Chapter 49

The next day, the doctors of the Medicine Kingdom were “invited” into the palace by the king’s army. Because the king discovered this morning that he had a strange disease.

“My body is a little disobedient!”

His Majesty the King explained his condition to the doctors.

A doctor said: “Your Majesty! With my many years of experience in medicine, this may be caused by the rush of biological currents in your body.”

The king was taken aback for a moment: “The bioelectric current is rushing in disorder?”

The doctor nodded and said, “Yes! Our brain releases bioelectrical currents, which are transmitted to various parts of the body through the nervous system, conveying instructions to various parts.

If this kind of bioelectric current is disordered, it may cause the symptoms of the body’s disobedience. For example, when you want to reach out, the action you make is to lift your foot. ”

The king asked expectantly: “So, can this disease be cured?”

The doctors nodded and said, “Of course it can be cured!”

The king was so happy that he sent a lot of rewards to the doctors and began to receive their treatment.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, not only did the king’s condition not be controlled, but it also tended to become more and more serious.

His Majesty the King hacked and killed in the palace with a saber, his face was full of horror, and he shouted: “Come on, come on! Let me stop and help!”

Several guards in armor rushed up, pinned the king to the ground, and tied him with a rope.

The tied up king flew into a rage and roared, “Call me the doctors!”

The doctors who had treated him before were all called over, and His Majesty the King furiously: “What’s the matter? Don’t you say that this disease can be cured? Why is it getting more and more serious? You quacks, quacks!”

His Majesty’s spit star sprayed the faces of these doctors, and at the same time warned them sternly: “If you can’t cure my disease, then you won’t have to live. If I die, you must be buried with me! ”

His Majesty threatened the group of doctors, trying to force them to try their best to heal themselves. However, on the very night he finished the cruel words, he bit his tongue and committed suicide.

The crown prince ascended the throne.

The crown prince of the country of medicine turned out to be very unpleasant to the domestic doctors. Because he had a serious illness, but the domestic doctors were helpless.

Later he was taken to other countries and was rescued by an old doctor. From then on, the crown prince felt that the domestic doctors were all quacks.

Now that his father is involved, it is even more unpleasant for him to see domestic doctors.

“If the father had asked a foreign doctor to help him treat the illness early, maybe he wouldn’t have to die. It was all you quack doctors who killed the father.

Send my order, from today, no, from now on, expel domestic doctors. The country of medicine does not need these quack doctors and drives them away. ”

After the crown prince took the throne, he immediately issued an order to expel the doctor.

A nobleman next to him persuaded: “Your Majesty, is this bad?”

What if they are injured and sick without a doctor? This group of nobles is very afraid of death.

The crown prince waved his hand and said: “Don’t worry! I will hire excellent doctors from abroad to come to our country. We no longer need those quacks.”

Since there will be no extinction of doctors in the country, this group of nobles will not stop it. Ever since, the order to expel the doctor was carried on.

At the same time, those doctors who had treated the former king were also hunted down by the king’s army.

“Father said he wants you to be buried with you!”

For a time, the doctors in the country of medicine faced the disaster of extinction and fled in embarrassment.

Mochad is an old doctor who has practiced medicine for many years, and his medical skills can also be ranked in the top five in the whole country of medicine. Last time the old king didn’t listen to his body, he was also called to treat the other party.

Unexpectedly, he tried his best to treat the old king, not only did not get a return, but received an order to kill from the old king.

Mochad was already a little old, and his physical strength was no longer at his peak. After running for more than an hour, I started to pant.

Behind him, followed by a young boy. At this time, his face was flushed, and he breathed out tiredly, “Grandpa, I can’t run anymore.”

Mochad smiled bitterly: “Lead, we can’t give up! If we are caught up, we will be dead!”

The little boy Ride said with a bitter expression: “Grandpa, can we really run away? No one is willing to take us out to sea.”

Mochad said bitterly: “Grandpa is a doctor, and there will always be someone who needs us. It’s a big deal…”

Mochad gritted his teeth, his old face showed a firm look, “It’s a big deal, we go to the pirate, who also needs a boat doctor.”

“Are you doctors in the country of medicine?”

At this moment, a shout came not far away, making the expressions of both grandparents and grandchildren changed.

“Don’t be afraid, we are not the ones who are here to arrest you. In fact, we really need a doctor here. If you want, you can leave with us.

However, there are conditions to save you. You must join us and work for us. ”

A figure walked over from a distance and explained as he walked.

Mochad and Reed looked at each other, their faces were full of ecstasy.

“no problem!”

The country of medicine expelled doctors, and people sent by the Donquixote family were recruiting doctors. Although the two parties have not met each other, they have reached a perfect cooperation.

At the same time, Doflamingo joined Gladius and the others, and Cici was examining him.

Cici said: “You have a knife wound on your body, but the wound has healed. In addition, there are some minor injuries on your body.”

Doflamingo said: “That’s okay? I feel my condition is great.”

Cici took the medicine box and shook her head and said, “No, those minor injuries will also be dealt with. Otherwise, when they accumulate, it will have a huge impact on you.”

Doflamingo smiled and said, “For example?”

Cici said: “For example, when you are old, these minor injuries will explode together and have a huge impact on your body. You can only live on the bottle.”

Doflamingo thought of Whitebeard, not the current Whitebeard of course. It was Whitebeard in the memory of the traveler more than twenty years later.

Whitebeard and Garp Sengoku should be about the same age. But when they are old, their physical conditions are completely different.

Garp Sengoku is always strong, but Whitebeard takes a long time to move his hands. If Whitebeard had the physical condition of Garp Sengoku, the outcome of the war in the prophecy might have to be rewritten.

And the reason why they have such a gap is because compared with Marine, the pirates lack a complete logistics support and medical system, and they cannot receive effective treatment if they are injured.

Some minor injuries when you are young can naturally be ignored, but when you are old, those injuries will burst out.

Doflamingo shook his head and said, “Cici, then you can treat me well!”

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