal in the hands of Emperor Hongzhi.

Emperor Hongzhi seemed a little reluctant, fearing that Liu Jian and his three would break down, but he still gave the jade seal to Xiao Jing. Xiao Jing took the jade seal and sent it to the hands of Liu Jian.

"Okay!" Just looking at the first glance, Liu Jian gave a good cry!

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